Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 923 Master, I seem to be sick

Chapter 923 Master, I seem to be sick
Ye Yuye turned around with a smile, he put his hands behind his back like a guilty conscience, only to hear the young man laugh and say, "Shouldn't I be called Master."

Jiang Yi was a little overwhelmed, he pursed his lips tightly, but luckily Ye Yuye didn't notice anything, sitting in front of the chessboard, the chess in her hand happened to be a black chess,

Looking up at Jiang Yi, he seemed to be in a good mood, with the corners of his lips curled up, looking lazy and comfortable: "Play chess with me."

"it is good."

Jiang Yi was sitting opposite him, holding the white chess.

The two played chess for a while, Ye Yuye rarely raised his eyes, looked at the handsome man sitting opposite, and asked thoughtfully: "Who taught you how to play chess?"

"I figured it out myself."

The chess in Jiang Yi's hand fell, his voice sounded somewhat similar to Ye Yuye's, leisurely and relaxed.

Ye Yuye narrowed his eyes slightly, looked away from Jiang Yi, lowered his eyes to scan the situation on the chessboard, and pursed his lips: "Good apprentice."

Jiang Yi was startled for a moment, seeing that it was time for him, he pursed his lips and silently took out a chess piece, and slowly dropped it.

In fact, he should be happy.

But some are not happy.

Although he often talked about his master, but when he called his apprentice again, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart.


Can you just be an apprentice?

Jiang Yi pursed his lips, and then took out another one. Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the situation on the board, every chess that Jiang Yi just dropped messed up the layout of the whole white chess, which made her a little suspicious. Did the kid admit defeat on purpose?

However, after the next few games of chess, Ye Yuye saw that something was wrong with him, and said calmly: "What are you thinking, so inattentive."


Jiang Yi bowed his head and played the chess, "It's nothing."

In fact, this is not bad.

Hope time stops at this moment.

It’s just that Ye Yuye left before he stayed for a long time. He was the only one who stared blankly at the chessboard in front of him, picked up the black chess piece that was still warm, and muttered to himself in a low voice: “Master, I seem to be I'm sick, what should I do..."

outside world.

The carriage has arrived at the academy.

The two people sitting in the carriage had not sat enough, and they had already arrived at the location of Changtian Academy.

This speed is so fast?
The two looked at each other, a little surprised.

Qing Ma snorted, but he didn't care.

But when they walked down, they realized that they did not arrive at the academy, but a small town at the foot of the mountain, which was still some distance away from Changtian Academy.

However, the speed of this horse is really fast.

It is more powerful than the advanced mounts they have seen.

In the carriage, Ji Lanshan looked at the two of them and said, "Come with us, we will take you to the gathering place, and when everyone gets up, we will take you to the academy to take the assessment."

Every person who goes out to assess has two quotas.

Ji Lanshan and Yin Chenxiu decided to have one each.

After Ye Yuye and the others agreed, the two of them also breathed a sigh of relief, with a hint of relieved smile, Qing Ma snorted, and the two of them guided Qing Ma to another hidden place in the town.

gathering place.

It is also the place where all the assessment disciples gather.

There will be elder protection inside.

Ensure the safety of the examiners.

Because in the past years, every assessment was uneven, either there was a conflict with a certain force, or the enemy of the academy secretly assassinated the disciple.

As a result, elders will be stationed at each gathering place.

Ji Lanshan and the others felt that these two people were definitely young people. In order to ensure safety and prevent these two young people from falling into their hands, they had to take them to the gathering place.

With the protection of the elders, well, it is very safe.

On the mountain.

Layers of clouds and mist.

There is a mountain gate.

In one place, a stone that had been stored for thousands of years shone unbelievably dazzling light, extremely intense, and the billowing air waves spread out round and round.

is waiting to be called.

On the mountain, stood a middle-aged man. At this moment, he seemed to have insight into something, and his steady and indifferent face finally couldn't hold back.

"Are you back?"

There was some joy on his face, and some nervousness.

Is that person finally coming back...

The green horse didn't make much effort, and it was in the afternoon when the swaying, the scorching sun was about to set, half of the sky sprinkled a piece of golden light, and strands of sunset glow floated in the sky, one after another.

The gathering place at the foot of the academy mountain is a simple courtyard, the green horse lazily stops at the door, and neighs so that the people in the courtyard can hear it.


An old man walked out holding his beard. He was the elder of the academy. When he saw the carriage, he was taken aback for a moment, and then saw the two people getting out of the carriage, and the little girl also got down. The old man's expression immediately relaxed.

"Elder Xu."

As disciples of the academy, the two greeted each other politely, and Ji Yu also imitated his appearance.

Elder Xu smiled immediately, looked at the carriage, and said, "Did you bring someone here?"

Ji Lanshan nodded: "I brought three."

"Elder Xu," Yin Chenxiu smiled, "The one we found is a genius, you should protect us."

When they were in the carriage, the two of them had already observed that Dongfang Feng had reached the fourth level of the Mysterious Rank. As for the young man, whether it was Yin Chenxiu or Ji Lanshan, neither of them had found out whether the young man had reached the fourth level. What kind of realm.

Moreover, no profound energy fluctuations were sensed.

It's just weird.

And that kid.

They also didn't feel any profound energy aura, it was as if they had never practiced, they were very ordinary children.

For a moment, they even suspected that they had found the wrong person.

Thinking of the rumors about that young man, he was sure that he was a genius, no matter whether he was a heavenly powerhouse who committed suicide or not, he must be one of them.


Elder Xu's eyes flickered, and he became curious.

I saw a bald boy jumping out of the carriage, followed by two people, one of them was holding a small black fat cat in his arms.

Unaware of the young man's cultivation, Elder Xu frowned deeply, feeling puzzled, which was strange, but he didn't ask, but nodded slightly, signaling them to go in.

As for keeping the carriage still useful, the green horse rushed in directly, taking the carriage with it, at such a high speed that only a gust of wind blew past.

"You rest here for a few days, and when everyone is almost here, we will set off. If you encounter any troubles, you can report our names. If you encounter other forces, don't worry, Elder Xu will protect you. "

After Ye Yuye and the others settled down, Ji Lanshan took the little girl and left, and Yin Chenxiu also left with them.

Ever since he learned about the academy assessment from Ji Lanshan and his wife, Dongfangfeng didn't dare to delay for a moment. He either practiced in the room or found a place to practice swordsmanship.

As for Ye Yuye, he lived a leisurely and lazy life.

So much so that Elder Xu frowned every time he saw him, and he had a bad impression of the boy.

 There are more and more homework, piled up together.

  Ah, I try to let our family's Professor Jiang's little wife show her face more
(End of this chapter)

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