Chapter 925 Sneak Attack
These people should be disciples in the academy.

Distinguish different disciples according to the color of service.

For example, Tsing Yi is a cultivator.

After Elder Xu made sure that everyone was present, he saw Ye Yuye and the others among the 30 people, frowned slightly, looked away, and said loudly: "

You are all good seedlings found by the disciples of the academy, and you have the quota for the assessment, but whether you can pass the assessment of the academy depends on your own ability. In addition, you may encounter troubles along the way. Don't run around and follow the team. ! "

More than 30 people clenched their fists tightly, with unconcealable anticipation and tension in their eyes.

"it is good!"

"set off!"

Ji Lanshan took Xiao Ji Yu by the hand, she searched among the crowd, and when she saw the bald boy stuck in the crowd, she called to him: "Come on."

Stone looked over and smiled at her.

Ye Yuye and the others also saw Ji Lanshan and the others.

The academy is located on the mountain.

I don't know when the carriage disappeared. Only the green horse took root and looked out of place among the crowd, which made people feel very strange.

Due to the crowds around, the baby ginseng has been nestled in the bosom of the stone during this period of time. Since the fruit matured, the baby ginseng has become less energetic, and it has not been well cultivated until now.

Seeing a large group of people rushing towards the academy, everyone in the town discussed in low voices.

"It seems that the academy's assessment this year is about to start again."

Someone sighed complicatedly: "I think I used to be an assessment student of the academy back then, and like them, I was so curious about the academy, but it turned out that it was only the second round, so I was rejected, alas."

"This is life. I don't know how many of these people can pass the academy's assessment. I heard from them that the academy's assessment is very difficult. If you are not careful, you will still be killed."

"Of course the academy assessment is very difficult! This is recognized by all major forces. Many experts in our star field come from the academy. I don't even think that the academy was the number one at that time!"

"First, first, it's no longer the case. Although the Academy is very strong, it's not as strong as it used to be. Didn't you see that many forces have been looking for trouble for the Academy these years? If the Academy doesn't work harder, it will be a few years later." , I'm afraid it's over."


Although the voice of the discussion was very low, but Elder Xu's strength is not bad, he heard all the discussions verbatim, his face was tense and his eyes were cold.

At this moment, a cold wind blew up.

A palm directly hit a person in the team.

The man was also unlucky and died on the spot.

The smell of blood spread.

Elder Xu's eyes burst into anger, and he soared into the air, profound energy surged out of his body, and he used his body skills to directly kill a sneak attacker in the dark.

Many people were terrified.

Passers-by avoided even more, for fear of being involved in this turmoil.

Ji Lanshan and Yin Chenxiu's expressions changed suddenly, and the next moment, they shouted at the other academy disciples.

"Everyone, don't run around, gather together!"

"protect them!"

The identities of the two seem to be quite high in the academy, and as they spoke, the academy disciples dispersed their spiritual senses one after another, looking for the enemy's hiding place.

At that moment, dozens of people crowded together quickly and took out their weapons one after another. Compared with the craftsmen and alchemists, it was more miserable.

Their strength is very weak, and they can only rely on weapons to defend themselves. As for alchemists, they take a few pills to make up for their injuries.

Ji Lanshan couldn't let other people guarantee Ji Yu's safety, so he could only hug her and killed one person with almost one move.

Yin Chenxiu protects Ji Lanshan while protecting other people.

There was a killer who was not afraid of death and sneaked up on the child next to the green horse. In the end, he was kicked away by the green horse, stepped on a few times, and was directly trampled to death.

Everyone was surprised.

Didn't expect this horse to be so strong?
Someone killed the boy in white, and the moment he flew into the air, he exploded and died without even making a sound.

Once or twice in a row is still a coincidence.

So what happened these three or four times?

The hired killer was flustered, almost subconsciously avoided the boy in white, and turned to kill other people.

After all, Elder Xu was powerful, he pulled out the killers in the dark, he was almost sure who was the one who attacked them, and he killed them without even asking.

There were dead bodies lying on the ground, bleeding.

The smell of blood is strong.

The killer is dead.

However, four of the assessment disciples protected by Elder Xu died, nine were seriously injured, and eighteen were slightly injured. It was concluded that the situation was very bad.

Of the four people who died, except for the first one who was unlucky, the remaining three ran away in fright and stayed away from the team. It was because they were too stupid that the killer caught the opportunity and killed them.

The test disciples who survived were terrified.

It never occurred to me that I almost died.

Elder Xu's complexion was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth: "It's them again, they don't let people stop every year, this revenge must be avenged..."

Fortunately, among the four people who died, none of them were geniuses. The ones who caught a lot in the academy were not very serious. Elder Xu's face softened a little, and he directly contacted other people.

The news he got was similar to what he thought.

Other teams were also attacked, and some of them suffered minor losses. In one team, thirteen people died directly, and six of them were all geniuses. As long as they survived, they would definitely be able to enter the academy to practice!

Without hesitation, Elder Xu calmly gave the order: "Hold on! You must arrive at the academy before this afternoon!"

Those cultivators who were seriously injured, especially those who injured their legs, couldn't walk directly, and had to find someone to help them walk together after taking the elixir.

Ji Lanshan and the others directly found Ye Yuye and the others at the back of the team. They were relieved to see that they were all right, but they felt strange.

Except for Elder Xu, they would all be injured more or less, but why did Ye Yuye and Dongfang Feng seem to have no injuries at all?
And this kid?

Because Ji Lanshan and the others were protecting other people before, they didn't see the weird scene just now, so they were naturally a little strange.

But thinking that they might be lucky, they didn't ask any more questions, and told them not to leave the team without authorization and to follow them closely.

A group of people rushed towards the academy quickly. Elder Xu was in the middle of the group, so they could all protect them. As for the disciples of the academy, three or four were in front, and the rest were protected behind.

These people may not be able to identify which one is their future junior brother and sister, and they must be protected absolutely, so that no one can die anymore.

Elder Xu was flying in the sky, staring at the big team, seeing the young man in white clothes inside, and the children following him, he frowned strangely.

How are these two all right?

After being surprised for a while, Elder Xu didn't think deeply, and murmured to himself: "It's really lucky, but luck is also a skill, there's nothing wrong with it."

 Happy Labor day
  Alright, hahahahahaha, my little wife is cheating.

  I dare not describe more, for fear of being blocked

(End of this chapter)

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