Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 899 Sneak Attack at Night

Chapter 899 Sneak Attack at Night
Yu Mu shook his head, and waited for a servant to come with a teapot and pour tea for the two of them. Yu Mu motioned for him to taste the tea, and said, "Don't bother Palace Master Xue, the Feng family's own affairs are up to you. Intend."

Xue Lang's face was a little embarrassed, and he felt remorse in his heart. He probably knew a little about what happened to the Feng family these years, even the matter of Feng Mu's eldest son a few years ago had something to do with him.

This time I came to the Feng family, not only to see the recent situation of the Feng family, but also to build a good relationship with the Feng family, but now that I think about it, I am afraid that they will not appreciate it at all.

As for the few words that Feng Mu just said, there is obviously something in the words, it is impossible for him not to understand.

The atmosphere was a little silent.

Xue Lang took a sip of tea, put the prepared things on the table, and said: "

I see that nephew Qingfeng is now a genius in the top [-] of the Tianzi list. As an uncle, I should give you a gift. This is a low-grade low-level exercise that I got by chance. It is called Mingying Leijue. This thing is a gift Little nephew's. "

Although the ground-level skills are only low-grade, ordinary families can't produce ground-level skills at all, and Xue Lang must have spent a lot of money.


Their Feng family also has land ranks.

However, the Feng family has always been an alchemy family, so there are indeed fewer skills.

Yu Mu put down his teacup, instead of standing still, he simply cupped his hands at Xue Lang and said, "I thank Palace Master Xue on behalf of the dog."

Xue Lang didn't care about it, and said with a relieved smile: "You are welcome, you are welcome. I think Brother Feng's son will be a dragon and phoenix in the future. Not only is he talented in alchemy, but he is also a genius in cultivation."

Yu Mu shook his head: "Although Gouzi has achieved a little bit, what happens in the future depends on him."

"By the way," Xue Lang thought of something and asked suspiciously, "I heard that a young man came to Brother Feng's mansion yesterday. I don't know who he is? Can Brother Feng come forward and introduce him?"


He didn't think it was a boy.

A young man, that would make Feng Mu bow down in public, even at the expense of revealing his identity.

Unless the person is unusual.

It was fine if Xue Lang didn't ask, but after this question, Yu Mu's expression changed. If he was expressionless before, he was a little cold now.

"If Palace Master Xue came here for this matter, please come back."

This sentence is obviously an order to evict customers.

Xue Lang was dumbfounded.

Outside, the grand elder who was fishing by the lake nodded in satisfaction, um, that's the right thing to do.

He still doesn't pay attention to the palace master of a mere Tianfu.

Want to inquire about the adults?
Dream it.

The grand elder hummed a little song, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait.

As expected, these news will soon reach the ears of those in the collateral line.

It would be great if Mr. Yu could break through to the sixth rank within half a month.

Xue Lang didn't ask about the boy's background, but based on the attitude of the Feng family, it can be concluded that the boy's background is extraordinary.

As for why Feng Mu was called a young senior, Xue Lang should have two answers, but that answer was too unbelievable, and it was only fleeting, and he didn't think about it in this direction.

That's right, how could it be possible for a young man who is older than Feng Mu? According to him, even a strong man should not look like a young man, unless he is an untouchable strong man.

But how could such an important person appear in the Feng family, the family directly related to the Yu family.

Therefore, Xue Lang only thought that the young man's family had a strong background.

That's it.

The two chatted for a while, but there was really nothing to talk about, Xue Lang had no choice but to leave, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, not only did he not ask who that person was, but he also used his own low-level exercises.

Ever since Yu Mu learned that Di Cang brought back the inheritance of his ancestors, his whole body has gradually improved, even his complexion has improved, and he feels full of confidence in the future.

With the predecessors and the inheritance left by the ancestors, they will definitely be able to take back everything that belongs to them!
I just don't know if my great-grandfather can break through to the sixth rank within half a month.

"Have you heard? The Feng family in Zhouling Tianfu is the direct blood of the Yu family that disappeared thousands of years ago!"

"What?! There's such explosive news! Are you sure? Are you sure? Wait for me, I'll tell my family right away!"

"Thousands of years ago, how many years, how many 1000 years? I thought the direct line of the Yu family was dead!"

"That's right, many people think that the direct lineage of the Yu family is dead, what the fuck, they changed their surnames and hid in the Tianfu of Zhouling!"

"If the Yu family finds out about this, I'm afraid," someone shook his head, "tsk, the direct line of the Yu family is about to end."

"The Feng family is just an alchemy family in the Zhouling Tianfu, and it is nothing at all in the entire Changxuan Tianyu.
But the Yu family is placed in the star field. Although it is not a powerful family, it can be regarded as a family of alchemy power. The Feng family, the direct blood of the Yu family, may have a difficult life in the future. "

"It's not a hard life. Will those members of the Yu family let them go? Impossible. You let them continue to be a collateral branch of the Yu family that has been in charge for so long? If it were me, I wouldn't want to either. So, the direct lineage of the Yu family will die."


Almost every teahouse and restaurant is talking about it.

What's interesting is that the current Patriarch of the Yu family actually knelt down a young man in public. Of course, they don't know whether the truth of this matter is true or not. In short, it's just gossip for entertainment.

Whether it's true or not, I don't care.

The Feng family, as usual.

Ever since Yujin spoke in person, he gradually didn't care about the patriarch bowing down to the boy, and the family returned to normal.
However, people in the family can be seen smiling all day long, looking in a good mood, not as depressed as before, making the servants in the family breathless.

Occasionally, I can still see the former head of the family and the grand elder sitting by the pond fishing, if it were changed to before, it would not have existed at all.

It is impossible for the six elders to be unaware of the changes in the family, but they might have something to do with that young man. Of course, they don't know what it is.

It's just that I'm a little worried, whether those collateral people will come to the door, if they really come, I don't know if the elder can stand it.

Ever since he knew that Ye Yuye was Di Cang, Feng Qingfeng often ran to Lanyuan, showing him extreme respect and even admiration.

If it were my great-grandfather, he would not be treated this way.

One night, the resting elder suddenly opened his eyes, shooting out a killing intent, a terrifying breath came out of his body, and the air wave rolled.

"Wait no matter who you are, if you break into Feng's house, you will die!"

The elder's angry voice was enough to startle the entire family.

Someone sneak attack?

who is it?

Was it sent by the side branch?
The six elders in the family were worried. As for the servants, although they didn't know what was going on in the family, they knew that the family was in trouble.

 Hey, it’s finally Friday, a lot of homework, three big homework, and one original painting, finished this week, I’m going to die, so much homework, my eyes hurt from time to time
  There is a [good duck] little daughter-in-law who celebrates her birthday today, wish her a happy birthday
(End of this chapter)

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