Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 895 Dare to ask the seniors if they know the ancestors?

Chapter 895 Dare to ask the seniors if they know the ancestors?

The grand elder took the scroll from Yu Mu's hand and looked at the portrait with admiration. He was not a direct descendant of the Yu family, but back then his grandfather followed the direct line of the Yu family and left the family without hesitation, and established the Feng family.

This portrait was left by the emperor to his descendants.

He is not qualified to read it, but today, he feasted his eyes.

The portrait of Di Cang is something that many people dream of.

But today, he saw it.

even about to...

The Tai Elder's eyes were a little wet, and he tidied up the scroll carefully. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak. After a while, he returned the scroll to Yu Mu, and couldn't help asking: "

Yu Mu, he, does he really look exactly like the one in the portrait? "

The "he" he mentioned naturally refers to Di Cang.

The other two were also staring at Yu Mu, and they also had this doubt in their hearts.

Yu Mu nodded: "Like, it's exactly the same as this painting, and it's just like a boy. If you say you're 17, people will believe it."

The expressions of the three of them were a little different.

Di Cang looked like this in ancient times.

Now, it has been tens of thousands of years, and his appearance has not changed?

Still like a boy?
How powerful is the old man Di Cang?

Even if it is a strong man who survived in ancient times, his appearance has changed now.

But Di Cang still looks like a boy?
How this does not shock them.

They even began to wonder if this person was Di Cang, or Di Cang's descendant?
But they had never heard that Di Cang had any heirs.

But there are many women who once admired him.

Yu Yongfu was still tugging at his beard, and he didn't realize it for a while. After he did, his eyes sparkled: "Where is he now?"

Yu Jin also asked him: "Yes, brat, where did you arrange him?"

The elder Tai with moist eyes cleared his throat.

The three of them had an idea in their hearts, and they had to meet him with their own eyes!Only by seeing him can they confirm whether he is Di Cang from ancient times.

if not...

The complexion of the three of them changed slightly, isn't that very disappointing?

No, before seeing him, they must not jump to conclusions, they have to confirm it, if someone really fools their Feng family, then don't blame them for being rude.


There was a cold look in the eyes of the three of them.

If it is fake, they must not let this person go!
"They're in Lanyuan."

Yu Mu answered truthfully.

"Lanyuan?" Yu Yongfu nodded, "That place is not bad."

For the Feng family, apart from the main courtyard, Lanyuan is indeed a place with plenty of aura. Yu Yongfu originally lived there, but later moved out because of his retreat.

"By the way," Yu Mu said to Yu Yongfu with an embarrassed expression on his face when he thought of something, "

The whole family seems to be dissatisfied with me. About Senior Di Cang, I don't know if Grandpa can agree. I want to tell my wife and children. "

The three of them thought he was going to say something, but when they heard it, they couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded, but they thought it was true,
The majestic patriarch kowtowed to the seemingly young Di Cang in front of everyone. If they didn't know about this, they would be even more outraged than those people.

But if it was Di Cang, it would be fine.

Kowtow is a trivial matter.

Even if it is to sacrifice their lives and go through fire and water, they are willing to do so.

"It's okay, if he is really old man Di Cang, I'll go and explain to those in the family, as for your wife and children,"

The old man held his beard and paused, then pondered, "In the future, the position of Patriarch will always be given to his great-grandson. Naturally, this portrait is also for him, so it's okay to let him know. As for your wife, as long as she keeps the secret, don't tell me." Nothing."

Yu Mu nodded in response, and heaved a sigh of relief. This matter can be solved, otherwise there is really no way to explain it.

The three looked at each other.

Time to go check it out.

And this time.

In Lanyuan.

Ye Yuye lay lazily on the tree from the stage, covering his eyes with his arms.

And her other hand was holding a black lump, leaning against her heart.

Until the fierce sunset, dusk falls.

She woke up.

Putting down her arms and narrowing her eyes lazily, she leaned against the tree trunk, looking at a black stone in her hand, while her other hand stretched out into the void, holding a jar of wine, while drinking, she looked at it in a daze. With black stone.

Almost forgot.

Its name is Black Burning Stone.

Since she carried this stone with her body, she never left her body. Occasionally she would take it out to have a look, but when she thought about it seriously, she would find that there were many problems.

If Jiang Yi is the apprentice she accepted thousands of years ago, then he is over a thousand years old. With his current strength, although the Black Scorching Stone does not belong to the low-level world, obtaining the Black Scorching Stone should not hurt so much .

But at that time, his hand...

After Ye Yuye stared at the black stone in his hand for a long time, he couldn't help laughing.

This guy did it on purpose.

She had fallen for him.

She should have been angry about something like this, but she wasn't.

She was even a little helpless, and even a little distressed.

"Hurry up, wake up soon."

Ye Yuye muttered to himself.

next moment.

She said coldly: "Three, after peeping for so long, it's time to show up."

All of a sudden, the three divine senses that shrouded her body quickly faded away, and it could even be said that she was in a bit of a panic when she escaped.

His complexion was a little restless.

It's so embarrassing.

In order to spy on the young man, they used very little consciousness, not even the size of a fingernail, but he still discovered it.

Not to mention.

They haven't peeped yet.

The three old men appeared in Lanyuan in a state of embarrassment.

Sensing that there were three powerful auras coming here, the practicing Dongfang Feng opened his eyes and then closed them again.

The fat cat shook its fat little body, then nestled in the corner and fell asleep again.

When the three of them came to Lanyuan, they saw the boy on the tree. Because of the leaves blocking them, they couldn't see his face clearly, but they knew in advance that the boy might be the old man Di Cang, so they didn't dare to neglect.

So much so that the three strong men of the Feng family bowed their hands to the boy on the tree.

If outsiders see this, it will probably subvert their three views.

After all, apart from the patriarch, these three people are the only ones who are qualified to control the family, and sometimes even the patriarch has to listen to the arrangement of the three elders.

Ye Yuye frowned slightly, turned over from the tree, and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the three old men saw the boy's appearance clearly, their pupils shrank slightly, and their bodies shook violently.

Can't go wrong.

Exactly like the picture!
But the temperament is completely different.

This person is not as scary as in the portrait at all.

But for some reason, the three of them felt that he was him, even with different temperaments.

So... is he.

The three of them were struggling to choose between certainty and uncertainty, but Yu Yongfu calmed down a little.
But the voice was still trembling, with indescribable excitement, still in awe, still clasping his hands: "Dare to ask...Dare to ask if the senior knows the ancestor?"

(End of this chapter)

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