Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 926 My master is the most powerful

Chapter 926 My master is the most powerful
After the large team disappeared into the town, many people breathed a sigh of relief. On the way to the academy, the surroundings were in a mess.

"Although I'm used to it, I'm still terrified."

"Those forces really don't want the academy to rise again. They have to come here every year. Not to mention the academy, we are going crazy."

"My God, these people in the academy are too much, the blood on the ground is disgusting, and those corpses, shouldn't these things be cleaned up."

Immediately attracted strange eyes, some people were displeased, and said: "You are stupid, the person who died is not a disciple of the academy, and the academy has no obligation at all. Drag it away, and there are killers who assassinate the disciples of the academy, the academy can't just collect the corpses for the enemy."


The team led by Elder Xu was considered safe on the road and did not encounter any more dangers, but thinking about it, the team he led was very ordinary, not the young masters of a certain force. As for the talent and convenience of these people, they were also very ordinary.

Mostly to attack other teams.

Elder Xu really guessed right. Not long after, another team had an accident and suffered heavy losses. The academy has already sent elders to support it.

As for them, they are actually relatively safe.

It's just that it didn't take long to calm down. The team led by Elder Xu was unlucky. They met another team on the road. This team was either a genius or a noble son of a certain family. They were completely time bombs.

However, there is only one way to the academy, Elder Xu had no choice but to bite the bullet and merge the two teams, feeling helpless in his heart.

"Elder Li."

Elder Xu cupped his hands slightly, and saluted, there was no other way, elders in the academy were divided into high and low, and Elder Li had a higher status than himself, so he should salute.

Elder Li's complexion was slightly pale, and blood was stained on his body. It is not difficult to see what happened to him before. He took the elixir, recuperated for a while, then opened his eyes, and nodded to Elder Xu: "Elder Xu is sorry for your trouble."

Elder Xu frowned. Elder Li is the inner elder of the academy. With his strength, he could be injured, so he suddenly became serious: "Elder Li, who did you meet on the way? How many times?"

Elder Li had a headache: "Twice encounters, one was okay, no one died, the second time, the other party directly sent two earth-level strongmen, three of them died, and these three were all sons of the star field family, It’s just determined to fight against us.”

"Earth-level powerhouse?!"

Elder Xu's complexion changed quickly, "Where is the academy? Has the academy sent someone over now?"

Earth-level powerhouse, this is no joke.

He wasn't sure what would happen if he walked on now.

Elder Li glanced at the examiner disciple who was resting, and said: "I have already contacted, and will send someone over."

Elder Xu asked, "Who?"

"The elder of the executive cabinet."

Elder Li looked at the merged team, saw Ji Yu and the others inside, and said calmly, "How is your journey going? Are there any good seedlings?"

"Then what a good seedling," Elder Xu smiled wryly, "Four babies died in front, but it's okay, it's not as bad as your injuries."

Elder Li shook his head and sighed: "That's all."

The atmosphere has been tense since the two teams came together.

The team led by Elder Li is full of talented talents, while the team led by Elder Xu is much more ordinary. Because of this, one team is looked down upon, and the other is very restrained.

Elder Li's injury was almost healed, the academy sent another elder, a team of three elders, set off again, hurrying to the academy as soon as possible.

Time is tight.

Others also left in a hurry.

However, the people in front were quite dissatisfied and even disgusted with the lame and injured examinee disciples walking behind.

"The ones behind, can you hurry up! Don't make us wait for you!"

"Damn, please go faster, please, please stop stepping on my feet!"

"Quiet! Do you understand Quiet! Keep your strength and rush up!"


The green horse snorted disdainfully, at this speed, it can beat the humans in front of it in one breath, and then run back, despise them for being too slow?Master Ma is relaxing, he is afraid of bullying you to death.

Ye Yuye was not in a hurry, and slowly followed behind the team. Dongfangfeng and Shitou followed Ye Yuye and were also behind. As for Ji Lanshan and Yin Chenxiu, they were also behind. Anyway, Ye Yuye and the others were theirs. The seedlings found, the first task is to protect their safety.

Seeing the two people protecting them, Dongfangfeng coughed a few times and said, "Brother Ji, don't worry, we'll be fine."

Ji Lanshan frowned, with a serious face: "No, we must protect the safety of fellow Taoists."

"That's right," Yin Chenxiu said solemnly, "You have also seen how dangerous this time is, I reckon those people will not let it go."

For the persistence of the two, Dongfang Feng felt helpless.

Ji Yu looked at Shi Shi, who was about the same age as her, with a smile, his eyes flashed with confidence: "My brother is amazing, you have to trust him."

Shi Shi hid beside Ye Yuye, curled his lips: "My master is the most powerful."

The child's unintentional words made Ji Lanshan and the two of them have a strange look in their eyes, master?Who is the owner of this child?Suspicion fell on the boy in white.

The next moment, Ji Yu blinked his doubtful eyes: "Who is your master?"

Stone pursed his lips and turned his head away.

And his little hand was still holding on to Ye Yuye's sleeve.

Ji Yu raised his head, looked at the boy who was more handsome than his elder brother, and asked suspiciously: "Big brother, are you his master?"

Ye Yuye was a little helpless, reached out and touched Shi Shi's head, and said with a smile, "I am his brother."

Shito blinked a few times, his chubby face quickly turned red, lo and behold, this child is shy.

Ji Yu wanted to ask something, but Ji Lanshan hurriedly pulled her over, her face a little embarrassed: "Children are ignorant, offended."

Whether it's the master or the elder brother, that's their privacy.

Yu'er, this little girl, is too unruly.

Ji Yu looked at her brother's face a little unhappy, she looked at Shi Shi apologetically, twisting her fingers: "I'm sorry, I won't ask any more questions in the future."

Ji Lanshan's complexion improved slightly.

"It's okay." Looking at the little girl's appearance of doing something wrong, Shitou introduced himself seriously, "My name is Shitou."

Ji Yu blinked a few times, and smiled: "My surname is Ji, and my first name is Yu. Yu's Yu, Shi Shi Shi Shi, is a strange name, but it sounds nice."

The two children were busy introducing themselves, and Ji Lanshan let her go with a trace of helplessness in his eyes. During this period, he and Yin Chenxiu remained vigilant and did not dare to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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