Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 891 Junior Yu Mu, I Have Met Seniors

Chapter 891 Junior Yu Mu, I Have Met Seniors


It's very similar.

It looks very much like the portraits of their ancestors.

Feng Mu's body shook violently, and he stopped in his tracks.


Seeing him stop suddenly, Feng Qingfeng was about to speak, but saw that his father didn't say a word, turned around and returned the same way, and the place they went was exactly the bamboo forest where they stayed before.

Feng Qingfeng stared at the figure walking extremely fast, feeling a little depressed in his heart: "What's wrong?"

All right, what are you running?
You walked so fast, did you remember something?

Outside the Feng family at this time.

Some people gathered.

After all, the Feng family is also an authoritative presence in Zhouling Tianfu, so if there is any trouble, it will be impossible to hide it from others. Moreover, among the two people who came to visit the Feng family, there is a young man who is extremely handsome, and it is difficult to attract attention. Disaster.

Dongfang Feng looked at Feng Qingfeng who was coming, he was a little dazed for a while, and asked: "Why are you here?"


The guards guarding the door saluted Feng Qingfeng who came.

Dongfangfeng realized that it was no wonder he was so familiar with this name. It turned out that he was a direct line of the Yu family, and he was also the young master of this line.

Hearing Dongfang Feng's doubts, Feng Qingfeng was speechless. He frowned and looked at the young man in white: "This is my home, why are you here? How did you find me here?"

The people outside the mansion were stunned for a while, did the young master of the Feng family know these people?But thinking about it, that young man looks like he should be the son of a rich family.

Ye Yuye looked at Feng Qingfeng who came out, and there was a slight change in the bottom of his lazy eyes. He didn't expect that he was Yu Yongan's descendant, this could be regarded as a kind of fate.

Dongfang Feng looked at Ye Yuye next to him, then closed his eyes, without beating the bush, and said to Feng Qingfeng seriously: "Feng Daoist, my boss and I are here to help the Yu family."

"The Yu family?" Feng Qingfeng's expression changed instantly, and he looked at the two with more guard, "What do you know?"

He never mentioned it to anyone, how did they know?Those who are affiliated?No, it's impossible, they wish no one knew about it.

Who else knows?
Could it be that someone leaked the news?


Are they sent by collateral?

Perhaps thinking of this reason, Feng Qingfeng's attitude towards them immediately changed, and his words were sharp: "You used this trick back then, my brother kindly took you in, but instead of being grateful, he killed him !"

Dongfangfeng: "???"

Why didn't he understand?

Xu Shi saw the hatred in Feng Qingfeng's eyes, and thinking of what he said just now, Dongfang Feng vaguely guessed something, and said seriously: "

Fellow Daoist Feng misunderstood, we are not a collateral branch of the Yu family, my surname is Dongfang, and my boss was entrusted by the emperor to help you. "

Great Emperor?

The guard at the door had a strange expression on his face.

Feng Qingfeng's eyebrows became more and more tight, and his expression was cold: "There is no great emperor in the lower world. Even if you come from the upper world, our Feng family doesn't know any noble emperors. You have found the wrong person. You should go back."

At that time, it was because of the rhetoric of the collateral that his brother died.

He won't be fooled!
He must avenge this revenge!
Feng Qingfeng glanced at the guard at the door, and said: "Keep the door open, and don't let random people in."

Seeing Feng Qingfeng walk in, Dongfang Feng said anxiously: "No, we are really..."

Ye Yuye, who had been silent all this time, said, "Forget it, let's go."

Dongfang Feng held back what he wanted to say, feeling extremely depressed.

Was I being insincere just now?
Very sincere.

Did you say anything wrong?

The door is closed.

They... Is this considered closed door?

Some people who were still watching looked at each other in blank dismay. They originally thought that these people knew the young master of the Feng family, but the result was far beyond their expectations. Although they couldn't hear what they said, they could tell that the expression on the young master of the Feng family A little angry.

Is it because that person's words angered the young master of the Feng family?

It should be.

Otherwise, the young master of the Feng family who was gentle and gentle in the past would not be like this.

"Hey, hey."

The green horse moved its hooves and adjusted the direction of the carriage.


Feng Qingfeng would grind his teeth with anger whenever he thought of those people in the collateral lineage, but when he turned his head around, he saw Feng Mu came back with something extra in his hand, like a painting?

What is father doing with a painting?
He suddenly remembered that there was an attic next to the pavilion they were in before, maybe his father had gone back to pick up the paintings.

Feng Mu's hand holding the scroll was sweating nervously. When he saw Feng Qingfeng, his eyes seemed to have an unconcealable light, with excitement, nervousness, and faint excitement.

Feng Qingfeng was startled, since he told that incident, his father has never been happy again, but what's going on now?
"What about others!"

Feng Mu looked at the closed door, and there was a moment of doubt on his excited face.

Feng Qingfeng also felt puzzled in his heart, and said: "Father, those people were sent by the collateral lineage, so I drove them away."

next moment.

Feng Mu's complexion changed suddenly, and he shouted sharply, "Kneel down!"

Feng Qingfeng's body trembled a few times, obviously frightened.

"Kneel here for me, and I'll settle accounts with you later!"

Before the words fell, Feng Qingfeng felt a gust of wind blowing, and Feng Mu had already appeared at the door. When the door of the mansion opened, he saw the carriage and knelt on the ground without saying a word.

"Junior Yu Mu has met senior!"

He doesn't care about outsiders, his words are full of respect, and the admiration hidden in his heart can no longer be hidden at this moment, his eyes are red, "

Just now, he was a wicked and ignorant person, so I hope seniors don't care about him like him, junior, junior beg seniors to help the Yu family! "

With this sound came out.

Feng Qingfeng who was kneeling on the ground was stunned.

Others outside were also dumbfounded.

what happened.

Why did the head of the Feng family kneel down?

Aren't there just three people in the carriage?The oldest one is the young man in his twenties, senior?Who is the senior that Patriarch Feng is talking about?And the Yu family?
What's the matter with the Yu family?

Oh, by the way, the head of the Feng family claimed to be Yu Mu?Isn't he the head of the Feng family?Why is the surname Yu?
Everyone was stunned.

The spies hiding inside looked at each other, should they tell the Patriarch about this?

must be told!
The fact that the head of the Feng family is surnamed Yu is a shocking secret!If you continue to follow this clue, maybe you can bring down the Feng family!
In the mansion, the guards and maids were shocked and hurried to inform the others. Feng Qingfeng knelt on the ground, looking at his father who was also kneeling on the ground, his brain buzzed.

Why did it become like this.

He had never seen his father so respectful to anyone before. This voice seemed to be crying?

Who's in the carriage?

Can you make your father anxious like this?

"Hey, hey."

The green horse turned around and saw the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground. It snorted disdainfully, as if to say, "Why did you go, kneeling? Is kneeling useful? I'm leaving, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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