Chapter 915 The Blue Family

"I didn't expect that this collateral is really nothing. There is no Alchemy Emperor, and those people in the collateral are nothing."

"Tsk, the Yu family is no longer the Yu family it used to be. The collateral people are those from the mother's family. Even if they have a little blood, after so many years, the blood has long been impure."

"Don't say it, I really hope that the direct line can come back, that is the descendant of the great emperor, maybe one day in the future, the Yu family will have another great emperor."

Listening to some people's comments, the man in extraordinary clothes gritted his teeth: "Don't think about it, Great Emperor! That thing is a Great Emperor! Except for the Great Emperor in ancient times, where is the Great Emperor in the lower world now? You think too much, unless The Great Emperor can still be reincarnated."


Some people are a little confused.

"Yes!" The man nodded heavily, "It's reincarnation. If those great emperors in ancient times hadn't died, it might be possible for them to reincarnate with their abilities."

His voice paused, and he said regretfully, "However, that great alchemy emperor probably won't be reincarnated. His talent is in the way of alchemy, and his strength for cultivation is very low."


Among the members of the Yu family, the strong men sent by the Lan family looked at each other, not sure whether they should help the Yu family, they had indeed received an order to help the Yu family's branch, but someone in the direct line had broken through to the sixth-rank alchemist, This is not good news for the Lan family.

It wasn't until the message came from the communication order that the strong man of the Lan family made a decision.

When the grand elder sensed a murderous intent, he searched carefully and found that the aura was not weaker than him at all, his face immediately turned cold, and he accurately found the old man hidden among the crowd.

"The people from the Lan family are indeed here."

Everyone looked over, but before they saw the person clearly, they heard an old man calmly say: "Lin Jingshan, I have admired your name for a long time."

Noticing something was wrong.

The people around him ran away in fright.

The atmosphere doesn't feel good.

In addition to the old man, he found ten people standing behind him. Sensing their aura, some people's complexions suddenly changed, ten strong men!
Then isn't this old man a heaven-level powerhouse? !

Blue family?
Except for the collateral lineage, the eyes of some members of the Yu family who didn't know about it were red-eyed. In their view of philosophy, they didn't even know about the fact that the collateral lineage colluded with the Lan family back then.

I never even thought that the lineage of the Patriarch could do such indecent things!

The concept of the Three Views since childhood has completely collapsed.

For a while, the person sitting on the chair couldn't sit still.

But only one person was still sitting, his indifference made people a little surprised, but now they were not in the mood to look at that boy anymore.

Here, fighting may happen at any time!
The old man knew that he couldn't hide anymore, he sighed: "Theoretically we can't intervene in the matter between the collateral line and the direct line, so it's better for both of you to take a step back, lest the world see the joke again."

Although he was speaking to the collateral and direct lineage, the old man's eyes were on the grand elder, with an imperceptible warning in his eyes.

And he didn't know whether it was deliberate or unintentional, so that everyone had an answer in their hearts, and the Lan family was about to intervene.

The Tai Elder squinted his eyes, mixed with coldness: "If the old man refuses."

The strong man of the Lan family had murderous intent in his eyes, and he exuded a wave of profound power, which was an aura that only earth-level cultivators possessed.

The old man stopped them. He looked kindly, looked at Yu Yongfu, and said, "Alchemist Yu, our Lan family may cooperate with you in the future, why are we so unhappy?"

"Do you think we will cooperate with your Lan family?"

After removing the disguise, Yu Yongfu's face was extremely cold, and the anger in his heart could not be calmed down.

"Then you can only die forever."

The old man looked at Yu Yongfu, his cloudy old eyes became sharp, with a hidden light, which was a murderous intent.

Long before, the Lan family had sent a message that if the direct lineage gave up the thousands of years of hatred, the Lan family would cooperate with them and establish a good relationship. If they didn't back down, they would have to kill them.

Killing the sixth-rank alchemist will only turn the truth into rumors, which will not cause much harm to their Lan family.

As for Suohuo, which was inherited by the direct line, they were threatened to hand it over. By then, the Yu family would have little use value.

No one noticed that the child who had been following the boy in white had returned, and no one noticed that the boy had gotten up from the chair, and that handsome and delicate facial features seemed to be showing a hint of impatience.

The sharp-eyed Feng Qingfeng had already seen something, he silently looked at everyone next to him, but he didn't know that his hands were clenched tightly, and his back molars were clenched.

his brother!

He just died at the hands of a collateral person!
He must avenge this revenge!
Yu Muxu saw something, walked over and touched his son's head a few times, but he didn't say anything, his eyes fell on another person, his eyes were mixed with murderous intent, hatred, like a flame burning rise rapidly.

A person hidden among the members of the Yu family met the cold gaze, trembling with fright, and dodged in a panic, as if he was hiding something.

And this person.

It is the son of the collateral family of the Yu family.

Over the years, Yu Mu has secretly investigated a lot about the cause of his son's death, and it is related to the son of the patriarch. The one who killed his son is dead, but the revenge for indirectly killing his son will definitely be avenged.

Although Feng Qingfeng was full of anger in his heart, it was not difficult for him to notice the murderous intent in Yu Mu's eyes, and he rushed to his brain with a buzzing sound. Feng Qingfeng also stared at the hidden man in the crowd who kept retreating, He struggled to utter three words: "Is it him?"

Is it him?

Brother's death, is it him? !
If it was before, Yu Mu would never have been able to tell his son the truth, but now he told Feng Qingfeng what should be told and what should not be told.

Feng Qingfeng's eyes turned red, and in an instant, his own profound strength completely exploded, and he charged at the figure among the crowd!

Sure enough.

He wants revenge!

"……no, do not want!"

"do not come!"

Seeing Feng Qingfeng coming towards him, Yu Liang's complexion paled quickly, and he turned around in horror and was about to run away, panicking!He even had a hunch that if he didn't run away, he would die!
The sudden scene almost made other people feel a little overwhelmed. They looked at Feng Qingfeng who was chasing Yu Liang away in astonishment. What's going on?The elders haven't started fighting yet, so how come the younger generation started fighting?

A roar of anger came, and behind Feng Qingfeng, a wave of coercion from the ground level came fiercely. At this time, Feng Qingfeng cared so much, he only wanted to let that person die!

Suddenly, another breath appeared, stopping Yu Hua's attack, and Yu Mu said coldly, "Yu Hua, don't think that I don't know what happened back then, my son's death has nothing to do with you. "

 Fuck, I didn't pay attention to it before, but I found it was repeated. It's okay to subscribe, just refresh a few times and you can read it

  Thanks for the reminder from a little daughter-in-law

(End of this chapter)

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