Chapter 905 It's Time
Yu Jin and Yu Mu looked at the pill box in Feng Qingfeng's hand enviously, a little sighed, a little complicated, the old man only gave it to his great-grandson, so there's no room for them.

He, Yu Jin, is still the son of Yu Yongfu, so why doesn't he have such a blessing.

Before leaving, Yu Yongfu patted Feng Qingfeng on the shoulder and said, "Baby great-grandson, I will come to you later."

The gap between the two completely ignored Yu Mu.

However, as the head of the family, Yu Mu had his own ideas, and perhaps other people also acquiesced in his approach, and he planned to spread the matter thoroughly.

Perhaps because of his foresight, he spread the news before confirming that Yu Yongfu had broken through the sixth rank.

It's probably spread by now.

On the street somewhere, someone sneakily whispered to the people around him: "Have you heard?"

The man's eyes were full of confusion, and he subconsciously asked, "What?"

"The Feng family! There is news that the Feng family, that is, the family of the descendant of the Alchemy Great Emperor, has made a breakthrough! He has become a sixth-rank alchemist!"

Perhaps it was because his voice was so excited that other people around him could hear it too, and their faces became extremely shocked.

The Feng family, no, the Yu family is directly related to a family, and someone broke through to the sixth rank? !
The man was stunned for a while, his thoughts were a little messy, and his expression became extremely serious: "Is it true? Is this true?"

"Really!" As he said, he nodded vigorously, and said with certainty, "Everyone in Zhouling Tianfu already knows! It was Yu Yongfu from the Feng family who broke through the sixth rank! Moreover, he also refined the sixth rank Zengxuan pill ! Many people have seen it!"

So swearing, the next moment, everyone's complexion changed.

Yu Yongfu of the Yu family broke through?
Breaking through the sixth rank at this time?

Moreover, a sixth-grade Zengxuan pill was also refined?People who are knowledgeable know very well that that thing is extremely helpful to the strong at the earth level!

For this reason, some people inevitably believed that this was the news that the Feng family had released on purpose, but they really didn't know whether it was true or not.

Because, Yu Yongfu is indeed a peak alchemist of the fifth rank, if there is any chance, it is normal to break through the sixth rank.

But, did Yu Yongfu really break through?

They don't know, at most they are dubious, and they don't hesitate to spread the matter, exchange gossip and share it with others, and it is not clear whether it is true or not.

But the news about Yu Yongfu's becoming a sixth-rank alchemist has spread here, and I believe it will spread to the entire star field in the near future.

It will also reach the ears of those in the collateral lineage of the Yu family.

At that time, there will be a good show to watch.

The person who asked the question happened to be quite well-known in the star field. After learning about this, he hurriedly left for the family!
Most of those who chatted about the gossip were disciples from the sect, or disciples from powerful forces. They left in a hurry, presumably to tell the fact to the forces behind them.

A sixth-rank alchemist is not a casual fifth-rank alchemist. The two are completely different. The alchemists in the entire star field know very well that it is difficult to break through the fifth rank, but it is difficult to break through the sixth rank. It is even more difficult, so few people can break through the sixth rank.

Above the sixth rank is the seventh rank.

There is only one person in the entire star field.

In ancient times, only the alchemy emperor of the Yu family broke through to the eighth rank!And it's still the pinnacle, and it's already the pinnacle of their inferior world.

It is conceivable that these six ranks mean a lot to the people in their star field.

No matter whether this matter is true or not, someone will come to find out the truth. Of course, they are also willing to let other forces find out. If it is true, the Yu family will probably come back to life.

For the Feng family.

Nature is happy and harmonious.

Yu Jin and the others did not go with Yu Yongfu.

The old man stood at the gate of the garden, he did not go in, but bowed to him, and then, he heard a lazy voice inside.

"come in."

Yu Yongfu raised his hand to touch his forehead and found that he was already sweating. He didn't know if it was caused by nervousness. He swallowed and pushed the front door open.

Walking into the yard, he saw the young man in white lying on the rocking chair under the tree. She raised her eyelids and glanced at the messy-looking old man.


Yu Yongfu stepped forward and bowed respectfully to him.

Ye Yuye looked at him for a while, and then said nonchalantly, "It's okay."

Yu Yongfu was stunned for a moment, then he cleared his throat, took out the pill box from his arms, and solemnly wanted to present it to Ye Yuye: "

This is a sixth-grade immortal pill refined by the junior, and I am here to dedicate it to the senior! "

"Xian Yuan Pill?"

Ye Yuye thought for a while before remembering the efficacy of the elixir, nodded, but refused: "You should keep this elixir for yourself, I don't need it."

Not to mention, this elixir can increase lifespan, even if she wanted it, she would not lack it.

However, he has a heart.

In the past half a month of Yu Yongfu's retreat, in addition to the sixth-grade Zengxuan pill, he also refined a sixth-grade immortal pill, which can increase the lifespan of a cultivator by 500 years without any side effects.

Senior has helped their family a lot, and he is also an old friend of the ancestor. He has been thinking about it for a long time in the past half month, and only this fairy pill is more suitable as a gift, but he did not expect that the elder does not need this pill at all.

Yu Yongfu had no choice but to take the pill box back embarrassingly.

Compared with the previous pill box, there is a big gap between this pill box, that is, the pill box handed over to Ye Yuye is an entire part of the previous pill box, no matter in terms of its fine workmanship or the preservation of the pills. times.

Ye Yuye slowly got up from the rocking chair, quite like a noble son of an aristocratic family, although his demeanor was a bit lazy, but with a distinctive temperament.

"It's about time."

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows lightly, he seemed to be in a good mood, and said, "Shitou, call them."

As soon as the words fell, a little boy about five or six years old came out of the room. He had flesh on his face and looked extremely cute. For some reason, he seemed to put something into his arms, and his little hands were carefully Straighten the wrinkled skirt.

He whistled once.

A horse resting in the corner got up energetically, looked around first, then neighed and ran over.

Yu Yongfu saw clearly that it was a horse, and it looked like a good horse, Yu Yongfu nodded secretly in his heart, he deserved to be the horse beside the senior.

The room on the other side suddenly opened, and Dongfang Feng came out. He still had an aura that had just finished training and hadn't restrained himself. When he saw Ye Yuye in the courtyard, his eyes lit up: "Boss, are we leaving?"

This question, Yu Yongfu secretly startled, a little strange who is this little guy, dare to call the senior boss?Could it be that there are other identities?
Dongfangfeng didn't know it at all, but Yu Yongfu looked at him differently because of his own words.

 My sister starts school today
  Hohohoho, today a little daughter-in-law posted a small theater, hahahaha, very good, I like it very much, what else, can I copy your book reviews, blink fiercely

(End of this chapter)

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