Chapter 917
"It's coming back, the blood of the emperor is coming back."

"Thousands of years, 9000 years, right? Tsk, these people from the Yu family's offshoots are probably going to die."

"It's strange, I'm still curious what happened to that heaven-ranked strong man from the Lan family? Who did it? Besides that grand elder, who else helped Zhili?"

Someone looked at him strangely for a while, pointed to the tall figure in the mansion, and said, "Isn't that the young man?"

Soon, there was a retort: ​​"How is it possible, how could that person defeat a strong man of the heavenly rank, unless he is a strong man of the heavenly rank, but have you ever seen such a young strong man of the heavenly rank? Thinking too much Bar."


"So, why don't you retreat?"

Ye Yuye looked at him, her lazy and calm black eyes did not change, but there was a slight displeasure between her brows, as if she was bothering her.

The old man of the Lan family coughed up blood and laughed, but he still did not give up and asked: "What benefits does your direct lineage give you? Who are you? Are you from the Holy Land?"

Ye Yuye himself has a strong aura, even though he looks like a boy, it still makes people feel creepy, and chills how terrifying this person is.

When the disciples of the collateral line had ever seen such a miserable state of the family, they were almost crying, especially the Lan family who was hidden among the crowd, who kept covering up their existence, but the panic in their eyes exposed themselves.

in an instant.

The old man of the Lan family flew up in vain, and then fell heavily on the ground, hitting his head on a stone. Without the protection of profound strength, blood flowed from his forehead, blurring his face, and even his mouth was covered in blood.

A wave of fear filled my heart.

Everyone looked at the young man in white in fear, and then went to look at the heaven-level strongman of the Lan family lying on the ground with blood on his face. They were terrified.

They finally know why.

It's this boy.

It was this young man who used some means to immobilize the heavenly powerhouse, just like a doll held in the palm of his hand and let him play with it.

Even the heavenly powerhouses are no match for the youth.

Who is he?

As the man said, did he really come from that sacred and powerful holy land?

Some people hiding in the dark originally planned to go out to help the direct lineage, but when they saw this scene, they stopped abruptly, stared in horror, and opened their mouths wide, unable to speak.

Everyone's heart trembled, and their expressions couldn't hide their panic.

However, the crowd didn't notice the bloody glow that flashed in the young man's eyes, which was slowly hiding in the dark, and the corners of her lips slightly raised: "Everyone from the Lan family, get out, leave here, or die! "

The faces of the Lan family who were hiding among the crowd froze.

A haze flashed in the eyes of an elder hiding in a corner.

But it's not over yet.

Ye Yuye glanced at the pale and bloodless disciples of the Yu family around him, and said coldly: "

All the collateral people, who don't want to return to the Yu family, get out of here!Leave or be killed! "

The collateral people shuddered with fear.

As for Ye Yuye, it was precisely because he was afraid of troubles and disliked troubles that he would settle everything at once to avoid future troubles, which was like making troubles in the future.

Yu Yongan asked her to protect the Yu family for three years.

But she didn't know how long she was going to stay here, she settled the matter here, and she didn't have to worry about this or that in the future.

Everyone in the Feng family shuddered, and subconsciously looked at the young man. The scorching sun slanted down and shone on him, making them admire him as if they were sacred and noble.

Yu Mu held it in his hand, and the blade flashed.

The bloody head was chopped off.

Everyone in the Yu family knew very well that the head was the head of the Yu family, Yu Hua, who died under Yu Mu's sword.

The head of the Yu family is dead!

Yu Mu stuck the knife next to the headless corpse, and he knelt on the ground, crying with tears streaming down his face.

"Son, father avenged you. We have waited too long for this day..."

Yu Dehou fell to the ground in desperation, his pupils gradually lost focus, and he died, all of them died, and their collaterals still couldn't escape this catastrophe in the end.


Do you regret it?

What should he regret, whether he was born in a collateral branch of the Yu family, or regret the treason and injustice done by his elders in the past, and let them pay for it.

The Lan family among the crowd was swept by that cold gaze, staggered out tremblingly in fright, kowtowed to admit their mistake, and then left the Yu family's mansion without looking back.

There is one.

There is a second one.

Because they found that as long as they kowtowed to admit their mistakes and then left the Yu family, they would live. Who would have trouble with their lives until all the Lan family members hiding among the disciples ran away, and a certain elder in the family wanted to leave, but he wanted to steal run.

Strangely, he died.

The moment he walked out of the mansion, he exploded and died.

The flesh and blood were blown into minced meat and splashed out.

The people onlookers in the mansion were so frightened that their faces turned pale, especially the few people who were closer. Unfortunately, they were drenched in a rain of flesh foam, and they felt sick and wanted to vomit. They felt that their whole body had become bad.


This scene made other people pale with fright. They had such small thoughts in the past, but now they vanished into nothingness.

One after another came over, kowtowed respectfully and then ran out of Yu's mansion without looking up.

As for the members of the collateral lineage of the Yu family, Ye Yuye did not deal with it himself, but left the right of choice to the direct lineage, and he could deal with it as he wanted.

However, she is quite satisfied with Yu Yongfu's actions. She herself hates those pious and kind-hearted people, and she should kill those who should be killed, so as not to cause trouble in the future.

Yu Dehou finally died.

This time the Yu family had a complete change of blood.


More than 200 people from the Yu family left this time, and among those who remained, there were collateral lineages and disciples with other bloodlines.

They are at a loss.

Now that the collateral branch of the Yu family is completely abolished, what should the Yu family do in the future.

Are they going to let the direct lineage return?

At this moment, some people hiding in the dark finally couldn't bear it anymore, they came out one after another and shouted loudly.

"The elders of the Yu family are of the same line, Yu Ping came to report!"

"The five elders of the Yu family belong to the same line, and Yu Tong is here to report!"

"The second elder of the previous generation of the Yu family is in the same line, Yu Moshan reports!"

"Yu Family Guard, Yu Tianheng came to report!"


The others didn't know, but as members of the Yu family, it was impossible for them to know the excited shouts and the names they read.

These people, after the lineage of the direct lineage left, have since been hidden in the lineage of the strong in the mountains and forests, and now their descendants are all back!
They have waited too long for this day.

Generation after generation waited unrelentingly, just for the day when the direct line came back.

When they learned that the direct lineage was coming back, they rushed back non-stop, but when they entered Yu's house, they hesitated.
Almost in my mind, I was thinking over and over again, what to do if the direct line failed, what to do if the direct line let them down.

 The start of school is not clear, but there are more timetables.

  Basically three classes.

  Three big classes.

  In the morning, it’s from 25:[-] to [-]:[-] (two big lessons combined)
  Afternoon, 04:30 to [-]:[-] (three big classes combined)
  In the evening, from 08:30 to [-]:[-] (big class)
  I cried

  More courses, more homework
(End of this chapter)

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