Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 893 You Should Call Him Grandfather

Chapter 893 You Should Call Him Grandfather

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows lightly, it turned out to be a portrait.

She forgot.

"Get up, stop kneeling."

Ye Yuye ignored the strange way those people looked at her, and stepped into the Feng family's mansion. Dongfang Feng bowed his hands to the head of the Feng family, and quickly followed Ye Yuye in.

Afterwards, Shitou learned how to look good and bowed his hand to Patriarch Feng, and entered the mansion.

Yu Mu took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. It seemed that his mood was getting better and better. He didn't care about other people's eyes. He got up and ignored the dust on his knees. Close the door.

The guards guarding the door were very confused, but they did it anyway.

The people who hadn't left yet looked at the closed gate of the mansion, fascinated.

The spies hiding among the crowd left quickly, and they wanted to tell the owner the news!This is shocking news!The Feng family is the direct bloodline of the Yu family!The head of the Feng family addressed a young man as senior!
If there is any reason.

Then this young man is very likely to be a strong man!
As for the appearance, perhaps some secret technique was borrowed to make the appearance not old.

After all, something happened to the Feng family!

Something is going to happen in Zhouling Tianfu!

After everyone left.

Qing Mamu stared blankly at the closed gate, stepped forward, and neighed a few times at the top of his voice.

What a fat thing.

How could these people forget it!
It hasn't gone in yet!

The guard at the door was dazed, apparently also noticed the carriage, a little embarrassed, what should I do with the horse?

The green horse stepped forward and stepped up the steps.

Attack the gate of the mansion.

Seeing the blue horse ready to break through the door, the guard swallowed. Thinking of his master kowtowing to the owner of the carriage, his brow was sweating, and he opened the door almost subconsciously to let him in.

The green horse let out a cry, appearing satisfied.

Pulling the carriage with ease, he wobbled into the mansion.

The Feng family mansion at this time.

The way they looked at the Patriarch changed.

It seems that the image of the Patriarch in their minds completely collapsed at this moment.

Right now, it is not difficult for them to see the Patriarch's respect for the young man, the faces of the six elders became more and more ugly, but they still held back their anger because of the Patriarch's face,

The Great Elder took a deep breath and calmly said, "Patriarch, do you know what you just did?"

"I know."

Yu Mu responded absent-mindedly, and tried his best to let the servants take care of the most comfortable courtyard of the Feng family, and even gave orders in the middle to entertain Ye Yuye and the others well.

The servants of the mansion were very confused, but they still did it.

Qingma also used some method to untie the rope by himself, and disappeared in a flash, leaving behind a carriage.

The guard pulled the carriage and left.

As for Yu Mu and others, they led Ye Yuye to a courtyard.

Originally, the elders and the others didn't want to go, but every time they opened their mouths, the Patriarch would always be absent-minded and perfunctory. He had no choice but to follow them with suffocation.

Feng Qingfeng watched them leave anxiously, only Hua Mengying abruptly picked him up: "Your father has forgotten you, go, I want to see what he is up to."

Feng Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

He also wanted to know what happened to his father.

a time.

The news about the Feng family quickly spread to the ears of several major forces in the Zhouling Tianfu, and even the mansion owner's ears immediately. He was extremely shocked by the matter of the Feng family.

The Feng family turned out to be a direct line of the Yu family!
Who is that boy? !

The direct head of the Yu family kowtowed to a young man? !

What is his identity?

Zhouling Tianfu is at best a small place in the entire Changxuan Tianyu, but the Yu family is an ancient family that survived from the ancient times. It has rich resources and many strong people. Even the palace master would not dare to offend someone like this. big family.

Xue Lang frowned slightly, and looked in the direction of the Feng family, feeling a doubt in his heart that was still unresolved: "Feng family, is this desperate?"

Feng Qingfeng followed behind them somewhat restrainedly, and from time to time he secretly glanced at his father curiously. It was strange that he had never seen such a father before.

Even if it was grandpa or great-grandpa, his father might not have been so respectful, but in front of this young man, his father regarded himself as a junior in every word and deed, and this young man was an elder.

He didn't even allow anyone to be disrespectful to this young man, even the elders in the family. He even allocated the best courtyard of the entire Feng family to outsiders except the main courtyard.

Fat Mao'er followed slowly, Shi Mao wanted to hold it in his arms several times, but it swiftly dodged it, flicking its long tail slightly.

Yu Mu saw Feng Qingfeng who was deep in thought from behind, frowned and walked over a few steps, carried Feng Qingfeng over like a chicken, apologetically, and said to Ye Yuye: "Senior, this brat is not sensible, When I go back, I will definitely take care of him!"

Feng Qingfeng lowered his head as if he had done something wrong, his pretty face was still a little red, he hesitated and said: "Ex, senior, I misunderstood just now, I apologize to you."

But when Yu Mu heard this, he slapped Feng Qingfeng's head without saying a word, and his face was thin and angry: "Stinky boy, did you call me senior! You should call him grandpa!"

Feng Qingfeng was stunned for a while, Grandpa, grandpa?

This boy looked as old as him, why did he call him grandfather?

This generation gap is too big...

Not only Feng Qingfeng was dumbfounded, but even the elders who came with him were also dumbfounded, what happened to the Patriarch today?Could it be because of that incident that the brain was stimulated?
Dongfang Feng, who was standing next to him, rubbed his nose. He suddenly felt that he was lucky, otherwise, he would call him grandfather, senior like Fellow Daoist Feng?Thinking about it now, how could I have the qualifications to be called Senior Di Cang.

Hua Mengying directly shielded Feng Qingfeng behind her, and frowned puzzledly: "Yu Mu, you can do it, what are you doing beating the child!"

Yu Mu looked at his wife who was angry at him, feeling deeply helpless, and he couldn't tell them the truth in front of his servants. After a while, he calmly cupped his hands at Ye Yuye, and looked at Dongfang Feng again. :"

Seniors, both of you, stay here first, and send someone to inform me if you have anything to do. As for the rest of the family, I will talk to them. "

Ye Yuye originally wanted to ask Yu Yongan where the ten acres of spiritual land was, but seeing the current situation, he gave up.

But that's fine too.

Letting Jiang Yi stay a little longer is always helpful to his soul, which is why she chose to ride in a carriage. It is true to see the scenery along the way, but it is only secondary. The main thing is to let him raise his soul well, which will benefit his future cultivation help.


With her temperament, I'm afraid she really can't wait.

 Grandpa Baidu means the founder.

  The meaning in the text refers to the respectful title of Emperor Cang

(End of this chapter)

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