Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 918 The Rumor About the Boy

Chapter 918 The Rumor About the Boy

If you let them down, how can they be worthy of the persistence of generations, so they are selfish, they hold back and don't help, but are observing and testing, testing whether the direct line is worthy of their protection.

Fortunately, they waited for this day.

a time.

The atmosphere of the whole Yu family changed.

There was even a kind of blood boiling wildly in the body, and everyone's eyes were shining, as if the former Yu family had returned, and they were not affected in any way by the death of Yu Dehou and others.

There were not many people who came out, but these were all representatives of one branch. If they were to be added up, there would probably be around several hundred people, and they were all quite good.

"Get up quickly."

Yu Yongfu looked at the Yu family members who were kneeling on one knee, his eyes were slightly red, and he smiled. Although the wrinkles on his face looked wrinkled with this smile, he seemed to be a lot younger.

Many people can see that everyone kneeling on the ground is strong, and their strength is not much worse.

The nine disciples brought from the Feng family had a sense of pride from the inside out, and that pride seemed to be clamoring that they were also members of the Yu family.

this moment.

It seemed that everyone was infected by this scene.

Following those people stood up respectfully, followed by other people in the mansion bowing down.

"We will kowtow to see the Patriarch."

"We will kowtow to see the Patriarch."


It was very tidy.

The direct line is back.

The collateral juniors can no longer make waves.

The few elders who were still alive knelt on the ground with limp legs, as if a basin of cold water was poured on them, cold sweat oozes from their backs, and their entire hearts seem to have fallen into an ice valley, freezing cold, as if unconscious.

It’s over.

The collateral line will never be able to climb up again.

And they're done too.

outside the mansion.

The onlookers panicked, and after reacting, they quickly reported the matter to the forces behind it.

The direct line of the Yu family has returned, Yu Mu has become the new head of the Yu family, and the strong men who once followed the Yu family have also returned.

Yu Yongfu was identified as a sixth-rank alchemist.

The heavenly rank expert of the Lan family died at the hands of a mysterious boy.

Everything that the collateral branch of the Yu family did back then was exposed.

The folding fan in Ye Yuye's hand casually tapped her slender white hand rhythmically, raised her eyebrows slightly, and the task was completed.

Yu Mu continued to be the head of the family, but this time he changed from the Feng family to the head of the Yu family. Feng Qingfeng, who is now Yu Qingfeng, became the admirable young master of the Yu family.

The Feng family regained their former surname, Yu.

Strangely, word spread about the mysterious boy who helped the Yu family's direct lineage.

"Have you heard? The direct line of the Yu family has come back, and it's the kind that comes back dignifiedly, right! Yu Dehou and the others are dead! To be precise, the authoritative members of the collateral line are all dead. Already!"

"Not only that, I heard that 9000 years ago, when the Yu family was still a super family, there were many powerful people who followed them.
But since those people in the collateral line took over, those strong men have disappeared strangely!Guess what happened, they're back!That scene was simply amazing! "

Some people didn't know the situation, and when they heard the man's endless words, they were so frightened that they couldn't straighten their tongues: "

Fuck? !So much has happened!Did the direct lineage settle accounts with the collateral lineage so quickly?The Tianjie of the Lan Family are all dead?What's the situation? I remember that I went to retreat the year before last. Could it be that several months have passed? "

"Dead! I was there at the time, and the direct line is simply the return of a king! No one in the direct line died, all the dead were collateral, and the Lan family! Also, wake up, leave Less than two days have passed since it happened, you are thinking too much."

In the teahouse, everyone was discussing, even if their mouths were dry, they were reluctant to take a sip, you chattered like crazy.

"Then who killed the heaven-level powerhouse of the Lan family?"

Some people frowned, still doubtful in their hearts.

Someone shouted excitedly: "I know! It's that boy!"


Some people who didn't see it with their own eyes were stunned, boy?The boy killed a heaven-ranked expert?Wait, did they hear something wrong?

Some people reacted quickly, and it was inevitable that they would be displeased: "Don't tease me, a young man can kill a strong man in the sky? Are you dreaming? I heard that there is a grand elder in the direct line, He is a strong man of the heaven rank, that person from the Lan family must have been killed by him."

As soon as he said it, he got the approval of many people.

In their childhood beliefs, it is impossible for a young man to become a heavenly powerhouse, even if it is a holy place that people yearn for.

Hearing this, the man frowned and said earnestly: "Really, many people have seen that the grand elder of the Yu family didn't make a move, it was the young man who did it."

After thinking for a while, his complexion became a little strange: "Besides, they all seem to respect him."


The direct line of the Yu family respects that person?

At this moment, a tea customer in the teahouse said weakly: "I saw it too, that young man is really weird, and that heaven-level strong man from the Lan family was still afraid of him when he died."

In the teahouse, it seemed to be quiet for a while.

"Me too." In the corner, a disciple of the sect sat beside an inconspicuous table, and said silently, "

Although I didn't witness it with my own eyes, but a brother of mine saw it, and I thought it was a lie. As a result, many people around me were talking about it. "

Now, everyone became silent.


or fake?

But how could a young man be a heavenly powerhouse?
"Who is that boy?"

On the second floor, there was a somewhat discordant voice.

Someone replied: "I don't know, that person is quite mysterious, but I heard that this person is very handsome, and he is only seventeen or eighteen years old."

Long ago, the person who was discussing the Yu family's affairs fiercely nodded vigorously, quite agreeing: "

Yes, that person is dressed in white and looks very handsome!Tsk, those of us who watched were shocked at the time, what did that person say, when the two sides had a fierce competition,
Guess what happened to him?Turns out he was sitting in a chair drinking tea!Yes, it really is drinking tea, it looks quite leisurely! "

"The heaven-level strongman of the Lan family asked who he was, but he didn't answer at all. He asked that person if he was from the Holy Land, and he didn't answer. I think that's disdain! A kind of neglect by the strong looking at the weak!"

"Also, do you know what he said at the time? Those words were quite domineering! Let me tell you," the man stood up excitedly, cleared his throat and said, "All the people of the Lan family get out of here!" Come out, get out of here, or die!"

Seeing his excitement, some people were a little speechless: "In the end, the strong man of the Lan family was killed by him?"

(End of this chapter)

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