Chapter 906 Departure
Yu Yongfu was also looking at Ye Yuye, as if he wanted to ask him, but he quickly stopped him.

Luanming, who was waiting on the branch, flew over and stopped on the shoulder of the stone. The fat cat climbed onto the back of the green horse at some point, and just nestled lazily, looking up at the man in the suit from time to time. The boy in white.

"It's time to go to Yu's house to ask for the debt."

Ye Yuye slightly narrowed his eyes for a while.

... want a bill?
It took Yu Yongfu a long time to realize that the Yu family that Ye Yuye was talking about should be people from the collateral lineage. As for the debt, could it be Lingyang?
Ye Yuye looked at Yu Yongfu and asked inexplicably, "Do you want to prove that your family is strong?"

Yu Yongfu nodded without doubt: "Yes, of course."

For this reason, Yu Yongfu still muttered in his heart, thinking about it for several lifetimes, but he just didn't have that strength before...

Originally, Ye Yuye only planned to get the spiritual soil by herself, but this idea was quickly dispelled. She remembered Yu Yongan's commission and had to take care of Yu Yongan's descendants.

Ye Yuye put away his thoughts, looked at Yu Yongfu and said, "Then take your family's genius and follow me to the Yu family."

go home?
Yu Yongfu was so excited that he didn't speak, but his hands were clenched tightly, and his eyes were slightly red. At this moment, he understood what the senior meant.

He wanted to lead the direct blood of the Yu family into the family with dignity!Take back what is theirs!
This day has finally come!


Yu Yongfu used the communication order to spread the news.

at the same time.

The Grand Elder who was about to go to Yu's house also received the news, and felt stunned in his heart. After a while, he muttered to himself: "

Does your lord already know that I'm going to Yu's house?As expected of your lord, this time, our Yu family blood is finally going back..."

After Yu Mu received the order, he began to select the most talented disciples in the family. In addition to Feng Qingfeng, he also decided to let nine talented disciples in the family join in.

He had already figured it out, if he succeeded this time, then these disciples would be the first batch of members to enter the family.


This time it was an absolute success.

Yu Mu's eyes flickered.

Immediately soon.

The Feng family set off in a mighty manner.

The direction they were going was the Yu family.

In Zhouling Tianfu, the news that the Feng family was going to the Yu family spread quickly.

In an instant, everyone knew that the direct lineage of the Yu family was coming back.

After being silent for a long time, the master of Zhouling Tianfu didn't make a choice. After all, he just sighed. The two can't get along, so no one can help.

At this time, the Yu family was even more lifeless than before.

As the head of the family, Yu Hua even summoned the well-known alchemists of the Yu family, followed by an emergency meeting. All of them looked solemn, and some said with disdain: "

I think Bacheng is a fake. Firstly, we want more people to know that their direct bloodline is not dead. Secondly, Yu Yongfu wants to use his status as a sixth-rank alchemist to deal with us. "

The leader's seat was empty, and soon an old man sat down. His face was very cold, and they were a little breathless due to the pressure of the aura.

Yu Dehou said in a deep voice: "According to the news we sent someone to inquire, Yu Yongfu led his family's disciples to our side, and Lin Jingshan also came."

Hearing this, the faces of everyone present changed, Yu Hua sneered, with a chill in his words: "Those dogs of the Lin family are really loyal."

The Great Elder frowned, and said, "Let's talk about what to do first. After all, Lin Jingshan is a strong man of the heavenly rank. Over the years, we have only cultivated a few cultivators of the earthly rank. Among these people, there are also Only Lin Jingshan is more troublesome."

Some people were a little nervous and afraid: "Then Lin Jingshan is a strong man of the heaven rank. People outside are saying that Yu Yongfu is now a sixth-rank alchemist. We are just a family of alchemy. After the death of the emperor, the Yu family has fallen..."


There was silence.

Until someone hesitated for a while and asked tentatively: "Patriarch, I think we should..."

"shut up!"

Yu Hua's eyes were as sharp as knives, and he snapped, "Lin Jingshan is just a person. From the day they left the family, they are no longer members of our Yu family!"

At the end, he said again: "The Yu family, we have already owned it."

This sound is like planting deep roots in everyone's hearts.

He also planted deep roots for himself.

Therefore, no matter what, they will not hand over the Yu family back.

Everyone was silent.

Even those who felt uneasy in their hearts suppressed their emotions and became calm.

In this matter, they really have no way out.

After Yu Dehou was silent for a long time, he suddenly said, "Hua'er, our Yu family and Lan family have cooperated for so long these years, it's time for them to contribute."

"The Blue House?"

Yu Hua's eyes flickered two or three times, and she said with a smile, "That's right, our Yu family has sent them a lot of pills alone, it's really time for the Lan family to contribute."

The Lan family, a powerful family in Changxuan Tianyu.

Although it is not a family of alchemy, but the family is powerful and there are many strong people. It can also be said that it is very easy for the Lan family to destroy the current Yu family.

A look of coldness flashed in Yu Hua's eyes, and he raised his hand to order: "Tell the Lan family that if you want to continue to cooperate with our Yu family, you must send at least ten strong people over here, and even one less will do!"


As a group of people walked, the Feng family planned to use the teleportation array, which was convenient and convenient, but it was the first time their Yu family's direct blood had returned to their home, and immediately, it became grand.

The Grand Elder stared at the green horse pulling the carriage, almost hesitating to speak, then swallowed silently, his complexion turned green and pale, and a lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

In the carriage, Feng Qingfeng looked at the sweating old man strangely, and asked, "What's wrong with you, grand elder? Is it very hot?"

It wasn't until Feng Qingfeng's voice that the Tai Elder realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly covered his mouth and coughed lightly, calmly: "It's nothing, it will be fine after a while."

Who would have known that the green horse he saw before would be by the senior's side, the grand elder's forehead kept breaking out in cold sweat, and he raised his sleeve to wipe it a few times.

so close……

That horse shouldn't be able to speak.

For some reason, the Tai Elder felt a little pain in his buttocks, remembering the scene of being kicked into the bushes before, he couldn't help shivering.

Feng Qingfeng went in the direction that the Grand Elder was before, and found that what he was looking at was another carriage behind the carriage, and the people sitting in this carriage were the young master and the others.

My heart was strange, or maybe I was too sensitive, so I didn't ask any more detailed questions.

The Feng family had three carriages for traveling.

The one in front sat on someone from the Feng family with status.

The car in the back belonged to Ye Yuye and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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