Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 912 I don't know if he likes it or not

Chapter 912 I don't know if he likes it or not
Yu Dehou's expression was cold.

Yu Hua slumped down on the chair abruptly, feeling cold all of a sudden.

What a big news.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

So, are those rumors true?

9000 years ago, the direct line of the Yu family disappeared. Is it because they were suppressed by those in the collateral line and the Lan family, so they left the family and became anonymous?

Suohuo is fake.

For so many years, the Suohuo cultivated by the side line is actually a counterfeit? !
This news is too shocking!

Also, the Yu family had members of the Lan family from 9000 years ago?

at this time.

Feng Qingfeng's elixir was refined.

When the furnace was turned on, two elixirs took shape. Feng Qingfeng directly put them away and held them in his hands. Some people even saw a faint elixir pattern on the surface of one of the elixirs.

and many more.

Pill pattern?

Everyone stared at Feng Qingfeng, their thoughts were a little messy.

A boy under the age of 20 actually refined the pill pattern? !
Even a fifth-rank alchemist can't guarantee that he can refine the alchemy pattern, so this person did it?How old is he?It's just a second-rank alchemist who made alchemy?

Is it really because of the trivial fire passed down by the emperor?
Yu Puyu's complexion became stiff for a moment, and then quickly paled.

At this time, Feng Qingfeng handed the refined pill to Yu Yongfu, and two pills were presented in front of everyone, one pill had a clear and pale pill pattern, although there was only one.

Really are!
Everyone's eyes were dull.

Unexpectedly, Feng Qingfeng was more talented than Yu Puyu, and he had already refined the pill pattern at a young age!
The Yu family stared blankly at Dan who was displayed in front of everyone, and there was an uproar in their hearts, and they were not at peace. They couldn't figure out why the direct line had been down for thousands of years, and why it still had such a powerful talent.

Could it be because he is a descendant of the Great Alchemy Emperor?

Looking at the two pills in his hand, Yu Yongfu's eyes showed a look of relief, and he made an appraisal: "Two second-grade Heqi pills, the first-grade attribute, and one pill pattern."


Someone complicated.

Someone swallowed silently.

"As expected of being a descendant of the Great Emperor, he is a genius just like the Great Emperor back then."

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Feng Qingfeng's alchemy talent to be so strong. He really deserves to be a genius. No wonder he can enter the top [-] in the Tianzi list."

Someone took a deep breath: "I now really believe that they are the direct line of the Yu family. Hiss, the side line has been in charge of the Yu family for so many years, and now it's time to pay back."

Among the crowd, a well-dressed man nodded approvingly: "Feng Qingfeng has shown his talent today, if Yu Yongfu is really a sixth-rank alchemist, then there is really nothing related to the Yu family."

"So this scene..."

"We won this game!"

The sudden voice stopped Yu Yongfu's words immediately.

That voice was none other than Yu Dehou's.

He got up angrily, his face turned white and green, and he shouted loudly: "Our Yu family won this game! At first, the comparison was about the properties of the pills, not the number of pills, not the pill pattern!"

After saying this, everyone looked at Yu Dehou.

That, the former head of the Yu family.

Yu Mu just frowned, with deep displeasure in his brows, and didn't say anything.

In the mansion, the expressions of everyone in the Yu family changed slightly, and the people watching from the dark also revealed a trace of displeasure and uncertainty.

Yu Yongfu returned the elixir to Feng Qingfeng, glanced at the furious old man, pinched his beard and smiled: "What's the rush, you guys won the second round."

You guys won!
Everyone in the Feng family looked at Yu Yongfu calmly, without speaking.

There was an uproar outside.

There is no doubt about it.

Theoretically, the collateral branch of the Yu family won.

But in fact, everyone can see it. It's obvious who won and who didn't. It's just a pinnacle, a first product.

But if counting the number, Danwen, it's different.

An alchemist who can refine a second-rank alchemy pattern, even if he only has a second-rank realm, is better than a third-rank one, and even stronger than a fourth-rank one, and the training is more meaningful.

That's why they were so shocked when they saw Dan Wen.

at the same time.

The baby ginseng quietly takes root in the spiritual soil, absorbs the spiritual energy, and gathers all of it in the fruit it produces. The fruit that was originally the size of a thumb has grown to the length of a thumb. The fruit is plump and rosy, and it is about to mature. people.

The green horse stared greedily at the baby ginseng that was half buried in the soil, sucked the ginseng vigorously, and occasionally glanced quietly at the small body next to it.

Thinking of the small body dragging it to the ground, Qingma shuddered suddenly, and could only look helplessly at the baby ginseng whose head was sticking out of the spiritual soil.


I don't know if I can have a bite.

The figure leaning against the coffin noticed something, she opened her eyes, looked at the darker space she was in, and thought for a while.

After a while.

It's as simple as a glance over.

The space you are in has completely changed.

Lush vegetation, a purple bamboo forest.

Many small flowers bloomed on the ground under their feet.

A scorching sun hangs in the blue sky, with a few white clouds floating.

Some birds were still chirping and chirping happily, fluttering their wings and landing on the branches.


The boy seemed not satisfied yet, he stood up lazily and walked towards the purple bamboo forest, everything changed before his eyes.

There is a house.

Very simple house.

There is a fence surrounding that area.

When the boy walked into the bamboo forest, the small door opened automatically.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the room in front of her, and reached out to push the door in. There was a simple bed, a table, a chair, a tea set on it, and all the daily necessities.

She walked out of the room and looked at the open space next to her. There seemed to be a surge of air, the space changed again, and Ye Yuye opened up a tea room.

There is no door, and there are only elegant white curtains on all sides, embroidered with elegant bamboo patterns. As the wind blows, the curtains are lifted, revealing a small tea table, futons on both sides, and steaming teapots .

Ye Yuye's figure appeared there.

Then, she put down the chessboard beside her.

She looked around, put potted plants where they could be placed, and added some small things to make it not look so simple or too complicated, just elegant.

She leaned lazily on the wooden stake, waved her sleeves, and planted two fruit trees in the yard. The flowers on the trees withered quickly and produced green fruits.

Soon the fruit will ripen.

Ye Yuye smelled the light bamboo fragrance in the air, she squinted her eyes for a while in satisfaction, the fruit was about to ripen, and soon, she would wake up.

"I don't know, does he like it here..."

A faint sigh, inexplicable emotions permeated the empty heart.

In the mansion, it was no longer as lively as before.

(End of this chapter)

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