Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 890 Said to be the old friend of the alchemy emperor

Chapter 890 Said to be the old friend of the alchemy emperor

Sitting in the carriage, Dongfangfeng was very curious about everything about the black market. It seemed that it was different from the black market in his impression, so he couldn't help asking: "Boss, what exactly is the black market?"

Ye Yuye took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "In the past, due to a fight, the natural ground changed, probably, it is now the black market."

Although Dongfang Feng already knew enough secrets, he still couldn't help moving his throat, and started a fight?Then there is the black market?
If you really want to talk about who the owner of the black market is, I'm afraid it's this senior Di Cang, right?
Shi Shi also listened with pricked ears.

Even the fat cats in the nest are the same.

Luanming flapped his wings and landed on the stone's shoulder.

Ye Yuye thought for a while, then put down the teacup: "This space is special when it is cut out, it is sandwiched in the star field, it will appear every time the sun goes down, and it will disappear after two or three hours. , it became a black market.”

Stone tilted his head: "Then no matter where we go, can we enter the black market?"

Ye Yuye squinted his eyes and smiled: "Of course."

This time, Dongfang Feng didn't make a sound. He continued to use his swordsmanship and silently entered the state of cultivation. However, he hadn't settled down yet, when a horse neighed from outside.

"Hey hiss."

Since the previous accident, the outside voices have not been blocked.

Dongfang Feng was startled: "...is it here?"

as predicted.

From the map, they did enter the Zhouling Tianfu area.

The moonlight is alluring.

The trees cast black shadows on the ground, swaying with the wind.

Zhouling Tianfu is a mansion.

Here, the person with the most noble status is the city lord in Tianfu.

Among them, they are in charge of many powerful families, and the Feng family is among them.

Ye Yuye and the others stayed in the inn and found out some news about the Feng family. Obviously, they didn't know that the Feng family was a direct lineage of the Yu family that disappeared thousands of years ago.

The green horse stayed in the stable aggrieved.

Early the next morning.

The green horse wobbled and rushed towards the Feng family's mansion.

As early as a few days ago, the young master of the Feng family returned from the secret realm of the Nine Palaces.

Tell the family something bad.

As a result, the Feng family fell into a slump.


Feng Qingfeng looked at the middle-aged man standing in the pavilion, hesitated for a while, and chose to walk over.


Feng Qingfeng stood behind the middle-aged man.

After Feng Mu was silent for a long time, he suddenly sighed and muttered to himself: "Qingfeng, can we really not go back?"

"It's been thousands of years. Every hundred years, the secret realm of the Nine Palaces will be opened, and we will send the most promising member of the family to enter the secret realm of the Nine Palaces. It seems that we have already regarded all this as a kind of expectation."

Feng Mu turned around and looked at the young man with complicated eyes, regretful and lost.

Not disappointed in him.

But the confusion about the future.

Since they left the Yu family, although life was hard, they would go to the Nine Palaces Secret Realm every hundred years to find the inheritance of their ancestors. In order to return to the Yu family and regain the glory that belonged to them, they no longer had the surname Feng, but Yu.

But now.

They don't even know what else to do in the future.

How to fight against those people in the collateral.

It was the first time Feng Qingfeng saw such a father. He was so decadent and helpless that he even lost hope in life. He lowered his head and pursed his lips: "Father, did I do something wrong..."

"No," Feng Mu shook his head, he patted Feng Qingfeng's shoulder, a little complicated, "

It's not your fault. If you want to say something wrong, it's us, our generation is too useless to let you bear so much, if it's gone, it's gone, as long as your generation is healthy and happy. "

"I don't want to do this," the boy gritted his teeth with a trace of hatred on his face, "Those people in the collateral are too much!

It was they who colluded with outsiders and seized what belonged to us. This is our family's revenge, and we must avenge it!
Isn't the meaning of our Feng family's existence just to take back what belongs to us one day?Even if there is no ancestor's inheritance, I will report it!Sworn to the death! "

"What's more," Feng Qingfeng clenched his fists, almost gnashing his teeth, and each word came out of his mouth, "Brother, brother was killed by them!"

He hates.

hate myself.

There is no way to hate him, there is no way to take back everything in the family.

Feng Mu smiled sadly, yes, he didn't even protect his own child well.

And right now.

Someone ran in in a panic, saw two people in the pavilion, and hurriedly kowtowed: "Patriarch, there are three people outside the door who want to see you, they say yes... they say yes, they are Yu Yong... the old friend of the Great Alchemy Emperor."

Yu Yongan?
Alchemy Emperor?

They didn't know, but the people inside the Feng family knew that the Alchemy Emperor was their ancestor. If nothing else, they dared to call the Alchemy Emperor by his name. Just because of this, the Feng family would not let it go.

Feng Mu's expression turned cold: "Who? Dare to call himself old friend with the Emperor?"

For them to close the house.

The Alchemy Emperor is their admiration.

Someone insulted the emperor at the gate of their Feng family, and they must not just let it go.

The boy was taken aback, as if it was the first time he had met his Patriarch so scary, he knelt on the ground and swallowed in fear: "

There is one, and the other is Dongfangfeng. There are two of them, and they have a child with them. They look very small. "

"Oriental wind?"

Feng Qingfeng's angry face froze for a while, why does this name sound so familiar?Moreover, two people with one child?Why is this combination so familiar?

Isn't it the three people I met in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces?

Feng Qingfeng looked at the boy, frowned and asked, "Is there another cat?"

Although I don't know how the young master knew, the servant still nodded honestly: "Yes, they have a cat, it's black!"

Feng Qingfeng had some doubts on his stunned face: "That's it, it can't be wrong."

What are they coming for?

He didn't seem to have told them, where is his home?

How did they know?
And why do you want to borrow the name of your ancestors?

Feng Mu frowned: "Qingfeng, do you know him?"

Feng Qingfeng thought for a while, then nodded: "Well, I met these three people in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces."

Feng Mu let the boy down, looked at him with a slightly serious expression: "Did you tell them?"

"No," Feng Qingfeng was at a loss for a while, "I didn't even tell us our home address, maybe it's a coincidence?"


Feng Mu frowned even deeper, and strode forward, leaving the pavilion.

"Come and see with me."

He wants to see who is the person who borrowed the name of the ancestor.

But when the Patriarch of the Feng family saw the two people at the door, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and when his eyes fell on the tall young man in white, a portrait flashed quickly in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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