Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 894 Are You Sure It's Him?

Chapter 894 Are You Sure It's Him?

It just so happened that when Yu Mu and the others were about to leave, Ye Yuye responded directly, with a calm and lazy expression: "It's okay, I'll stay here for the time being."

Yu Mu looked a little happy and nodded quickly.

When he turned around, the smile on the corners of his lips subsided, and he seemed to have turned back to the majestic and stable head of the Feng family. Hua Mengying, who was about to get angry, calmed down at this moment.

The six elders quickly backed away, also aware of Yu Mu's change.


The Patriarch wants to give them an explanation.

Yu Mu didn't disturb Ye Yuye and others to rest, and led them away from the courtyard with his hands folded.

The surroundings became clean again.

The courtyard has been cleaned by servants.

Those trees still drop a few leaves, though.

The outsider was not there, and the baby ginseng had been held in the stone's arms for a long time. Even if there was still an oriental wind, it couldn't help but get out of the stone's arms, enjoying the sunshine, and stretched comfortably.


There is also a swing.

Shi Shi grabbed the baby ginseng, rubbed its head, and took it to play.

The two chose a room each. Dongfang Feng originally wanted to clean up the room for Ye Yuye, but seeing that the room had already been cleaned up by his servants, he could only practice obediently.

And this courtyard is full of aura, which is very suitable for cultivation.

Ye Yuye sat on the table quite lazily, dangling an extra jug of wine in her hand, looked at the fat cat sleeping in the shade, she smiled, didn't say anything, drank the wine, looked at The leaves slowly fell to the ground, and were staggered and rolled up by a gust of wind.

Luanming flew to the branch and looked outside.

"hold on……"


The Patriarch of the Feng Family held an emergency meeting.

Only this time.

But they have to use the family order, which is only used when the family is in crisis.

Once this thing is used, the direct line of the Yu family will arrive in time, no matter where they are or what they are doing.

In other words.

The former Patriarch who has been practicing in seclusion, the former Patriarch, and the Grand Elder will all come back.

Although the six elders were somewhat resistant to using the order, they all agreed.

This matter really needs to be notified to the elders and the others.

The Feng family was exposed.

Yu Mu opened the family order, and at the same time, the three old men who were retreating near the mansion noticed something, and their complexions changed quickly, it was an order!

No, the family is in danger!

The three old men stopped retreating and hurried towards the direction of the family.

in the secret room.

Yu Mu set up a barrier around him, making it impossible for outsiders to enter. The elders and deacons of the family waited anxiously outside. Besides, Hua Mengying and Feng Qingfeng were guarding.

It seemed that no matter what, Yu Mu wanted to give the family an explanation.

The head of the family kowtows to a boy who is only seventeen or eighteen years old. If this word gets out, it may become a laughing stock.

Just take them as an example, I feel ashamed, let alone other outsiders.

Three old men came.

Two of them are the direct descendants of the Yu family.

As for the Grand Elder, he was the elder of the previous Patriarch's generation.

The reason why the Feng family can gain a foothold in Zhouling Tianfu is entirely because of the relationship between the three elders.

at this time.

A huge night pearl lights up the surroundings.

"Father, grandpa, grand elder."

Still holding the scroll in his hand, Yu Mu bowed his hands to the three elders who appeared in front of him, more solemnly.

When the three returned to the family, they didn't notice any danger to the family. Yu Jin looked at him with a trace of doubt on his solemn face: "Mu'er, did you call us here?"

The other two looked puzzled as well.

They didn't understand the situation, but they heard a little on the way back that a group of people came from the family. It seemed that Yu Mu was very respectful to them, but they really didn't know much about the specific situation.

But they know that using the family emergency order will never be used unless it is absolutely necessary.


Yu Mu knelt directly on the ground, his excited body trembling, "We are saved, Feng, no, the Yu family is saved! We no longer need to hide our names, we can be ourselves again, no longer named Feng, father, emperor Senior Cang came to save us."

The younger generation knelt on the ground, and the three of them were very confused. Even if Yu Jin was Lao Tzu, they had never seen Yu Mu give him such a big courtesy, but when they heard Yu Mu's last sentence, their complexions changed quickly.

Yu Yongfu narrowed his eyes, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and his thoughts were messed up: "Little bastard, what did you just say? Di Cang? Which Di Cang is it?"

Di Cang.

The surname is Emperor.

He had never heard of a family named Emperor.

What's more, it is impossible for them not to understand the word Di Cang.

In the world, there is only one person who dares to be called Di Cang.

Even a big shot in Changxuan Tianyu would be intimidated when he heard this name.

Although the ancient times fell, there are still strong people alive.

At that time, the word Di Cang was the feared existence of the entire inferior world.

Most of the gods and demons of the forces died at the hands of Di Cang.

But now, they heard the name again.

Yu Mu didn't make a sound, but lowered his head and rolled up the portrait little by little. He said, "Father, you gave this to me back then. You said that only the heads of the Yu family who are directly in the line of blood are eligible to read it. Tell me, This portrait is of the senior Emperor Di Cang in ancient times, he and the ancestor were old friends, and this portrait was left by the ancestor, so that we can pass it on to future generations."

Yu Yongfu stared intently at the portrait unfolded by Yu Mu. On it was a young man in white clothes holding a sword. He had a handsome face, indifferent but cold eyes, and the indifference revealed between his brows. The reason why the painter paints is still himself.

I feel the fear that arises from the bones, which makes people frightened.

A king who is like a king in the world.

It is also like a demon god from the abyss.

Yu Yongfu took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "So, you saw him? Are you sure it's him?"

And that voice trembled uncontrollably.

The other two stared at him with scorching eyes, not daring to be sure easily.

Di Cang.

If Di Cang in ancient times was still alive, the whole world would be in turmoil.

"Okay, it's him."

Yu Mu told the three people exactly what happened before, including why he came to Yu's house, and told them in detail.
Speaking of this, it is impossible for Yu Yongfu and the others not to understand that Di Cang owed his ancestor a favor back then, and he came to pay it back!

But now.

They still couldn't believe that the Emperor Cang from ancient times had not fallen, and even came to rescue their family.

Is this a dream?

But it doesn't look like it.

But it hurts.

The three old men squeezed their flesh at the same time through their clothes, and before they finished, they pulled their beards.

it is true.

This is not a dream.

Old Man Di Cang is really here!
not dead!
Even God's punishment can't do anything to him!
(End of this chapter)

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