Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 909 Attitude To Teenagers

Chapter 909 Attitude To Teenagers
"But, if you lose,"

The sudden sound disrupted their thoughts.

Yu Mu's gaze became sharp. Instead of looking at Yu Hua, he looked at Yu Dehou, and said in a cold voice, "The ten acres of spiritual soil left by the ancestor must be returned to the direct line of my Yu family!"

Not the Feng family, not us, but the direct line of the Yu family.

"Spirit soil..."

Yu Dehou's face looked a little cold.

With a cold look in Yu Hua's eyes, he said to Yu Dehou via voice transmission: "Father, it's not certain who will win."

"Okay! The Yu family has agreed to this war letter."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dehou glanced at the servant guarding beside him, and said coldly, "Anyone who comes is a guest, why don't you move more chairs!"

Unreasonable anger was cast on the servant, and the servant turned pale instantly, and hurriedly moved the chair without saying a word.

There was a smile on Yu Dehou's old face, and he cupped his hands at Yu Yongfu first, with an apologetic tone: "I hope you don't blame me if I'm ignorant."

"It's okay."

Yu Yongfu's expression didn't change, but he had already scolded this old man to death in his heart.

After people brought chairs, Yu Dehou asked them to sit down. This scene made the people watching outside the door a little puzzled.

"……What's the situation now?"

"Shouldn't the two sides fight and cause discord?"

"Who knows, but the gauntlet has already been agreed, tsk, I don't know who will win."

Someone sighed: "Although I hope that the descendants of the great emperor can take charge of the Yu family again, the gap is too great. Although the direct line created the Feng family, it is only a small family from Zhouling Tianfu. This is consistent with the family's strong resources. The Yu family is simply incomparable."

"I'm afraid there is no hope for the direct lineage," someone murmured after being dazed for a while, "

However, I heard what they said just now, and they clearly came prepared. Maybe, I mean maybe, there is a miracle. "


Ye Yuye was sitting, his hand was stroking the fat cat's body, occasionally scratching its fat chin.

Yu Dehou and the others found something strange, only when the young man sat down, other people would sit down, as if they regarded him as the pillar of the Feng family.

Why is that?
Now, they don't think this young man is from the Feng family.

In the information they collected, there was no information about this person. It could even be said that this was the first time they had seen this person.

But the attitude of the direct line towards the teenager makes them feel puzzled, why?What is the identity of a boy?Can they be treated like this?

Since we want to compare, we need to discuss what to compare.

In the end, it was decided that both parties should choose one, and as for the third item, both parties should decide together, so as not to be unfair to this alchemy competition.

As for the referee.

Yu Hua's eyes suddenly fell on that Yu Yongfu, he suddenly smiled and said: "I heard that Brother Yu has become a sixth-rank alchemist, so why not let Brother Yu be the referee."

It is said that he is a sixth-rank alchemist, except for the members of the Feng family, other people are probably dubious at best.

There is something in the words, and some people can naturally hear it.

Yu Yongfu was sitting on a chair, and when he heard his voice, he sneered slowly: "Young student, don't be so big or young, in terms of seniority, you still have to call me grandpa, but this old man can't look down on you." Grandson, you should call me Master Dan."

For a moment, Yu Hua's complexion darkened instantly, and Yu Dehou was forced to transmit the voice to him, so he quickly calmed down, and said with a fake smile: "

In the first competition of herbal medicine recognition, five disciples from my Yu family are not allowed to cheat. Just write the answers on paper. There is a time limit for a stick of incense. The team that recognizes the most herbs will win. "

Yu Mu and the others also sent five people.


On a long table in front of them, a lot of herbs were released, a total of 32 herbs, some of which were hundreds of years old, and some of which were thousands of years old.

And, there is also a piece of white paper and a pen.

This time, Feng Qingfeng didn't go up.

He stood obediently next to Mr. Yu Yongfu, still a little nervous in his heart, looking at the five people who had already started the competition, his hands were sweating.

Nobody is talking.

The atmosphere became somewhat solemn.

Ye Yuye lay lazily on the chair, but her chair was not just taken from the Yu Mansion, it was prepared by Shi Shi for her.

At first glance, the difference can be seen.

Because, the market price of the chair Ye Yuye was sitting on must be more than 1 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, and the Yu family could not afford to buy such an expensive chair to enjoy it.

Those two groups of disciples were writing diligently, occasionally hesitating and struggling, but the pen finally fell down.

Right or wrong, they have to finish it.

Somehow, when they became serious, they suddenly smelled the aroma of tea, followed the smell, and immediately saw the lazy boy holding the tea handed over by the child, blowing on it, and taking a small sip.


What's the matter with this guy?

Are you here for a visit?
He is not in a hurry?
They wanted to say, this young man is really leisurely.

Do you really think the direct line will win?
Yu Dehou frowned and stared at the boy. He found that he couldn't find out the boy's cultivation level. Could it be an ordinary person?

If they were ordinary people, why did Yu Yongfu and Lin Jingshan respect this young man so much?Respect makes people feel abnormal and unbelievable.

Yu Dehou frowned: "Who is this person..."

Is it foreign aid from the direct line?

Ye Yuye handed the exhausted teacup to Shishi, Shishi seemed to understand Ye Yuye's meaning, and added another cup of tea, and then he put the teapot beside him.

Everyone looked at the boy for a while, then moved away from him, and continued to wait and see how the current situation was going.

However, they were unaware that the child had left.

At the entrance of the mansion, three carriages stopped quietly.

It took the green horse a long time to untie the rope around its neck, but this time it held back its neighing and stepped on its hooves uncomfortably. left.

As for where to go.

Other than them, only Ye Yuye knew clearly.

The news about the competition between the direct line of the Yu family and the collateral line has spread quickly, and more and more people gathered on the street, watching the competition in the mansion.

They also wanted to know whether the former direct line of the Yu family was stronger or weaker now. Of course, they also came here for Yu Yongfu's becoming a sixth-rank alchemist, and wanted to have accurate news.

When Shi Shi was not there, Ye Yuye finished drinking tea and was about to refill it by himself, but Dongfangfeng had already picked up the teapot and refilled Ye Yuye himself.

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows, looked at where Dongfang Feng was sitting before, and motioned to him: "Aren't you going to sit down?"

Dongfangfeng shook his head, he didn't want it.

(End of this chapter)

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