Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 897 The senior gave the task, broke through the 6th rank in half a month

Chapter 897 The senior gave the task, broke through the sixth rank in half a month
The three of them had sweat on their foreheads.

What was waiting was a word.

"You, can you break through to a sixth-rank alchemist tomorrow?"


Yu Jin and the Supreme Elder were a little confused, and when they looked up, they saw the senior looking at Yu Yongfu, let alone their two elders, even Yu Yongfu himself felt very confused, tomorrow?just break through?how could it be possible!
Did the seniors make a mistake?
Yu Jin looked at his father who looked embarrassed, wanted to laugh but couldn't, but even he knew that it was impossible for his father to break through to the sixth-rank alchemist tomorrow, so how could he explain it to him?
Yu Jin stroked his beard and took a step back consciously.

Never mind his business.

Well, let father solve it by himself.

"Senior, this..."

Yu Yongfu's old face was a little embarrassed, and he cupped his hands, "Senior, this junior was stuck at the peak of the fifth rank a hundred years ago. Although there is a letter from the ancestor, tomorrow, tomorrow really can't be done."

Let alone tomorrow, he won't be able to do it in a year.

"I can't do it tomorrow." Ye Yuye frowned, seeming to think highly of the Yu family, and was silent for a moment, "Then I will give you half a month to break through to a sixth-rank alchemist."

Yu Yongfu's old face suddenly collapsed.

Even the two people who were watching the show thought it was impossible, only half a month?It's a bit rushed at this time, I don't know if the old man can hold on.

A hundred years ago, if one breaks through to the pinnacle of a fifth-rank alchemist a hundred years ago, if one breaks through to a sixth-rank alchemist within half a month, even in the entire world, there are few such talents in alchemy.

But Yu Yongfu is really not a genius, because he is over 1000 years old, but he is also the most likely to break through to the sixth-rank alchemist.

And Yu Jin was around five hundred years old and an alchemist at the peak of the fourth rank.

As for the Grand Elder, although he is not an alchemist, he is a heaven-level powerhouse with a majestic existence.

This is why other forces in Zhouling Tianfu dare not provoke the Feng family.

Heaven-level powerhouses are the foundation of a foothold.

Yu Yongfu had a mournful face, but fortunately, with his head down, no one else could see his expression. He took a deep breath, and said with difficulty: "Junior... try..."

"That's all right,"

Ye Yuye lifted the wine jar on the table, stood up leisurely, and glanced at Yu Yongfu as he left, "

Although the sixth grade is not high, it can barely gain a foothold in the Changxuan Tianyu. The day you break through is the time to take back the Yu family. "

The sixth-rank alchemist is the ancestor of offerings in Changxuan Tianyu.

As far as we know, no one in Changxuan Tianyu has broken through to the eighth rank alchemist.

As for the Seventh Grade, it seems that there is currently one.

However, she didn't know who it was.

Ye Yuye left.

Yu Jin and the Grand Elder were the first to react, and quickly cupped their hands at the back. Later, Yu Jin pulled Yu Yongfu's sleeve to bring him back to his senses, and immediately cupped his hands at the back of the fast-entering room.

Yu Yongfu was a little absent-minded.

After the other two couldn't see Ye Yuye at all, they breathed a long sigh of relief. Although they were very excited to see their predecessors from the ancient times,
But this person is Di Cang after all, the prestige of the past still exists, even if he moves his fingers, he can crush them to death, how can he not be afraid.

However, they are more admiring than fearful.

Although Yu Jin wanted to take a look at the inheritance left by the ancestors, but thinking that his father would break through the sixth rank within half a month, his mood suddenly became brighter, and he solemnly returned the things to Yu Yongfu, and said: "

Father, the Grand Elder and I have already left the customs, you have to work hard in this half month, don't...well, you can't let the senior down. "

Yu Yongfu is getting old, and he feels this heartache.

The Grand Elder bowed his hands to Yu Yongfu, and said seriously: "Old Yu, I will take good care of the family during this time, so you should practice in seclusion and don't let your lord down."

Yu Yongfu: "..."

This is true!
Do you really think he can break through in half a month? !

Seeing Yu Yongfu holding the things left by the ancestor in a daze, Yu Jinyu pinched his beard and said earnestly: "

Father, you have to set an example for your great-grandson, with the handwriting left by your ancestors, I believe you can do it! "

Hearing this, Yu Yongfu snorted coldly: "It's easy to say, can you break through the fifth rank within half a month? Or, show me your breakthrough? Let me learn more?"

Yu Jin was choked up by his father and coughed dryly once or twice. Not to mention, he really couldn't do it in half a month. He reckoned that if he could borrow the ancestor's handwriting, he would break through five years at the earliest. Taste.

one day?
half moon?


But he can only pin his hopes on his father.

As long as he breaks through to the sixth rank, he will be able to stand firm in the Changxuan Tianyu in the future.

In fact, he was also looking forward to his father becoming a sixth-rank alchemist, although the hope of breaking through to the sixth-rank alchemist within half a month was a bit slim.

"Half a month..." Yu Yongfu gritted his teeth suddenly, resigned to his fate, "Okay, isn't it just half a month, I don't believe that I can't break through, you wait, I will show you when I break through look."


Yu Yongfu's figure disappeared in vain.

Take away all the inheritance of the ancestors.

The two looked at a child in the garden who was playing on a swing, the grand elder looked away and said calmly, "Let's go too."

Yu Jin pinched his beard: "It's okay to leave the customs, you can see how my grandson is doing in cultivation, Tai Elder, you can't let other people know about Senior Di Cang, this matter is of great importance, and the family must not add anything to Senior unnecessary trouble."

The Grand Elder also realized the seriousness of this matter, his brows could not help but frowned, he remembered something, and his face darkened: "

At this time, the head of the family should tell his wife and the young master about the matter of the adults. The young master is the future head of the house and it's okay to know this

But madam, she has a foreign surname after all, I will keep an eye on her during this time, and if she wants to leak the news, I will erase the memory about her without authorization. "

Yu Jin pondered for a moment and agreed.

The Grand Elder said it right, Hua Mengying is always an outsider.

If she really leaked something about her senior, then don't blame the Yu family for being ruthless.

Yu Jin frowned, hoping that his daughter-in-law would not do that.

The two then left Lanyuan.

Everything was as the Grand Elder said, Hua Mengying and Feng Qingfeng knew Ye Yuye's true identity, although Hua Mengying was shocked, she would not faint like Feng Qingfeng.

Feng Qingfeng was indeed dumbfounded and shocked.

He thought that the young man might have an identity, but he never expected that his identity would shock him so much!

Di Cang!

Emperor Cang in ancient times!
He didn't die!

Moreover, he also saw it!

Not only saw it, but also talked to Di Cang!
If this was the past, he would never dare to think about it.

After Feng Qingfeng woke up, he still thought it was a dream, until he reconfirmed with his father, his brain was a mess, and he was thinking about the stupid behavior he did before.


 Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah a lot of homework, so painful, so desperate

(End of this chapter)

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