Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 922 Ye'er, Your Chapter Is Here

Chapter 922 Ye'er, You Are Back

Ji Lanshan and his team thought that they would miss the carriage, but it happened that the average speed of Qing Ma was about the fastest of high-level horses. If two people and a child were fast enough, they could really catch up.

The two looked a little embarrassed, Ji Lanshan was carrying a little girl on her back, and there was a lot of sweat on her forehead.

Qingma looked at the two people who stopped him, snorted suspiciously, and then heard one person apologetically say, "Dare you come from the Yu family?"

Dongfang Feng's voice came out of the carriage, wary: "Who are you?"

Knowing that they came from the Yu family, could it be that they have been following them?

Dongfang Feng's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Ji Lanshan knew that the people in the carriage had misunderstood, so he said, "Don't misunderstand, fellow daoists, we are from the academy, we came here just to meet, and sincerely want to invite fellow daoists to come to the academy."

"People from the academy?"

Dongfang Feng looked a little strange, looking at Ye Yuye, who had just woken up, as if asking him, at this time Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows halfway, and took a sip of the wake-up tea that the stone made for her: "Let them in. "

Thinking that the people in the carriage probably wouldn't believe it, Yin Chenxiu took out a token from his bosom, and said in a more sincere tone: "

Fellow Daoist, we are really from the academy, this is my identity token, Brother Yin is carrying a child on his back, so it is inconvenient to get the token. "

"Come in."

Hearing the sound from the carriage, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. The little girl slid off Ji Lanshan's back and blinked curiously at the green horse a few times.

The green horse raised its head disdainfully.

So much so that Ji Yu said seriously: "Brother, this horse is so interesting."

Qingma: "..."

You are interesting.

Fun for the whole family.

Ji Lanshan walked over and knocked on Ji Yu's head helplessly, as a punishment: "Yu'er, don't make trouble."

Ji Lanshan carried the little girl into the carriage, and then stepped up herself. Yin Chenxiu looked around first, and after making sure that no one was looking this way, he hurriedly followed.

First, I saw a man in green clothes, and then I saw a young man in white clothes leaning on a soft couch. He was drinking tea leisurely, and beside him was a little boy about five or six years old. Make tea for him.

The boy's face is amazing.

Beautiful and delicate, like jade.

Compared with the man in Tsing Yi, he was completely ignored.

Is this person the young man who is making a lot of noise?

The two subconsciously thought so.

Ji Yu stared straight at the boy who just raised his eyes without any concealment, she smiled and said: "Big brother, you look good-looking, even better than my brother."

Ji Lanshan's face froze for a moment.

Yin Chenxiu looked at the young man seriously, then at his brother, patted him on the shoulder, nodded earnestly and said: "Yes, you are still far behind, well, you can go back to your mother's womb and squeeze it again." Face."

Ji Yu chuckled, glanced away, and happened to see the little boy next to the boy, with a chubby face, fair skin, and bright eyes. In her first impression, this little boy looked like a boy. Be as cute as him.

Shi Shi saw her, smiled at her politely, and quietly added new tea for Ye Yuye, looking very cute.

Yin Chenxiu rubbed his chin, suddenly curious about the identity of this young man, his appearance is even more handsome than that of the Wushuang son, tsk, with this person, how did that Wushuang get the title of the most beautiful man in the star field? number?

I'm dehydrated.

He probably suspected that this person was not from Changxuan Tianyu, otherwise he should have seen him with his appearance or strength.

Ji Lanshan coughed dryly, and said, "To tell you the truth, we are from the academy. This time we came down the mountain to find talented disciples. Not long ago, we heard about fellow Taoist deeds, so we rushed over to see fellow Taoist."

He briefly explained what happened before, and did not hide the reason why they came to find the boy.

After confirming that the two were students of the academy, Dongfangfeng's eyes burned for a moment, and he asked a lot about the academy.

Speaking of the academy.

Ji Yu was quite proud, the little girl patted her chest and said seriously: "

Big brother, you two will definitely make money by coming to the academy. The brothers and sisters in the academy are very strong. As long as you can come, you will be trained to be stronger! "

Ji Lanshan was a little dumb, and smiled helplessly.

This little girl is not polite at all.

Said all kinds of good things about the academy.

The top few geniuses on the Tianzi list were all taken by the academy.

What cultivation resources are abundant.

There are also many good-looking brothers and sisters.

Dongfang Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, she is quite a cute little girl.

Ye Yuye couldn't drink tea anymore, so Shi Shi poured tea for the visitors one by one, and saw the young man put down his teacup, and said in an indescribably lazy voice, "Since we are all going to the academy, let's go together."

The two looked at each other with excitement in both eyes.

There is a play!

The two of them were indeed a bit tired from rushing all the way here, thanking Ye Yuye and the others, looking at the little boy's bald head, Yin Chenxiu smiled and rubbed him: "You are so sensible at such a young age, so good."

Stone blushed and stepped aside.

If it were outside, the little girl would make a fuss in various ways, but when she was sitting in the carriage, she looked well-behaved and sensible. From time to time, she would look at the bald boy, and then look eagerly at a black dog nestled on the soft couch. fat cat.

want to touch.

But my brother said to be reserved.

The interior of the carriage is very large, even if there are more than [-] people sitting together, it is not too crowded.

As disciples of the academy, Ji Lanshan and the others introduced the past glory and current achievements of the academy, how many disciples there are currently, and how many disciples they plan to recruit this year.

As for the assessment, although they are one of the assessors this time, even if they find a good seedling, they can't reveal anything about the assessment.

Since Ye Yuye left, Jiang Yi has been familiar with almost every place here, even the corners. When he returned to the courtyard, he saw the person he had been thinking about day and night.

"Ye'er, you're back."

There was a smile in his eyes, and there was tenderness between his brows.

Ye Yuye carefully looked at the man standing in front of him for a while, and the corners of his lips slightly curled up. This guy was so cute when he was young, and he was so cute when he was a child, and he became even more handsome when he grew up.

She seemed to be satisfied with the choices she had made, but she actually had the idea that my family had just grown up, and she sighed that she couldn't remember everything about him.

Ye Yuye entered the tea room, Jiang Yi silently followed, he looked at the back in front of him, the black hair fluttered and fell with the wind, he couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch the dishonest silk, but in the end it was still Hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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