Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 916 Why Do You Want To Help

Chapter 916 Why Do You Want To Help
Seeing that Feng Qingfeng was about to catch up with her only bloodline, Yu Hua's eyes were scarlet, she stared angrily at Yu Mu who stopped him, and shouted, "Yu Mu! Get out of the way!"

He's going to kill the bastard!
Yu Mu's profound strength gathered in the palm of his hand, he held it slowly, and sneered: "Let them understand the matters between the younger generation. Your opponent now is me."

"You are presumptuous!"

Yu Hua was furious, she just wanted to save her son, but when Yu Mu got in the way, he killed him!

A terrifying killing intent spread around the two of them.

Everyone did not expect that they would be the first to strike. They thought it would be someone from the Lan family, or Yu Dehou from the Yu family.

For a while, the entire Yu family was basically in chaos.

The old man sent by the Lan family stopped Lin Jingshan, while the others dealt with Yu Yongfu, a sixth-rank alchemist.

The others were so frightened that they hurriedly stepped aside, fearing that they would also suffer disaster.

The next moment, the profound energy gushing out from the old man suddenly couldn't be activated. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he tried again, but the result was still the same as before. Why couldn't the profound energy be activated?

Little did he know that the panic flashing across the old man's face happened to be caught by the Grand Elder. Of course he knew what happened. As long as there is an adult by his side, even the impossible can become real. He sneered and slapped the blue The old man's chest was hit, and he was caught off guard.

"Lin Jingshan!"

The old man of the Lan family spilled a mouthful of blood, he shouted angrily.


The elder didn't pay any attention to him at all.

Instead, retreat to the side.

The old man of the Lan family glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and suddenly saw a boy in white, who was resting on a chair, walking towards him at this moment.


Why does he feel flustered?
The profound energy in the old man of the Lan family's body was still unable to circulate, and his eyes became sharp in vain. He stared at the handsome young man dressed in white, and instinctively popped out two words: "Is it you?"

The reason why he couldn't move the profound energy in his body was because of his tricks?
In an instant.

A powerful wave of air surged.

The old man of the Lan family flew upside down, spurting blood.

Everyone was startled.

What happened, why did the strong man with the strength of the sky vomit blood?
Is this still the heavenly powerhouse they think?

Feng Qingfeng stopped Yu Liang who was running away, the anger in his eyes was enough to destroy his emotions, Yu Liang staggered and rolled to the ground, he kept backing away in fear, muttering: "

Don't kill me, don't kill me, it's not me, Feng Qingfeng, let me go...it's him, no, it's my father, it's my father who asked me to kill, I can't help it, it's not me..."

The hand that hit his chest paused for a moment, and the next moment, he hit him hard without mercy, almost using all his profound strength, Feng Qingfeng's eyes were scarlet, and he gritted his teeth: "Go to hell!"

Yu Liang was lying on the ground completely lifeless.

"Do not--"

Seeing her son lying motionless in a pool of blood, Yu Hua's face became distorted and ferocious with anger, and she yelled at Yu Mu who stopped him, "Get out! Get out!"

Not only did Yu Mufei not give in, but he was even more murderous than before, with a smile on his lips, without a trace of warmth: "The revenge between the juniors has been avenged, and now I should find you to avenge."


The old man from the Lan family vomited blood and fell to the ground. His face was pale and ugly, and he put his hands on the ground to support his body. He looked at the young man solemnly, feeling very confused and terrified: "Who are you?"

This person terrified him.

Obviously he's just a boy.

Just a boy of seventeen or eighteen, why is he afraid?
Who is he?
"I'll give you a chance to get the members of the Lan family out of the Yu family."

Ye Yuye looked at him calmly, but those words gave people a creepy feeling and made people shiver.

It seems like you only have one chance.

The old man of the Lan family knew that this was a threat, and he also guessed that all this was caused by this young man. He coughed up blood, stood up staggeringly, and frowned vigorously, full of puzzlement: "

Why do you want to help the direct line?Is it because Yu Yongfu broke through to the sixth rank alchemist? "

In his opinion, perhaps in anyone's mind, helping the direct lineage is nothing more than because Yu Yongfu broke through the relationship of the sixth rank, otherwise it should be sooner or later to help the direct lineage of the Yu family at this time.

Among the crowd, some people's complexions suddenly turned pale, not the kind of paleness of injury, but because they were so frightened that their entire heartbeat almost stopped.

These people are the Lan family who were placed in the Yu family.

Even among the elders, there are also within the Yu family, such as the marriage between the Lan family and the Yu family thousands of years ago, or maybe the Lan family has long been deeply rooted here.

This is also why, their Lan family will send strong people to protect them, willing to conflict with the direct blood, and try to protect the Yu family as much as possible.

At this moment, Yu Mu became ruthless and directly kicked Yu Hua until he vomited blood. He looked extremely embarrassed, his clothes were in tatters and his body was almost covered in blood, and the others were too frightened to go there.

As for the ten earth-level powerhouses sent by the Lan family, Ye Yuye basically didn't need to do anything, but they were crushed by the grand elder with one hand and one foot.

The viewer was dumbfounded.

It's a complete U-turn.

They almost felt that the direct line of the Yu family could not win against the current Yu family.

Who is the Lan family? The power is very strong. Just sending people over, there are ten earth-level powerhouses, plus one heaven-level master.

But now.

That's called a slap in the face.

The young master of the Yu family was beaten to death.

The head of the Yu family is also on the verge of being killed.

The former head of the Yu family was directly kicked and bled by the grand elder who was directly related to him. Even if he took the elixir, it might not be good.

There were also those elders of the Yu family, all of them were pale and frightened, and they didn't dare to move at all.

There are also strong men sent by the Lan family.

Is that strong?

If it weren't for what they displayed was indeed the breath of the earth and heaven, otherwise they would not be willing to believe that this is the strong person they think.

Really are……

What a fucking shame.

In just a short while, he saw something. He saw the heaven-level strongman from the Lan family fall to the ground, his face was pale, and his fingers were still trembling.

And those ten earth-level powerhouses were kicked and beaten by the grand elder of the direct bloodline, and they had no room to fight back, not to mention how embarrassing they were.

But the problem is, they didn't see the grand elder attacking the old man of the Lan family at all, and who was he afraid of?Is that boy?

Who is this boy?
Just like the young man didn't answer his question, why did you help the Yu family to be directly connected.

Everyone was puzzled.

Outside the mansion, someone murmured to himself: "I thought the direct line would lose miserably, but I didn't expect it to be completely reversed. After today, the direct line will probably come back."

(End of this chapter)

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