Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 901 That person's name is Jiang Ye!

Chapter 901 That person's name is Jiang Ye!
After all, the young master is Emperor Cang in ancient times. If one talks about his seniority, he has to be called grandfather. However, Dongfang Feng is different. He is about the same age as him, so we can chat easily, and he is not so restrained.

It seems that in Feng Qingfeng's eyes, Dongfang Feng's talent is similar to his, and he is not the kind of genius who overlooks everything, so he has found a confidant and embraced him.

While the two were chatting, only one of them had a strange expression on his face.


Ye Yuye thought about it seriously for a while, about 3000 years ago, when he entered the academy, he was too weak and turned into a child.

The time and identity are almost the same, the person Feng Qingfeng mentioned is probably himself.

The stone who was playing next to him moved his ears, and his bright eyes showed confusion. Could it be that the child they were talking about was the master?

Dongfangfeng also felt that what Feng Qingfeng said was reasonable, it is impossible for him to have that kind of genius, stronger than the boss?impossible.

In his heart, his boss is the strongest.

Afterwards, he questioned: "Then what happened later, what happened to the genius that day?"

When Feng Qingfeng thought about what the man said to him, he inevitably felt mixed emotions. After thinking about it, he said to Dongfang Feng: "

He killed the geniuses of the major forces, and those people would naturally not let them go. Changtian Academy became a thorn in the eyes of the major forces, and the geniuses became unpopular in the academy that day.
I think it should be because they are afraid that they themselves will be involved. Later, the major forces crusade against the academy, hoping that the academy will hand over that day,
At the same time, other people in the academy also put pressure on the academy, hoping to hand over the genius and quell the anger of the major forces. "

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows, closed his eyes and scratched the fat cat's chubby chin, the fat cat squinted and purred comfortably.

Dongfang Feng couldn't help but frowned, "Other people? Those people in the academy are a bit too much, but he is a member of the academy, so what's the difference between doing this and those sanctimonious guys?!"

Feng Qingfeng looked serious: "That genius rarely receives attention in the academy, which means he won't cause trouble. He entered the secret realm and killed hundreds of people.
Obviously, there is a possibility that they did something to make him angry. At that time, the incident was so big that everyone thought that he should be handed over to the academy to live.
But in the academy, there are still some people who feel that they should not hand it over. One of them is the most powerful head of the academy. Later, the head of the academy came forward to quell the turmoil in the academy. Although those people seemed to obey, but this I don't think so in my heart,

But who would have thought that that genius had left the academy long ago, and a few days later, the entire star field received the shocking news that all the people who wanted to kill him were dead, yes, those big powerful families!All dead!Not one left! "

"Won't be killed by him?"

Dongfang Feng's face showed horror. It is impossible for him not to understand what he said.

With just one person's power, he killed all the people from all major forces?

How on earth did this person do it?
At this moment, he didn't even think that it was a child. Can a child destroy many powerful families?


No one can do it.

Dongfang Feng couldn't help asking: "What happened later? Did he come back?"

Feng Qingfeng nodded: "I'm back, and I'm back at the academy."

It's strange to say that it doesn't matter if he doesn't go to an academy like this, but why does he want to go back?
Is it because there are other people in the academy who support him?

Maybe only that person knew it in his heart.

"What's the name of that genius? What happened afterwards?"

Dongfangfeng still seemed to want to know about that person, and he felt itchy, he had to ask clearly before he would stop.

"That person's name is Jiang Ye!"

Feng Qingfeng thought for a while, then shook his head, "I don't know anything about this matter, and I found out about it from a blind old man. He didn't tell me what happened next, but I know, because That Jiang Ye, Changtian Academy became the strongest force in the star field."

"Jiang Ye..."

Ye Yuye did not know when he took out a jug of wine, and took out a glass cup specially for wine, and sipped.

This is probably the name I originally gave.

Regarding the incident that Feng Qingfeng said, she still had some impressions in her memory, but she couldn't remember the reason why she killed those people.

Perhaps, as they said, those people provoked her.

Ye Yuye frowned slightly.

But it gave her a very bad feeling, and it seemed that something was not right, which made her uncomfortable.

Can't ask the answer, Dongfang Feng's heart is a little blocked, it feels like he suddenly became interested, but was beaten again in the end.



It is this feeling.

Feng Qingfeng looked respectfully at Ye Yuye who was having a drink, somehow, he seemed to see the young master's eyebrows furrowed, and even his voice became cautious: "

Young Master, it is less than half a month before Changtian Academy starts to register, when do you plan to go? "

In this way, he can also report to his family.

Ye Yuye put the glass cup twisted between two fingers on the table, stretched his frowning brows, and said, "No rush, we'll talk about it when we get the spiritual soil."

Hearing this, Feng Qingfeng's expression became a little embarrassed. After all, this spiritual soil was lost in their hands. He coughed a few times and said seriously: "

Young master, it is still a bit far from the place where Changtian Academy registered. It would take about five days to drive by horse-drawn carriage, but there is a formation master in the family. If you use the teleportation formation, you can arrive the next day. "

At this moment, Dongfangfeng's voice came: "Fellow Daoist Qingfeng doesn't know something, we don't need a teleportation array."


However, thinking that the young master is a person from the ancient times, Feng Qingfeng quickly reacted and smiled at him, "

That's good, my father and the others ordered me to tell the son academy the registration time, and now I can also report to them. "

After finishing speaking, Feng Qingfeng stood up, bowed to Ye Yuye, and said goodbye to Dongfang Feng. When he raised his head, a shadow suddenly flashed in front of him, and he frowned suspiciously.

Strange to say, every time he came to Lanyuan, he would see something flashing in front of his eyes, and when he looked at it again, it disappeared again.

The green horse chief neighed, and excitedly arched on the ground. After a while, he ran to other places to arch, not feeling tired at all.

Somewhere, the baby ginseng with its head protruding from the soil gave a disdainful look at the wagging tail at the horse's buttocks, snorted a few times, and escaped into the soil again.

After Feng Qingfeng left, Dongfang Feng was not idle either, he asked Ye Yuye about the sword technique, and then went to practice by himself.

As for Ye Yuye himself, he drank for a while, then went back to sleep.

There are two days left before the half moon!
The members of the Feng family were both anxious and looking forward to it.


They had a little hope in their hearts that Yu Yongfu would break through to the sixth rank.

 There are secrets in these two chapters.

  take a guess



(End of this chapter)

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