Chapter 908 The Book of War
The people around were discussing in low voices, and they were very curious about which alchemist in the direct line of the Yu family had broken through to the sixth-rank alchemist. They could probably guess that the alchemist who broke through the sixth-rank would be very old, one of the three old men.

Fat Mao'er was held in the arms of the stone, and it didn't resist, probably because it was used to it.

Although it is not clear what the calculations of these collateral people are, Yu Yongfu, who is the pillar of the family, didn't say anything, but he didn't go in.

Instead, he looked at the young man who didn't attract much attention, bowed his hands solemnly, and then stepped back to the side.

Obviously, he let the boy go in first.

Some of the onlookers were a little confused and did not react.

What's the matter with this old man?

How could he be so respectful to this young man?
Could it be that he is the young master of the direct blood of the Yu family?
Or, young master?

What is the identity of this boy?
They hadn't noticed before that this person was very handsome, but his demeanor was a bit lazy, but it did not conceal his noble and unique demeanor at all.

very special.

Some women couldn't hide their liking for the boy, so they glanced at him vigorously.

Ye Yuye didn't seem to notice the strangeness of the crowd towards her, thinking about what was missing in her hand, she took out a folding fan from somewhere, and then walked in.

Yu Hua scanned him from head to toe, and found that he didn't have the slightest impression of this person. Obviously, he was not a direct member of the Yu family at all.

But why did Yu Yongfu respect this boy?

Not only Yu Yongfu was respectful, he also found that Lin Jingshan was also very respectful to this young man.

Not right.

So wrong.

Yu Hua felt strange, pressed her lips for a while, but couldn't help it, and said to the young man, "I don't know who you are?"

Ye Yuye's eyes fell on him, and after looking at him for a while, he moved away without any emotion: "You don't know him."

After all, he stepped past him and entered the mansion directly.

Yu Hua's face was slightly cold, of course he didn't know him, otherwise how could he ask him, he just felt that this person wanted to embarrass him, that's why he said such a sentence.

Everyone looked at each other.

Some of them couldn't figure out who this young man was and what background he had.

Dongfangfeng and Shitou glanced up at him almost at the same time, then followed Ye Yuye into the room.

When they all entered the mansion, Yu Hua's face was cold and ugly, he glanced at the people who came to watch, turned and left without caring.

As for the elders who followed him, they didn't say anything, because they knew the Patriarch's plan and wanted outsiders to take a good look at how capable the so-called direct blood of the Yu family is!
At this time, the gate of Yu Mansion was open.

Can clearly see what's going on inside.

Enter the mansion.

They found that many Yu family disciples gathered here, neatly lined up in four teams on both sides, the youngest was about 14 years old, and the oldest was around 20 years old.

They were all looking at Yu Yongfu and others who came from outside.

Some are curious, some are disdainful, and some are even struggling.

Deep in these people's hearts, they don't know much about the direct bloodline of the Yu family. They only know that the direct bloodline is the real descendant of the emperor, and the person in charge of the family now is a collateral lineage of the Yu family.

So much so that when they saw them, it was only the identity of the direct blood of the Yu family. As for the others, they didn't feel much.

Yu Dehou came out from the lobby.

Someone immediately brought a chair over.

His eyes quickly fell on Yu Yongfu, and he greeted him politely: "Your Excellency must be Feng Yongfu who broke through to the sixth-rank alchemist, right?"

Feng surname.

Obviously, the old man in front of him didn't intend to recognize the direct lineage of the Yu family as his own, but it was normal, after all, the direct lineage of the Yu family no longer had the surname Yu.

Yu Yongfu narrowed his cloudy old eyes slightly, looked him up for a while, and spilled two words: "A collateral?"

And at this moment, Yu Hua came over and said father to the old man in front of him, and they realized that this old man was the former head of the Yu family branch.

In Yufu.

Many people are secretly observing these people.

Each has his own thoughts.

The old man looked at them from the beginning to the end as a superior, but with a disobedient smile on his face, he glanced at the people he brought, and said, "I don't know why you came to Yu's house?"

The Grand Elder came over, took out the red post from his cuff, and left it on the ground without looking at it, not feeling the coldness in his words: "

Today, the old man is here to declare war on the Yu family. I wonder if your offspring have the guts to accept our war letter? "

The people outside took a sharp breath, but they were not surprised.

Sure enough, the direct lineage of the Yu family came to challenge the collateral lineage!
There is a good show to watch!
The old man looked at a post on the ground, his eyelids couldn't stop twitching violently, he waved his hand with a half-smile, and asked people to put away the gauntlet.

Yu Hua looked at them indifferently, and squeezed out a sentence: "You want to challenge the Yu family? What is the competition, alchemy?"

"That's exactly what it means," Yu Mu Yuguang glanced at the disciples of his family, and said calmly, "Dou Dan, both sides sent ten disciples."

Among the disciples brought by Yu Mu, all of them have officially become alchemists. Except for Feng Qingfeng, three of them have successfully reached the peak of the first rank.

It is precisely because of this that he has enough confidence.

Come to think of it, this is also the reason why the seniors brought them here.

But he really guessed right, Ye Yuye did plan to let them compete with each other, so as to return to the family in a dignified way, so as not to dishonor the name of Yu Yongan's descendants.

The faces of the disciples of the Yu family were ugly. At this moment, they raised their heads proudly, looking at those disciples of the Feng family, they felt disdainful.

What are they?
At least now, they are the Yu family. What qualifications does the Feng family who just came from Zhouling Tianfu have? Even though their elders used to be in charge of the family, it has been thousands of years, and the direct line has fallen!

Yu Hua glanced at the Grand Elder, then looked at the head of the Feng family, and said in a rather cold voice, "Where is the bargaining chip of your Feng family."

Yu Mu looked around the mansion for a while, and suddenly smiled: "I lost, and from now on, there will be no direct line of the Yu family in Changxuan Tianyu!"

Everyone was shocked, and looked at the middle-aged man in disbelief. It was hard to imagine that he would say such a decisive bargaining chip.

Even Feng Qingfeng's expressions changed.

They understood what Yu Mu said.

This battle must be won!
In an instant, the eyes of the nine disciples of the Feng family turned red, and they secretly vowed that they would never disappoint the Patriarch's hopes for them.

Although Feng Qingfeng felt astonished, he quickly calmed down. Whether it was for the honor of the emperor's descendants, or to take back everything that belonged to their direct lineage of the Yu family, they had to win this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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