Chapter 902 The Blind Old Man

Seal the back of the mountain.

It has always been a place where people seldom go.

Because most of the time is reserved for the three elders to retreat and practice, unless there is something urgent, they must not be disturbed.

The grand elder rushed over and saw the old man in front of him. He paused a little and looked towards the valley: "Yu Jin, how are you?"

"No," Yu Jin's voice paused, his face was a little worried, hesitating, "

There is no news of a breakthrough, as usual, Tai Elder, you think father won't take a nap, right? "

When the grand elder heard this, he found a random place and sat down, shook his head and said, "Your father is not so lenient, I think he is probably so worried that he can't sleep, and he is thinking about how to break through to the sixth rank."

If it was him who broke through, it would most likely be like that.

Fortunately, fortunately, he is not an alchemist.

The grand elder let out a long sigh of relief, and his expression returned to his usual calmness: "

In the past half a month, the gang of collaterals has hired a total of 26 killers, and there are six more from the collateral side. I'm afraid they won't let it go, the family has to figure out how to deal with it. "

Knowing the seriousness of the situation, Yu Jin frowned solemnly: "How strong are these people?"

The Grand Elder looked at the valley in front of him: "These people were sent out at first to test the family, and most of the earth-level cultivators who came later came to kill people, but they didn't know that the old man came out of retreat."

Thinking of the tragic death of the patriarch's eldest son at the hands of a collateral person during his retreat, the Grand Elder's face instantly turned cold.

It's really hard to bully their Feng family.

When are they any soft persimmons kneaded?
Xu thought of something, Yu Jin murmured to himself, with indescribable disappointment: "My grandson is very talented."

But he died.

Died at the hands of those people in the collateral.

In addition to his grandson, how many direct bloodlines of the Yu family have been planted in the hands of collaterals? There are too many. Calculated, they have established the Feng family for more than 9000 years, and the number of deaths is so large that they built another ancestral hall .

What the collaterals have done over the years reminds them all the time that they are the direct bloodlines from the main family, the bloodlines of the great emperor's descendants.

What happened back then, even though the family had changed and gradually became stronger, it still poked their backs and made them ashamed to see their ancestors.

So much so that they have persisted until now, entirely because of the collateral relationship.

The grand elder sneered: "Come one, I will kill one. They should have lived enough in these years, don't worry about others, but the honor of the family must be regained. If it weren't for the spiritual soil left by the ancestors, their collateral lineage would be able to break through. Fifth Grade, it’s a joke!”

That's right, if it weren't for the ten acres of spiritual soil, good quality herbs would not be able to be cultivated at all.

There is no collateral today.

Yu Jin pondered for a while, then looked at the Grand Elder: "How did you get Lingyuan from the collateral?"

The Grand Elder frowned tightly, and after a long silence, he sighed: "I will prepare an explanation for this matter to the adults."

Yu Jin's complexion changed: "Do you want to go to my home?"

"Go," said the grand elder with a cold expression, "

Although those from the Yu family are in power, there are also quite a few of us in the main family, but they have endured it for so many years, and it is time to fight back. "

In the orchid garden, Ye Yuye sat casually in the pavilion, beside Shi Shi serving him with tea.

"It's been half a month, and it's time to break through."

Ye Yuye muttered to himself, took a sip or two of the teacup with two fingers, and slowly put it down.

On another street.

There was a desolate old man who looked a little crazy walking on the road, and would catch a person on the street from time to time, saying something inexplicable. The strange thing was that his eyes were blind and he couldn't see.

"Friend Daoist, have you seen Jiang Ye?"

"Fellow Daoist, have you seen Jiang Ye? Yes, he is five or six years old, no, no, he is a boy, he looks like a boy."

"His name is Jiang Ye. If you see him, can you take me to find him?"


The old man stumbled and was occasionally kicked out as a lunatic.

In the teahouse.

Someone was drinking tea and saw the distressed old man. He couldn't help asking, "Who is that old man? Does he have no family?"

The tea drinkers sitting at other tables also looked over, just in time to see the old man being pushed away, and angrily shouted a few words of bad luck in disgust and left.

The waiter in the teahouse came with a teapot, glanced at the old man, and said helplessly, "He came here a month ago, did you see his eyes? He is blind, and he seems to be here looking for someone."

The people in the teahouse felt more or less sympathetic.

Been looking here for a month and haven't given up yet.

Someone sighed softly: "It seems that his relatives have abandoned him, otherwise this old man would not be looking for someone everywhere, most likely he is looking for his relatives."

A woman sighed, feeling that the good tea in her hand was no longer fragrant: "This old man is so pitiful. He was kicked out by his family and lived alone in this world. If it were me, he probably wouldn't be able to survive."

"Who on earth left this old man so cruelly? Could it be that he was abandoned by his relatives because he was blind?"

"Yes, if I am old and a pair of children are unfilial to me and drive me out, then I shouldn't have given birth to them in the first place! Why did I give birth to them, and will I suffer in the future?"

"That's right, what to do with that white-eyed wolf, it's better to live this life leisurely and happily, without any worries."

Some people were a little angry, as if they regarded the old man as their future self.

"You don't know something,"

The waiter in the teahouse added tea to the table, hesitated for a while, and said, "

This incident is strange to say, just a few days ago, the old man offended the big man of the Jia family by asking people on the street, and guess what?Not only was the old man fine, but the big man died! "

The people in the teahouse became surprised.

The old man is not dead, but the big man is dead?

In the corner, a middle-aged man pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "This little brother, who is that big man in the Jia family?"

Xiao Er came back with new tea and just heard the man's question, and found that everyone in the teahouse was very curious, so he looked at other places, and then whispered: "

It's an elder of the Jia family!It is said that his strength had reached the peak of the earth rank, and he died in front of that old man! "


"Peak of the Earth Rank!"

Everyone in the teahouse was shocked and gasped.

Earth-level powerhouse?actually died? !
Was it the old man who killed him?
Everyone went towards the old man on the street, and found that the clothes he was wearing were clean, but his complexion was gloomy, his eyes were dull, his hair was gray on both sides, and he had a long white beard that had never been taken care of.

Is this old man still an unfathomable master?
Everyone looked surprised and couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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