Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 900 The Genius of Changtian Academy

Chapter 900 The Genius of Changtian Academy

In the past few days, there have been quite a few people who have attacked the Feng family, and everyone in the family can basically guess who sent those people.

A collateral branch of the Yu family.

Only a collateral branch would go to great lengths to investigate the situation of the Feng family.

Facts have proved that the Feng family has a strong man with the strength of the heavens sitting in charge.

Because among the people sent out, there were still a few strong men with earth-level strength, but they were all killed by the elders, and no one was left alive.

For a while, the person sent out didn't come back, and the whole Yu family panicked. They were afraid that the position they had sat for many years would be snatched back. After all, the direct line of the Yu family is also the descendant of the alchemy emperor.

In this way, the direct bloodline must be eradicated as soon as possible.

The Grand Elder was fishing, and absent-mindedly pinched his fingers to make the calculations, and muttered to himself: "It's still five days away from half a month. I don't know if Mr. Yu can break through to the sixth rank in these five days..."

I'm just afraid, those people can't do it in secret, but if you think about it clearly, it's not impossible, and the current Feng family can't fight against those people in the collateral line.

However, as long as there is senior Di Cang in the family, it's okay for those people in the collateral line not to pay attention to it during this time.

But they have already troubled his old man enough, and it would be a pity to trouble them again, a little ashamed, ashamed of the sustenance of the ancestor.

Besides, you have to rely on yourself for everything.

You can't let Di Cang and his old man help you with everything.

If Di Cang leaves in the future, they still have no achievements, so what is the difference from the previous family, and what is the difference from the mud not being able to support the wall.

So, you still have to rely on yourself.

In order to prevent other people from disturbing Di Cang, the Grand Elder specially set up barriers around him, and as for the killers sent by the sidelines, they were all dealt with by the Grand Elder.

In his free time, he fished with Yu Jin, waiting for Yu Yongfu to leave the customs.

Ye Yuye opened the door and slept comfortably. His heart moved and he looked into another closed room. Through that door, it seemed that the young man who was practicing on the bed hadn't noticed that the breath on his body had passed away. Give way.


Ye Yuye slightly raised his eyebrows, it's okay.

When she came under the tree, the leaves rustled, and a black shadow rushed out. Ye Yuye stretched out his hand to hold it in his arms, and the fat cat rubbed it comfortably.

"Young master! You are up!"

In the past few days, Feng Qingfeng ran to Lanyuan almost every day. When he saw the young man in white in the garden, he waved excitedly and ran into the yard.

Not long after entering, he noticed a wave of air tumbling and spreading in the air. Is this a breakthrough?Feng Qingfeng was a little surprised.

He didn't know much about Dongfang Feng, but he remembered that Dongfang Feng had already broken through the peak of the third heaven of the Xuan rank when he came here a few days ago, and now, he has broken through the fourth heaven.

Is Dongfang Feng very talented?
Why didn't it appear in the Tianzi list?
But thinking that Dongfangfeng seems to recognize the young master as the boss, it's normal for this talent to be strong, and it's strange if it's not normal.


An excited voice came from the room, and Dongfangfeng opened the door and ran over excitedly, "I have broken through! I have entered the realm of the fourth heaven!"

However, the sound soon disappeared.

When Dongfang Feng saw Feng Qingfeng coming, he looked a little embarrassed, coughed dryly, and cupped his hands in a calm posture: "Fellow Daoist Qingfeng."

He had always called Feng Qingfeng "Feng Daoyou" before, but after learning that he was of the blood of the Yu family, it was difficult to call him "Feng Daoyou".


Feng Qingfeng smiled at him, and said in return, "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Dongfang, for breaking through the fourth heaven. If there is no accident, you will catch up with me soon."

Hearing this, Dongfang Feng shook his head: "Fellow Daoist Qingfeng is already a cultivator at the lower level, I have just stepped into the fourth heaven, and there is still a long way to go to break through the lower level."

This is true, after all, he is only the fourth heaven now, and there are fifth heavens, sixth heavens, and even eighth heavens.

However, he believes that day is not too far away.

The two chatted for a while, Feng Qingfeng looked at the boy who was holding a fat cat, and then he took out the thing and put it on the table, saying: "

These are the clothes prepared for the two of you, and the young master ordered me to inquire about them. I found out that Changtian Academy is currently ranked high in the entire star field.

However, due to the suppression by other forces in recent years, the academy is far worse than before. The academy is now taken over by Venerable Xiuran. A hundred years ago, his cultivation level has entered the eighth level of heaven. It is also because of this that other forces are so afraid of the academy! "

"Master Xiuran?"

Ye Yuye thought about it, but he wasn't very familiar with it.

Dongfangfeng asked aloud: "Fellow Daoist Qingfeng, what is the origin of this Venerable Xiuran?"

Seeing the doubt in Dongfang Feng's eyes, Feng Qingfeng explained: "The Changtian Profound Realm is not like the other star regions, Ninghe, it has three lists, namely the Tiandi Zi List, and the Powerful List.

Venerable Xiuran in the academy is ranked fourth on the strong list!Those who are far above him are other powerhouses who have broken through the eighth heaven. "

Dongfang Feng was stunned, a little surprised: "I didn't expect Changtian Academy to be so powerful!"

Venerable Xiuran, who is on the list of the strong, sits in town, no wonder Changtian Academy has stood firm for a long time.

Feng Qingfeng's mood was a bit complicated: "Changtian Academy is not only powerful, it was the most powerful back then, but after several twists and turns, several accidents happened."

"What do you think."

Ye Yuye sat under the tree with a calm expression, holding Fat Cat in his arms, and motioned Feng Qingfeng to continue.

Her words sounded like chicken blood in Feng Qingfeng's ears, and he cheered up: "

It's a long story. 3000 years ago, a genius came to Changtian Academy. Of course, he was very low-key, and everyone thought he was ordinary.
So no one paid attention to him until one time he entered the secret realm and killed hundreds of disciples from various major forces!Only then did his reputation spread! "

"so smart?!"

Dongfang Feng was astonished, and hurriedly asked, "How old was that person at that time?"

Feng Qingfeng hesitated for a while: "This incident is very strange. It is said that it was a child who was only five or six years old, but I think it is false. How could a child kill hundreds of cultivators, and there are still some There's a lot of talent."

"How is it possible that he is only a five or six-year-old child?" Dongfang Feng became a little astonished. After thinking about it, he felt unbelievable, and shook his head, "

I think it is also fake, this matter cannot be taken seriously, a five or six-year-old child is so strong, this is too shocking. "

Feng Qingfeng nodded empathetically, and looked at Dongfang Feng. His eyes were a little burning, and he was serious as if he had found a confidant: "

I also think that a child of five or six years old is so strong, it is simply appalling, he is not going to let us people live, I think that genius is at most in his 20s. "

(End of this chapter)

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