Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 903 Breaking Through Grade 6

Chapter 903 Breaking Through the Sixth Stage
The waiter in the teahouse dutifully added new tea to every guest, and then said: "

This matter is indeed true, and most of the neighbors in the neighborhood know it, because on the second day, someone from the Jia family came,
The people who came were the other two elders of the family, but guess what, they were still dead. The old man just glanced over and vomited blood and died violently! "

The tea drinker would inevitably be a little surprised, looking at the old man on the street: "Who is that old man? His strength is so powerful! Could it be that he is an expert?"

"Who doesn't know, but it's true that the old man asked people everywhere. I was asked by him once before, it seems,"

The little boy paused, seemed to think for a long time, and then said, "It seems that the person he is looking for is named Jiang Ye."

"Jiang Ye?"

In the teahouse, some people's expressions became strange.

Here, apart from some casual cultivators, there are also disciples from other sect families who know more or less about some things.

A brawny casual cultivator thought for a while, then shook his head: "I do know Jiang Ye, but this person died thousands of years ago, presumably it's just the same name."

The middle-aged man in the corner changed his expression, looked at the casual cultivator, and said thoughtfully, "Your Excellency is talking about the academy disciple Jiang Ye?"

The strong man Sanxiu smiled and said: "Isn't it him? I heard that this person is still a monster genius. I don't know exactly what kind of monster method."

On the second floor of the teahouse, a pink and delicate little girl popped her head, blinked her watery eyes, and said seriously: "

Jiang Ye in the academy is so strong that he can wipe out nine forces overnight!Three of them are powerful sects in Changxuan Tianyu! "

A childish voice sounded, which stunned the other people in the teahouse for a while, and then someone couldn't laugh or cry: "Where did you come from, little girl, you only know so much when you are so old!"

The little girl pouted unhappily, and said solemnly: "I am nine years old this year, my grandfather told me, and I am not lying."

The people downstairs suddenly realized that it was the grandparents who told the story. If this is true, then it is probably true.

Those tea guests were discussing about that Jiang Ye again. The little girl poked her head out and listened carefully, occasionally interjecting a few words.

"The academy is amazing."

"Geniuses nowadays are not as good as Jiang Ye in the past. What I said is true. When Jiang Ye came to the academy, he was only seven years old! What I said is true!"

"Before he was seven years old, he was able to destroy nine forces. Don't you all admire him?"

At first, those tea guests were willing to talk to the little girl, but after chatting for a while, they found that the little girl's words became more and more outrageous.

That Jiang Ye is less than seven years old?
Could it be that he was still five or six years old?

how is this possible.

Now they feel more and more that the child's grandfather is telling lies. A child who is less than seven years old can destroy nine forces with his bare hands?That's too mysterious.


Someone kindly said a few words to the little girl, which seemed to be perfunctory, and then they went to talk about other things.

The little girl found that those tea guests ignored her, and pouted a little unhappy: "Don't take it seriously, what I said is true, my grandpa really said so, and our academy knows Senior Brother Jiang Ye, he Very powerful."

At this moment, someone came to her side and rubbed her head: "Yu'er, why are you running around for nothing?"

Ji Yu looked up and saw the man's handsome face, she muttered a little unhappy: "Brother, what I said is true."

Ji Lanshan couldn't do anything about her, and patted her head: "Yes, Yu'er is right."

Taking her back to the previous place, Yin Chenxiu was still drinking there, saw Ji Lanshan bringing Ji Yu back, and said with a smile: "Our little Yuer is really not good, just sit and listen to the gossip There is no need to run over."

Ji Yu sat obediently in his seat, lowered his head, and muttered: "They don't believe what I said."

Yin Chenxiu was dumb for a moment, Ji Lanshan picked up the teacup next to him and touched his wine, looked at Yin Chenxiu helplessly, Yin Chenxiu thought for a moment, and said: "

Because of that matter, only a few people know about it now, but as long as the people in our academy believe it, it will be fine, Yu'er, do you drink?You smell delicious. "

Yin Chenxiu wanted to continue, but Ji Lanshan glanced over with a warning look, he could only shut his mouth obediently, drank the wine in his hand, and couldn't help but say: "The wine is really delicious , you can taste all kinds of life."

"I don't want to drink." Ji Yu's eyes lit up slightly, and he looked up at Ji Lanshan, "By the way, we finally got down the mountain, brother, where are we going now?"

Yin Chenxiu smiled and said: "Xiao Yu'er, we went down the mountain to complete the task. Look at our academy is getting worse day by day. We have to find some geniuses to add new people to the academy."

"No way," Ji Yu shook his short legs, tilted his head and said with a serious smile, "I think there are quite a lot of people in our academy, and there are also many geniuses, like my brother."

Yin Chenxiu glanced at Ji Lanshan who raised his brows speechlessly, he is, don't I?

Anyway, I am also a person with a face and identity.

Why is it worse than him?
Ji Lanshan followed by the waiter in the inn asked for a plate of candied fruit, Ji Yu ate, he looked at Yin Chenxiu, and said: "

Half a month ago, there was news that the direct blood of the Yu family was not dead, and that the Feng family of Zhouling Tianfu was the direct descendant of the alchemy emperor. "

"Follow the house?"

Yin Chenxiu thought for a moment, then suddenly his face changed slightly, and he looked at Ji Lanshan, "

As far as I know, Feng Qingfeng, who ranks No.11 in the Tianzi list, has the surname Feng!And his family is in the Tianfu of Zhouling, besides a cultivator, he is also a second-rank alchemist! "

Ji Lanshan drank tea unhurriedly, raised his eyebrows and said, "You guessed it right, he is the descendant of the Great Emperor."

Yin Chenxiu frowned, and murmured: "Unexpectedly, the descendants of the Yu family have been hiding for so many years. I'm afraid they were kicked out by other members of the Yu family. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so depressed.

No wonder, that kid is young and good at alchemy, and also has talent in cultivation, the descendants of the alchemy emperor, how can this talent not be strong. "


And at the same time.

On the back mountain, there was a loud shock.

The two people guarding in the valley opened their eyes in vain.

For an instant.

Their faces showed joy!

Old Yu broke through!

Father breaks through!
It has been stuck at the peak of the fifth rank for a hundred years, and now it has broken through the sixth rank in just half a month!

Their family has finally produced a sixth-grade alchemist!
In the Lan Yuan, Ye Yuye raised his eyes to look somewhere, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he lowered his eyes and picked up the teacup, sipping the tea brewed by the stone.

 I have class again tomorrow.It's hard to say.

  First go to code, and then do homework, yes, it has been delayed until now. .cough
(End of this chapter)

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