Chapter 910

Ye Yuye didn't continue to say anything, he twirled the teacup with his slender and white fingers, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, his appearance, just as everyone thought, could be said to be very laid-back.

After Shi Shi left, Dongfang Feng was left to serve Ye Yuye. He himself was very happy. It seemed that he wanted to do this a long time ago, but he never found the opportunity.

A stick of incense has arrived.

The two groups of disciples successively handed over the white paper and black ink writing in their hands to Yu Yongfu. The old man brushed off his sleeves, stood up and glanced at the herbs on the table. In mid-air, it slowly unfolded.

this moment.

Not only the old man can see it, but other people can see it too.

Yu Yongfu just glanced up a few times, and then announced.

"Yu Yuanwu, eighteen plants are right, fourteen plants are wrong."

"Yu Hu, 26 plants were right and six plants were wrong."

After saying that, Yu Yongfu looked slightly surprised. He raised his head and glanced at the young girl in Yu's family. The girl seemed to have noticed something. She looked at the old man, stared slightly, and smiled at him. .

Yu Yongfu swept towards the white paper and ink writing in his hand, then unfolded it directly, suspended in mid-air, and said, "Yu Yuanyuan, you got 29 right, and you got three wrong."

Everyone's complexion changed.

The total number is 32, and this person only made three mistakes, which shows that she has a lot of knowledge about herbal medicine and her talent is quite high.

Although the members of the Yu family didn't say anything, they were very proud in their hearts. Yu Dehou looked at the pretty girl thoughtfully, as if he was thinking about how to cultivate her in the future.

The people outside also heard it, and couldn't help but look at the girl a few more times. The name Yu Yuanyuan is not very famous, so they are all curious about what kind of state this girl has reached in alchemy at a young age.

"... There are eight wrong plants."


Soon, Yu Yongfu published a group of answers. He didn't hide them, but unfolded the answers of those disciples so that more people could see them.

The five disciples of the Yu family got a total of [-] numbers correct, which made others look forward to how talented the direct disciples were and how many herbs they could know.

A young man respectfully handed over the ink on white paper in his hand to Yu Yongfu. He took it and scanned it, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help admiring the young man in front of him.

Without hesitation, he unfolded it directly so that everyone could see that some people, as alchemists, naturally recognized the herbs on the table, and found that what this person wrote on the white paper was correct 31 times!
Yu Dehou restrained his smile.

You know, there are only 32 in total, and now this person is right 31, which is enough to show that this person has a strong understanding of herbal medicine.

Yu Yongfu didn't say much, just reported the quantity, and then went to announce the next one.

"Li Wenhao, 22 plants were right and ten plants were wrong."

"Yu unexpectedly, twenty plants are right."

"...That's right, eighteen plants."

Every time an announcement is made, the answers on the white paper will be unfolded, and the hearts of everyone in the Yu family are almost in their throats, and they become a little nervous.

There are only four people in the direct lineage and the number has reached 91, and there is still a difference of eighteen. I don't know if the last one can surpass it.

The five disciples of the Yu family felt unwilling, as if they never thought that a declining direct line could still have the same qualifications as them.

This made them feel inexplicably unhappy.

Yu Yongfu took the white paper and ink writing of the last disciple. Although he didn't say anything, there was a smile in his eyes, and he seemed to be relieved. He squeezed his beard and unfolded the answer: "Yu Mo, yes, two Ten plants, twelve plants were wrong."


Some people laughed, some people lost their hearts.

Twenty plants!
Although it was nothing, it allowed the direct lineage to win a round steadily.

There are only two numbers between them.

The people outside the door were stunned for a while, as if they didn't expect that the direct line of the Yu family would win in the end, which was incredible.

at this time.

Yu Yongfu looked at the old man sitting on the chair, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Young man, do you need to read it again?"

With a cold face, Yu Dehou looked away from Yu Yongfu's proud face, and said in a deep voice: "In the first round, your Feng family won, and in the second round, our Yu family has the final say, sending five disciples each, Select from these herbs and refine a second-grade elixir, what do you think?"

Second grade elixir?

Yu Jin's eyelids twitched, and he looked at his grandson. In their family, only Qingfeng broke through to the second-rank realm, and the hope for the second round can only depend on him.

Yu Yongfu frowned for a while, but soon let go: "The first match is up to us, and the second match is naturally for you to decide."

"it is good!"

Yu Dehou ordered his servants to prepare. After a while, he looked at everyone, "

In the second round, the winner was determined by appraising the properties of the elixir. Each party sent five disciples. The disciples who played before could not play again, and the stipulated time was within one hour. "

As for the five disciples, the members of the collateral branch of the Yu family did not choose from these disciples. It felt like they were waiting.

Yu Yongfu saw what he meant, and frowned again, not to mention him, the rest of the Feng family knew very well that the collateral branch wanted to win this time.

The first match just now was probably just their temptation.

The second game is the real one.


Among the disciples of the Yu family, five people came out, each with outstanding appearance and temperament, and people couldn't help but guess their identities.

I don't know.

The people outside showed a look of astonishment.

Apparently they knew who the five were.

"These five people are all alchemy geniuses of the Yu family's generation. I think the direct lineage is out of luck."

"I also think that Yu Puyu alone can instantly kill everyone, the direct line of the Yu family, tsk, it's going to be miserable."

Someone whispered: "You guys are too hasty, you might have foreign aid in your direct line."

"Foreign aid? You mean the boy in white?"

Soon, everyone turned their attention back to the young man who was drinking tea and sitting leisurely in the chair, the corners of his lips twitched subconsciously a few times.

Really leisurely.

Is it really foreign aid from the direct line?
There was such a doubt in everyone's mind.


Yu Mu looked at his son, the eyebrows were serious and nervous, and asked in a low voice, "Qingfeng, can you?"

Feng Qingfeng didn't want to disappoint him, so he nodded and said, "Yes."

Yu Mu looked at him with mixed feelings in his heart, but there was nothing he could do, and he didn't expect that the gang of collaterals gave them such a big problem to refine the second-grade elixir.

If it is refining first-grade alchemy, maybe there is still hope for their direct lineage.

When the others learned that there was only Feng Qingfeng in the direct line, they couldn't help showing surprise. Are they sure about the direct line, or did they give up on themselves?

(End of this chapter)

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