Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 913 Two old men compete

Chapter 913 Two old men compete
Not many people spoke either.

Because the third match has begun.

And this is not a disciple's comparison.

It was a contest between Yu Yongfu and Yu Dehou.

Everyone was very curious about whether Yu Yongfu was a sixth-rank alchemist, so they paid special attention.

Martian was born between the two.

But Yu Yongfu didn't care, because he was really a sixth-rank alchemist, and it was easy to deal with a fifth-rank peak alchemist, so there was really nothing to be nervous about.

Those of the Yu family were in a mixed mood. They had slight changes in their direct lineage, even if it was only slight, there was an obvious change, and they had strange emotions towards people in the collateral lineage.

It seems...disgusted?
Disgusted by being a collateral person?
At the same time, the pill fires cast by the two are completely different.

To be exact, Yu Yongfu's pill fire was more pure than Yu Dehou's, and the aura was very powerful. This fire alone gave them vague answers.

Is this the real fire?

Instead, it convinced them that Yu Yongfu was really a sixth-rank alchemist.

Yu Dehou held back the irritability in his heart, took out the alchemy furnace and started alchemy, his technique was very skilled, and he had a deep grasp of alchemy.

Compared with Yu Dehou, Yu Yongfu seemed calm. He took a few herbs from the table and started alchemy. Most of them were herbs that had been used for more than a century, which was not a little bit different from Yu Dehou.

This alone changed everyone.

The specified time is still one hour.

It is also identified by attributes, but this time the grade is uncertain.

Someone was excited, and his eyes shone with astonishing light: "Wonderful, I can see two peak alchemists of the fifth rank compete with my own eyes, and I have earned it!"

"Not only that, most of the people we came to visit are alchemists, even me."

"If the direct line of the Yu family is a sixth-grade alchemist, then I will definitely make a profit this time!"


Outside the mansion, everyone was discussing intensely, sighing indescribably in their hearts, and staring at the two old men who were refining alchemy.

The previous two games were contests between juniors and juniors. At most, everyone was curious about who would win, but this one was completely different.

One is the former head of the Yu family.

One is an old man in the direct line of the Yu family.

Which one is a highly respected alchemist who is above the sixth rank, and definitely earned it!Maybe, the direct line of the Yu family is still a sixth-rank alchemist!
At this moment, the teenager lying lazily on the chair woke up. She opened her eyes leisurely, removed the side covering her eyes, unfolded the folding fan, and stretched out her hand leisurely.

Dongfang Feng understood, quickly took out the teacup, brewed the tea and handed it to Ye Yuye, his movements were extremely careful and respectful.

Ye Yuye sipped the tea, closed his eyes and blew, the whole handsome and delicate face was shrouded in the thin mist, and layers of white mist floated up.

But if you look at it from the side, you can see a slight curve of her lips.

The guy is about to wake up.

Fat Mao'er raised his eyes and couldn't help but saw the faint smile on the corner of the young man's lips, and after that, it meowed softly, and blinked those dark pupils with a hint of blood.

Is she happy?

Dongfangfeng reported the previous incident to Ye Yuye, and at the same time asked about the whereabouts of the stone. Ye Yuye just said while drinking tea: "He has something to do, and he will be back later."

With the rapid delay of time.

Both of them have reached the last step, which is the most critical step, once they fail to condense the pill, all previous efforts will really be wasted and they can only practice again.

Everyone stared at this scene nervously.


Yu Dehou was the first to complete the condensing pill.

Next came Yu Yongfu.

The two are basically at the same time, nothing more than a gap of one or two breaths.

Seeing Yu Dehou's success, Yu Hua breathed a sigh of relief, but he always felt a little uneasy in his heart, feeling that something would happen, and his throat was stuffy, uncomfortable.

Yu Puyu's complexion improved slightly, but his eyes were no longer bright and proud, but sad, lost, and even confused.

His realm was higher than Feng Qingfeng's, but he knew very well in his heart that Feng Qingfeng's talent for alchemy was stronger than his. He lost the second match, completely.

Yu Dehou looked at Yu Yongfu who was about a meter away. Even though he was hit before, he was still calm and composed. He glanced at the alchemy furnace in front of him: "You and I made it almost at the same time. Why don't you invite friends first."

What everyone didn't expect was that Yu Yongfu just shook his head, with a serious look like never before: "It's better for you to come, the old man is afraid of hitting you, junior."

Everyone: "..."

They only heard that Yu Yongfu was highly respected, but they had never heard of him being so arrogant.

Because of Yu Yongfu's words, old man Yu almost vomited blood in his heart, he gritted his teeth and stared at Yu Yongfu for a while, hehe he forced a smile: "Then I will go first."

Sitting on the chair, Yu Hua couldn't help feeling flustered. He always felt that something was about to happen, but when he looked at the other people in his direct lineage, he found that they were calm, even confident and not worried at all, which made him even more flustered.

Is Yu Yongfu really a sixth-rank alchemist?

The ten earth-level experts sent by the Lan family had already arrived at the Yu family, and there was even a powerful sky-level expert sitting in the town. They hid among the crowd, watched Lin Jingshan sitting on the chair, and monitored his every move .

As Yu Yongfu said, the Lan family had mixed into the Yu family as early as a thousand years ago, otherwise how could the collateral line become the head of the family.

They also heard that the trivial fire passed down by the Yu family for thousands of years was fake, and quickly told the inside of the Lan family about it with a cold face.

They are indeed coveting the Alchemy Great Emperor's Suo Huo, so they will cooperate with those people from the collateral line to drive out the direct line.

If it's fake, let alone cooperation, the Lan family and the Yu family may never end.

Yu Dehou made gestures, and the pill furnace in front of him was opened with a bang, and a lot of white mist came out, and there were a lot of pills lying in it, but only one was successfully refined, and it was the best that Yu Dehou refined as much as he could. Elixir.

It is a fifth-rank peak elixir!
And it's still Zengxuan Pill!
A very difficult pill to refine!

Yu Dehou's training was successful!
After seeing Yu Dehou's elixir, everyone suddenly looked forward to the elixir refined by Yu Yongfu. After all, his great-grandson refined the Heqi elixir with the elixir grain after a disagreement.

Yu Yongfu looked at it calmly for a while, he couldn't tell whether he was satisfied or sighed: "The Zengxuan Pill of the fifth-rank peak is not bad."

Hearing the sound, Yu Dehou looked at the old man pinching his beard, showing an imperceptible sense of sarcasm: "I heard that fellow Taoist refined a sixth-grade Zengxuan pill not long ago, could it be that the pill refined by fellow Taoist is Six grades?"

Everyone looked at Yu Yongfu.

Some expectations, some doubts.

I don't know if the rumors are true.

 I'm back. .Ah, I dare not go to the hospital for fear that my mother will beat me up, eh. . .Hope she won't read my post...

(End of this chapter)

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