Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 914 The Rumors Are True, Rank 6 Alchemist

Chapter 914 The rumors are true, a sixth-grade alchemist

Yu Yongfu shook his head: "This time it's not a sixth-grade Zengxuan pill."

The old man's words made them visibly startled.

Is he indirectly admitting that he has refined a sixth-grade elixir?
Yu Dehou's eyes were cold and he didn't speak.

next moment.

Everyone stared straight at the opened pill furnace, and their expressions changed immediately, becoming shocked, surprised, unbelievable, and some people had such expressions suddenly.

What came into view was a pill, which was milky white, with not only a pill pattern on it, but they also smelled the fragrance of the pill. Just taking a deep breath, one could feel the blood in the body boiling and refreshed.

It is the sixth grade!
As a family of alchemy, it is impossible for the Yu family to not know that this is the sixth rank!And it's a sixth-grade rejuvenation pill!Even if an earth-level powerhouse is injured, he can recover within a breath!

The direct line of the Yu family is really a sixth-rank alchemist!
He is really a sixth-grade alchemist!
Everyone was astonished and didn't know what to say, especially Yu Dehou and the others, whose complexions turned green and white, very ugly, and felt panic in their hearts.

Yu Yongfu is really a sixth-rank alchemist!
It turns out those rumors were true!
He broke through!

Yu Puyu's eyes were dull, looking at the old man who was attracting thousands of people's attention, she muttered to herself: "He is really a sixth-rank alchemist..."

It turns out that the direct lineage is so powerful.

Deep in his heart, there was a change in his direct lineage at this moment, and that subtle change could change his direction.

The people who originally supported the branch of the Yu family were shaken in their hearts at this moment, and even began to think that they were wrong, that their elders did something wrong.

The direct lineage is still so strong no matter how long it has been. This is the descendant of the emperor's bloodline. Yes, they will take back everything they own, it should be theirs.


Started to waver...

The atmosphere outside the mansion seemed to freeze.

"Fuck, it turns out that the rumors are true, and the direct line of the Yu family really broke through to the sixth-rank alchemist."

I don't know who said a word, like a stone falling into the water, causing waves and splashing water droplets.

"Come on, what about my communication order, I have to report to my family, don't lose the chain at a critical moment."

"The direct line of the Yu family is coming back this time! The true descendant of the Alchemy Emperor is coming back!"

"Mom, I'm so excited. Our star field has broken through another sixth-grade alchemist. Father, father, let me tell you something, don't be excited, yes! The direct blood of the Yu family is back! What? You Know? No, you don’t know yet! The Yu family is directly related to the sixth-grade alchemist! I didn’t lie to you, I saw it with my own eyes!”

Outside the mansion is excitement.

Inside, however, is complex.

The direct blood of the Yu family has returned.

Instead, the alchemist who has broken through to the sixth rank is back.

Even though some people hiding in the dark became short of breath, some people's hearts were extremely boiling, and the blood in their bodies seemed to rush straight to their brains, excited and trembling.

Some people become hesitant, apprehensive, and afraid.

Yu Yongfu put away the alchemy furnace, looked indifferently at Yu Dehou who lost his mind, and said in a deep voice: "You should fulfill your promise and return to me the ten acres of spiritual soil left by the ancestor."

The boy on the chair raised his eyes.

Yu Hua's face was pale, but he still couldn't stop getting up. Instead of looking at the old man, he looked at the Patriarch of the direct lineage, and bit down every word: "Your Excellency seems to have forgotten that you are not The Yu family is gone, your surname is Feng, the spiritual soil left by your ancestors is for our Yu family!"

Everyone in the Feng family looked coldly.

By the side, is this trying to renege on the debt?

"It's ridiculous, if it wasn't for the cooperation between your collateral and the Lan family, how could you have forced them out of the family?"

Yu Yongfu's complexion changed in an instant, but he sneered quickly, "Are you planning to go back on your word, these collateral people?"

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became stiff.

But except for the serious collateral, the others chose to watch silently, not occupying any side, but they knew in their hearts that they had been shaken.

The Grand Elder got up from his chair, and glanced at the Patriarch of the Yu Family with his lingering eyes, skipping over the pale-faced Yu Dehou, his tone was cold: "We didn't force you into this competition, just now you made a promise, but now you have to break the contract." You? Yu Hua, do you really want to tarnish the reputation of the Yu family?"

Yu Hua's face turned red when she was forced, and she clenched her fists tightly. She wanted to say something, but when she found out, she didn't know what to say, but she felt inexplicably unwilling and terrified.


They were indeed the ones who swore before.

But at first they didn't expect the direct line to win at all, and they didn't expect Yu Yongfu to really break through the sixth-rank alchemist.

At this time, Yu Mu had already stood up, and looked around the Yu family members. With an apologetic expression on his face, he said, "Everyone, we only came here this time because we wanted a spiritual place, and we don't want to conflict with you."

Although he was apologetic, his tone did not make people feel that he was apologizing. Instead, he was announcing that their direct lineage had returned and entered the family dignifiedly!Let them open their eyes and see clearly how villainous these collateral people are!

Just because of Yu Mu's words, some people were even more shaken. They were discussing something in a low voice. Several elders vaguely heard something, their faces were stiff and ugly. The first elder stared at Yu Mu and gritted his teeth: "You are no longer from the Yu family. It’s gone, it’s not the same 9000 years ago, if you want the spirit soil, don’t even think about it!”


The other elders agreed one after another, and said forcefully, "You guys are playing tricks, knowing that Yu Yongfu has broken through the sixth rank, and you still set us a trap. We don't recognize this competition!"

"The spiritual soil belongs to the Yu family, it is impossible to want the spiritual soil!"

"Your surname is Feng, it is impossible for us to hand over the spiritual soil to you!"

Those people in the collateral line are completely crazy, they seem unable to figure out how to survive without the family, especially some powerful sons and brothers in the family.

That's right, those people in the collateral line regretted it.

Although the Yu family has fallen over the years, it is not as good as other alchemy families, but there is still the spiritual soil left by the alchemy emperor, relying on these spiritual soils, they have a foothold in the star field.

If there is no spiritual soil left by the great emperor, the Yu family would have been finished thousands of years ago, maybe even the small family in Zhouling Tianfu is not as good.

It is impossible to get them to hand over their spiritual soil.

Yu Dehou stared at the grand elder with a gloomy face: "Lin Jingshan, do you really think that there are no heaven-level powerhouses in our side line?"

But they didn't know that the grand elder's face was very calm, and his composed appearance made them even more guess. He stared at Yu Dehou and asked, "Is it the Lan family?"

Everyone looked surprised.

The status of the Lan family in the star field is not low, because there are two strong people in the sky rank, and they have accumulated a lot of strong people to join in these years, which can be said to be very strong.

If the Lan family really sent a strong person to help, wouldn't it mean that the collateral line colluded with the Lan family back then and drove the direct line out?
(End of this chapter)

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