Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 928 Dare to Ask Which Family My Little Friend Is From

Chapter 928 Dare to Ask Which Family My Little Friend Is From
"Hey, hey."

The green horse, which was attracting everyone's attention, raised its head proudly.

On top of its head, a head protruded slightly, and the green horse soon withered again, appearing to have restrained itself a lot.

"Whose horse is it?"

Elder Xi poked at the two of them and whispered.

Elder Li looked at Elder Xu, obviously waiting for his answer, and Elder Xi was also looking at him, with a hint of joy in his doubts.


Elder Xu made a signal, and the three of them looked at each other in dismay, and then went straight to the direction of the green horse, to be precise, they came straight to the boy in white.

Elder Xi's expression softened, he first looked at the green horse, and then his eyes fell on Ye Yuye, obviously, this horse had a closer relationship with him, and asked, "Little fellow daoist, is this your horse? "

Before Ye Yuye could speak, the green horse neighed first, the answer was obvious.

The three of them didn't show any surprises. After all, this horse could kick even a strong man to death if it went down with one hoof. They were not sure whether this horse would kick them or not.

The appearance of the green horse changed Elder Xu's view of the young man, and he politely asked, "May I ask which family you belong to?"

The others were also looking at the boy.

After all, they are all curious about who this person is.

Which family's young master is the one who owns this strange horse, and his status may be very high. As for which family it belongs to, they can't guess.

Ye Yuye listened to him calmly, and then said: "I think you have misunderstood, this horse was picked up, if you want, you can do whatever you want."

next moment.

The green horse froze as if struck by lightning.

Everyone's expressions became a little weird.

... Picked it up?

Is the horse you picked up really that good?

Is this plausible?

This guy has no identity, just luck?

Everyone's complexion turned pale and then green, from the original expectation, to ridicule, disgust, jealousy, anger, all kinds of emotions, very complicated.

This feeling is like being tricked, excitedly asking and trying to please the relationship, but the other party's words, a basin of cold water is mercilessly poured on them, it's really cold.

Dongfang Feng next to him frowned. He didn't like this kind of gaze, and he didn't like these gazes on his boss. What was the identity of the boss? What means?
I don't know which yin and yang strange rich son said with a smile: "

Why have I never seen you before? It turned out that this horse was picked up by luck. This luck is really good enough. By the way, should I help you ask another day, which power lost the horse? I reckon People will be worried to death. "

Dongfang Feng stared at the man with undisguised sarcasm in his eyes, his complexion sank, if it wasn't because he couldn't expose the identity of the boss, he would have rushed up to grab that fellow and slapped him to death, yelling The identity of the boss of his family can scare you to death if you tell him!
They didn't believe what Ye Yuye said at all, instead they thought he was pretending, better than them, but they didn't know that what he said was the truth, the truth was absolutely true.

With Ye Yuye's own speed, there is no need for a horse at all. Even if the horse still has half of the blood of the dragon, she is still not uncommon. Like her wandering around in the world, even a real dragon with pure blood , Phoenix, I am used to seeing more sitting, so I will be rare about this.

Ye Yuye looked at the three people who were hesitant to speak, and without saying a word, he passed them and walked forward.

As soon as she left, Qingma followed immediately, fearing that this person really didn't want it, while carefully guarding against other people, snorting disdainfully.

The expressions on everyone's faces were a bit complicated. They didn't know whether they were envious or sighed that this person was really lucky. The owner didn't want it, and he followed him desperately. He was really loyal to the owner.

Luan Ming flapped its wings and landed directly on the green horse's back, but it didn't dare to approach the cat and kept a distance.

As Ye Yuye and his group moved forward, other people also started to move, but some people greedily stared at the dangling green horse. Since it was picked up, they would not be polite.

Who doesn't want a cool mount.

Take it out to save face, if you encounter an enemy, the strong are unreliable, as long as you have this horse by your side, you will be safe and sound!
With one hoof down, it can kill even the strong of the ground level. How strong is this horse?I'm afraid it's far more than that.

Someone wanted to get close to this horse, but the horse ignored it, and occasionally made contemptuous noises at the humans who tempted it.

Master Ma didn't go anywhere, so he just stayed here, the pill food for the mount?Master Ma is not rare, can it taste better than that little ginseng, abduction, dreaming!
The atmosphere changed because of the horse. Elder Xu looked at Ji Lanshan and the two, lowered his voice as much as possible, and asked, "Who are these two people you recruited?"


The other two elders were a little curious, but not surprised. Who were Ji Lanshan and Yin Chenxiu? These two people have a lot of status in the academy. If they recruited them, they would definitely have left.

Like Ji Yu's little girl, Yin Chenxiu blinked a few times, and said with a smile, "Elder, that person's identity and strength are quite mysterious. In short, we did recruit a genius back to the academy. You didn't want to see them before." .”

Boss Xu Chang's face was a little stiff.

It seems to be the case.

Yin Chen laughed happily.

Ji Lanshan was still holding Ji Yu's little hand, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Elder, do you still remember the rumors about the Yu family not long ago?"

Elder Xu nodded, and sighed a little: "I've heard about it, but I didn't expect that the direct line of the Yu family is the Feng family of Zhouling Tianfu. They have been hiding for so long.

I remember that Feng Qingfeng, who was ranked in the top [-] in the Tianzi list, was the young master of the Feng family. I didn't expect him to be the descendant of the alchemy emperor. No wonder his talent in alchemy is also great. "

Elder Li looked at Ji Lanshan and asked, "I've heard about this too. Is that person's identity related to the Yu family?"

The two elders' hearts moved, and they came up with an idea together. It has something to do with the Yu family?Is it a direct lineage?Or Feng Qingfeng's brother?

Yin Chenxiu touched his nose, and said, "I guess the relationship with the Yu family is unusual."

This is not an estimate, it is clearly a fact.

Ji Lanshan looked at the back that was blocked by others, he could only see the white corner, and said: "There are rumors about the Yu family, there is a young man, and he is the protagonist in the rumors."

The three of them were startled, with horror in their eyes.

They have heard that the Yu family brought a foreign aid, and it looked like a boy, but that boy killed a strong man of the heavenly rank... Could it be that he really has the ability to kill the strong man of the heavenly rank?

(End of this chapter)

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