Chapter 904
At this time, in the valley, there was a burst of ecstatic laughter and echoes.

"Breakthrough! This old man has finally broken through to the sixth grade!"

An old man with disheveled clothes and messy hair ran out. Seeing his son and the grand elder welcoming him, his eyes glowed with scorching light, and he strode towards them quickly.

Yu Jin let out a long breath, his heart was extremely excited, and he solemnly gave a big gift to Yu Yongfu who came: "Congratulations, father, for breaking through the sixth rank!"

After confirming that Yu Yongfu had indeed broken through the sixth rank, the Grand Elder smiled and handed over him: "Congratulations, Mr. Yu, for breaking through the sixth rank! Show off the prestige of the family!"

"Okay, okay," Yu Yongfu looked away from the elder and landed on Yu Jin, stroking his beard with a spring breeze, "

The old man is also a genius!It only took a hundred years to break through to the sixth rank!Yu Jin, you should learn more from your father, and strive to break through the fifth rank as soon as possible! "

Seeing his father break through the sixth rank, Yu Jin inexplicably gained confidence, and said very seriously: "Father, one day, I will break through the fifth rank!"

Looking at the confident and confident looks on the faces of the father and son, I really couldn't bear to be disturbed. The elder coughed: "You two, it's time to go back and announce the good news."

At present, others do not know that Yu Yongfu has made a breakthrough.

You have to go back and tell them.

Better to let everyone know.

At this juncture, only by informing the entire Star Territory of this matter will other big forces pay attention to the Feng family. In this way, it will be very troublesome for those people in the collateral line to deal with them!

At least, they didn't dare to make it clear.

Because in the entire Changxuan Tianyu, there are only a handful of sixth-rank alchemists. Except for seventh-rank alchemists, sixth-rank alchemists are a symbol of dignity. In the entire star field, even the declining Yu family does not have sixth-rank alchemists. division.

Only in this way can their direct bloodlines stand firm in the star field, and those in the collateral lineages will be afraid of Yu Yongfu's status as a sixth-rank alchemist!

They are not far away from taking back everything that belongs to them!
"Yes! Go back and announce the good news!"

Yu Yongfu still had a smile on his face, after all, he didn't even look at the two of them, he just walked away, as if he had a layer of oil on the soles of his feet and ran at a fast speed, followed by two old men.

Go back to announce the good news!

Yu Mu walked out of the lobby. He looked up at the sky and muttered to himself, "Today is the deadline for half a month. I wonder if grandpa can break through to the sixth grade today..."

at this time.

The ecstatic voice could be heard from afar.


Feng Qingfeng ran over happily, and seeing Yu Mu who looked a bit astonished, he smiled and said, "Father, great-grandfather has come out of retreat!"


Yu Mu's body shook violently, his brain was running wildly, and he just came out today?Doesn't that mean that the old man has broken through the sixth rank? !

"Quick! Follow me to see!"

Yu Mu didn't have time to get excited, so he urged Feng Qingfeng to leave. He walked very fast, his steps were a little unsteady, and he seemed hurried.

The old man is very likely to break through the sixth rank!

Otherwise, with his temperament, he would not know where to hide and feel inferior. Coming back with such a big fanfare is definitely good news, that is a breakthrough!

Not long after Yu Mu walked out, he stopped suddenly and immediately ordered his servants to spread the news. The more people know about this matter, the better!Someone else must get the word out!

The farther the message, the better!

at this time.

Yu Yongfu did come back with great fanfare.

Even though his clothes are disheveled, his hair is messy, and he does not have the image of a sixth-rank alchemist at all, he is still refreshed and majestic.

It took a long time for everyone in the Feng family to realize that this beggar-like old man was the elder Yu of their family, and they quickly saluted respectfully.

Two people followed behind the old man.

Everyone in the family was shocked.

They even saw the Grand Elder and the former Patriarch?

So mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people, could something have happened?


No one came, but the voice sounded a little loud.

Yu Yongfu was still pinching his unsmooth beard, raised his eyes and saw two people coming towards him in the distance, one of them was his great-grandson.

Yu Mu rushed over quickly and landed in front of Yu Yongfu. His expression seemed to suppress the excitement in his heart, and he asked tentatively, "Grandpa, have you made a breakthrough?"

Yu Yongfu looked at the great-grandson who ran over with a smile, and said to Yu Mu: "

Thanks to the handbook left by the ancestor, the doubts that I didn't understand before have all been smoothed out. Your grandfather and I have now stepped into the threshold of sixth-grade alchemy. "

Grandpa has become a sixth-grade alchemist!

Feng Qingfeng's eyes lit up, and his heart was extremely ecstatic.

Yu Yongfu's words made Yu Mu's face unable to hide his excitement. The next moment, he bowed solemnly to the old man in front of him: "Congratulations, grandpa, for entering the sixth rank!"

When the others heard it, they were stunned.

What six products?
The threshold for sixth-grade alchemy?

and many more.

Could it be that the old man broke through to the sixth-rank alchemist? !

Rank six alchemist!
Their Feng family has a sixth-grade alchemist?
Without exception, the faces of the family members who happened to be around were surprised, and soon, each of them became excited and joyful, and they all knelt on the ground, and their voices overlapped, which seemed very neat.

"Congratulations, Mr. Yu broke through the sixth rank! Kowtow to the Patriarch!"


"Get up!"

With a wave of Yu Mu's hand, they all got up. At this moment, Yu Yongfu was still rubbing his great-grandson's head. After a while, he put away the smile on his lips and became serious: "

The old man is going to see the senior now, and he can break through in half a month. To be honest, the old man is not sure at all, thanks to the senior this time. "

Yu Jin nodded: "I really want to tell senior this good news."

"By the way," Yu Yongfu seemed to think of something, he patted his forehead, touched his body, and soon found a pill.

The elixir was milky white, and the scent of the elixir soon dissipated, and there was a pattern of elixir on it, emitting a faint white awn.

"This is!"

Yu Jin stared at the elixir in Yu Yongfu's hand, his excited old face twitched a few times, his eyelids twitched.

This breath!
Sixth grade!

That's right, it's really a sixth-grade elixir!

The people around were very lucky, smelling the scent of the pill, staring at the pill with burning eyes, but it was soon replaced by excitement.

Because they know that the family is about to change!
There is a sixth-rank alchemist sitting in the town, and I am afraid that other alchemy families will not succeed!
When Yu Yongfu took out the elixir, even the Grand Elder's complexion changed, but he quickly returned to normal, twisting his beard and applauding: "

That's right, you are refining a sixth-grade Zengxuan pill, which should be low-grade in color, a pill pattern, not bad, this pill is enough for the young master to break through to the second heaven of the earth rank. "

"That's natural," Yu Yongfu smiled happily, and quickly put the pill back into the box, fearing that the fragrance of the pill would be lost, so he handed the pill box to the silly Feng Qingfeng next to him, "

The great-grandson holds it, it was specially refined by the great-grandfather for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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