Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 898 Visit by the Palace Master

Chapter 898 Visit by the Palace Master
That was Di Cang, but I almost regarded him as a spy sent by a side line, and almost drove him out to cause a catastrophe. Now that I think about it, I really feel ridiculous about my previous behavior.

He was Di Cang in ancient times, but he thought of him as a collateral spy?
Yu Mu still didn't know that Ye Yuye had passed on the ancestor's inheritance to Yu Yongfu, so his face became serious, and he said to Feng Qingfeng: "

Not many people know about this matter, only your grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-grandfather know about it, and you two. "

Yu Mu rubbed his son's head, looked up at Hua Mengying on the other side, "Mengying, you and your son must not disclose this matter to others, it concerns the entire family!"

Hua Mengying seemed dissatisfied with the fact that Yu Mu didn't trust her, but she also knew the seriousness of the matter, so she said seriously, "Don't worry, my son and I will definitely keep this matter a secret."

"However," Hua Mengying smiled in vain, grabbed her son's hand and moved closer, her eyes were shining brightly, "

Husband, can I go see Senior Di Cang?I didn't have time to see clearly at the time, but I read ancient books that Di Cang was not only the number one powerhouse in the lower world, but also had an extraordinary handsome face and a peerless beauty..."


Yu Mu probably understood.

Does his wife think he is not handsome enough?

Thinking about it, Yu Mu's face was still serious, and he patted the shoulder of the boy next to him: "Qingfeng, you go out first, I have something to talk to your mother about."

Hua Mengying blinked, looking innocent.

Feng Qingfeng nodded obediently, then looked at his mother, a little puzzled, but went out anyway, and closed the door of the room by the way.

The grand elder who was looking outside became complicated, and immediately withdrew part of his consciousness, muttering to himself with his hands behind his back: "These people are really bullying the lonely..."

"Hey, hey."

There was a green horse that was hungry and muddy, walking on the path paved with a layer of cobblestones, sniffing the grass growing on both sides, a little disgusted, but still could not help but sighed once or twice.


The green horse ate a few mouthfuls of grass listlessly, sniffed the surroundings vigorously, found the location of the stones and the others, and searched for them with the horse's hooves.

It just so happened that I was bumped into by the Grand Elder.

After all, he is a person who has lived for more than a thousand years. He stared straight at the sluggish green horse, and suddenly his eyes became straight. This is definitely a good horse!
When did the family come to this fine horse?
Although I don't know the breed of this horse, it will definitely not be much worse than the divine horse.

"Hey, hey."

The green horse raised its eyelids and saw a human flying towards it, so it didn't bother to care, and continued to walk with its horseshoes.

The Grand Elder flew back and forth, and stood in front of Qing Ma with a smile: "Ma'er, how about following the old man in the future?"

Xu Shi felt that the old man was too much of an eyesore, so Qingma glanced at him with some disdain, and called to him to get out of the way.

But who would have thought that Qingma thought it was his answer, the Grand Elder's face burst into a smile, ready to touch it with a smile: "

That's right, you have such spirituality before you are an adult, so you don't have to be so bad in the future, Maer, it's better to give you a name. "


Qing Ma snorted.

The grand elder was more and more satisfied with the horse, and wanted to name it, but the green horse spared him and was about to leave. The grand elder hurriedly followed, the green horse stopped, gave him a hoof, and fell into the flowers regardless of the embarrassment behind him The old man here ran away.

On the side, the servant who was pruning the flowers and plants was startled by the sudden sound of falling, and it turned out that someone fell in.
Thinking it was a newcomer who didn't know the importance of playing, he couldn't help being annoyed: "Which court are you a servant of, you are too unruly! The main court is a place for playing around..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

The Grand Elder got up and patted the dirt on his body, and just glanced over, the servant was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: "

The younger one didn't know it was the Grand Elder, and hoped that the Grand Elder would show mercy and not drive me out. "

"Don't do it again."

The Grand Elder stroked his beard and was about to walk away when he seemed to think of something and said again: "Remember, I don't want anyone else to know about this matter."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The servant kneeling on the ground nodded quickly.

The elder coughed a few times, looked around again, and then left. If the servant raised his head, he would see the most powerful elder in the family walking away in a bit of a panic.

another place.

Qing Ma found Lanyuan, saw the baby ginseng emerging from the soil, its eyes lit up immediately, it jumped up quickly, and turned over the wall.

Seeing it, Baby Ginseng made a face at it, and then got into the soil again, missing.

the next day.

Many people from powerful families wanted to visit the Feng family, and they also learned that the grand elder who possessed the strength of heaven had come out of retreat, so they didn't dare to act presumptuously.

It didn't take long.

Even the master of Zhouling Tianfu came to Feng's family in person.

At present, it's okay to see other forces in Zhouling Tianfu, but Xue Lang is the master of the palace after all, and the Feng family should give him face.

Xue Lang looked at Feng Mu who was approaching, and sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that the area under his jurisdiction still had the direct blood of the Yu family. He looked around the mansion, and it was no different from the one he came to before, but the feeling in his heart was completely different. .

The Yu family, at best, bears the reputation of the descendants of the Alchemy Great, but when it comes to blood, tsk, maybe there was some blood a thousand years ago, but now the blood has been mixed, and it has nothing to do with the Alchemy Great.

But the direct bloodline of the Yu family is different.

That is the descendant of the emperor who is serious.

It may not be possible to turn the tables in the future.

Of course, there is little hope.

Xue Lang put away his thoughts, smiled warmly at Yu Mu who was coming, and said, "I didn't know that Brother Feng is from the Yu family's blood. I hope Brother Feng can forgive my brother for being unreasonable if I offended him before."

prior to.

He didn't have deep contact with the Feng family, and even if he met, he was only considered a fellow Taoist, but now his status is completely different.

Yu Mu smiled, greeted Xue Lang into the lobby, and said: "

Palace Master Xue was joking, you are older than me, how can you call me brother-in-law, not to mention, my Feng family has been living in Zhouling Tianfu for so many years, everything I have suffered, "

His voice paused, "It's impossible that Palace Master Xue is not clear about this."

Xue Lang's face froze for a moment, and he sighed for a moment: "

I have heard a thing or two about what happened to the Yu family, and now I think about it, and I really feel worthless for the emperor. I think that the emperor gave countless reliefs back then, but I didn't expect that the Yu family was lost in the hands of his own family. "

During the period, Xue Lang glanced at Feng Mu's face and said, "

Those people in the collateral line are ungrateful, doves occupy the magpie's nest, Brother Feng is now revealing his identity, what's the plan?I wonder if I can help? "

(End of this chapter)

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