Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 921 Had a bad time, I miss you

Chapter 921 Had a bad time, I miss you

However, it is undeniable that he now has the outline of the child he used to be, and she knew it at the first glance.

It turned out that Jiang Yi was that child.

He is Jiang Yi.

But she didn't know that Jiang Yi wanted him to remember, but he didn't want him to remember. This feeling was very contradictory in his heart. He actually didn't want to call him master anymore...

In fact, this is also very good.

As long as he can still be by his side.

At the beginning, there was only one idea to block the punishment of heaven for him. He didn't want to lose him, so let the master take him away. He knew that the master would not ignore his injury, and he was also betting. He was also content to die in his arms.

Jiang Yi smelled the scent that reassured him, and he admitted that he was selfish.

But if you don't, he won't take him with you at all, not at all.

Ye Yuye didn't touch his head anymore, but patted his back lightly, and smiled helplessly: "Okay, it's time to let go."

Jiang Yi didn't move, still hugging her very tightly, in fact Ye Yuye could break free, but she gave up, sighing in her heart, it's better to let him hug her for a while.

Jiang Yi hugged him for a long time, but he was still not satisfied, but he knew that if he didn't let go, this person would get angry, smelling his scent, he whispered softly: "Then no matter where you go in the future, can you take me with you?"

take me with you.

Ye Yuye was silent for a while, then gave him the answer.

"it is good."

Jiang Yi reluctantly let him go, and the emotional confinement that had been closed for many years was broken. He looked down at the handsome face that made him miss as much as before, and his eyebrows and eyes seemed to be smiling, smiling very happily.

Warm as jade.

As clear as a bar of sweet spring water.

Ye Yuye looked at him, although the canine teeth that were exposed when he smiled were not very obvious, but she could still see them, they were pointed and as cute as when he was a child.


Ye Yuye threw the fruit he had picked before to him, took the other fruit and ate it, bit it very crisply, the juice overflowed, Ye Yuye felt a little sticky, subconsciously licked his lower lip, and continued to bite .

Jiang Yi stared at her moist lips for a while, his long and narrow eyes deepened a little, and he looked away from his lips without leaving any traces, and his throat couldn't help rolling a few times.

There is a tea room.

But Ye Yuye didn't go there, but found a random step and sat down, holding a half-bitten fruit in his hand, squinting his eyes lightly, looking very comfortable.

He also beckoned to Jiang Yi and asked him to come over.

Jiang Yi hesitated for a while before walking over.

"Sit down casually." Seeing him coming, Ye Yuye motioned him to sit down, and said, "Tell me about your past."

Jiang Yi lowered his eyes and swept across the steps. There was dust and it was not very clean. The corners of his eyes jumped up, but he didn't say anything. He quietly took out the handkerchief he had prepared and wiped it before sitting down. In the opposite position of Ye Yuye.

Ye Yuye watched his series of movements, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you have a cleanliness?"

Don't tell me, she wanted to ask this question a long time ago.


Jiang Yi thought for a while, and said, "A little bit."


Ye Yuye was a little helpless, no wonder this guy can find handkerchiefs at will, but I don't know how many this guy has prepared, he is very particular.

After Ye Yuye finished eating the fruit, Jiang Yi gave her the fruit in his hand. Ye Yuye was stunned for a while, then took it: "When did you recognize me?"

Jiang Yi paused, perhaps recalling the vague past, he said: "It's very early, from the day I first saw you."

In fact, he really wanted to say that he had known for a long time that he was the Patriarch of the Jiepu Pavilion, he had known for a long time, but he was always suppressed and dared not go to him.

until one day.

He disappeared.

When I saw him again, it was in an alley.

Ye Yuye twirled the fruit in her hand, there was still a little warmth left on it, she wanted to ask why she didn't tell her about the things between them, but according to her own temperament, she probably wouldn't believe those ridiculous things , they did not ask.

After being silent for a while, Ye Yuye asked, "How have you been these past few years?"

After learning that Professor Jiang was his apprentice, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart, as if I had a different feeling for him, which was very strange.

The atmosphere also became very strange.

Jiang Yi leaned over, raised his hand to wipe off a little juice from the corner of her lips, rubbed it with his fingertips, it was a little sticky, but the touch just now lingered in his heart, he smiled softly: "I'm having a bad time, I'm very sorry Miss you."

Miss you think crazy.

Hate you to the point of madness.

However, when he saw him again, he couldn't hate it at all, couldn't do it.

Psychologically, Ye Yuye had no resistance to Fang Cai's scene. He looked at Jiang Yi with a nonchalant smile, covering up the pain in his heart. Maybe because he was used to touching his head often, Ye Yuye reached out and touched him. head, she said lightly: "I have wronged you."

"Not wronged."

Jiang Yi smiled.

As long as you don't abandon me again, it's fine.

Ye Yuye withdrew her hand, did not see the darkness under Jiang Yi's eyes, the fruit in her hand was still turning in her hand, looking at a bamboo forest outside the courtyard, she said lazily: "More than 1000 years ago, I was injured, Maybe from then on, my memory is not working well."

She suspected that at that time, she had forgotten about Jiang Yi.

However, Jiang Yi's answer in the next moment made her frown, and he said: "You have been away for more than 2000 years, if you didn't lose your memory at that time, you would have come to find me."

To be precise, it is two thousand three hundred and twenty three years.

If you want to be more precise, he really knows.

Jiang Yi's words made Ye Yuye fall into deep thought, not 1000 years ago, but 2000 years, far longer than she thought before.

So, she lost her memory 1000 years ago?

But she still has some impressions of the memory of 2000 years ago. At that time, she was not in the low-level star field, but was wandering back and forth between the low-level world and the high-level world, but she couldn't remember the memory about Jiang Yi.

The old man lost her memory 2000 years ago?
Ye Yuye touched his chin with a serious expression.

This sign is not reliable at all.

Jiang Yi didn't bother him, and sat quietly with him, looking at the fruit-bearing tree in the yard,

The corners of his lips twitched slightly, and there was a smile in his eyes, thinking that he had not abandoned him, but lost his memory, the little struggle that was suppressed in his heart suddenly let go, and became very relaxed.

Not long after contemplating, Ye Yuye put away her thoughts. She got up and still held the fruit in her hand, and said to Jiang Yi: "Although you are awake, your body is still very weak. You will stay here for the next few days. I'll see you more often."

Jiang Yi got up, hugged Ye Yuye without saying a word, and moved his throat a few times: "Okay."

"Boss, there is someone."

Ye Yuye slowly opened his eyes.

 Professor Jiang's little wife, I like it so much
(End of this chapter)

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