Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 929 Its saliva is very valuable

Chapter 929 Its saliva is very valuable

Is this news still true?
However, when they thought of the horse next to the young man, the three of them hesitated. Maybe the news was wrong. It was not him who killed the strong man, but this horse?

Thinking of this, the three of them felt a little better.

This way, there is no more danger.

Gradually, the number of people who provoke Qing Ma gradually decreased.

It wasn't because they didn't work hard enough, but because they found that the horse seemed to recognize the young man to death, no matter how seductive it was, it would ignore them, sometimes it would be lucky to snort.

Among these assessment disciples, in addition to the son of a certain family, there is also the prince who has the blood of the royal family, and he is also the most noble one.

behind that horse.

Someone muttered.

"Second prince, you have a noble status, this horse must be yours."

"That's right, if you go out on a horse, you will definitely succeed."

"You are the prince of the Dongzhou Dynasty. I think only you are worthy of this horse."


Nie Xiu narrowed his eyes and listened to the flattery around him. Although he knew it was fake, he still had a sense of superiority in his heart.
Thinking of those women all focusing their attention on that man, to be honest, Nie Xiu is really not happy, why let this guy steal the limelight.

Some people still don't know that Nie Xiu is the prince of Dongzhou. When they first heard it, their eyes on him changed suddenly. Some were shocked, some were surprised, and some came to please him.

The prince from Dongzhou has a great background!

Nie Xiu was relieved psychologically, and walked forward with a smile that he thought was gentle, called Ye Yuye, and said: "

Fellow Daoist, how about selling your horse to me? "

Dongfang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at this person with some displeasure.

"Ask it."

Ye Yuye raised his lower eyelids, and pointed to the green horse who was following her with a deadpan face.

Nie Xiu's complexion was slightly dark. It's not that he didn't suffer in front of Qing Ma before. He obviously thought that Ye Yuye's words were specially aimed at hitting him, and said with a smile: "

Fellow Daoist, isn’t 100 million high-grade spirit stones enough to buy your horse? Although 100 million is not much, it is also a lot. If not, I will add another 50. What do you think? "

Ye Yuye basically had no idea about Lingshi, even if he heard that 50 was added, he was not interested at all, so he frowned slightly: "I am not its owner."

Whether she stays or not has nothing to do with her.


Just as Nie Xiu was about to look up, Qingma didn't know whether it was on purpose or not, so he sneezed and sprayed Nie Xiu's face with saliva.

Everyone: "..."

Some people want to laugh, so they can only hold back in silence.

The three elders who followed slowly behind also saw this scene, they were dumbfounded, looked away with some headaches, and didn't plan to care about trivial matters.

The moment he sprayed over, Nie Xiu was stunned, and he reacted instantly, his complexion turned red and then green, and he stared angrily at the green horse who didn't care.

What's the meaning! ?

Could it be that this person made a fool of himself?

Nie Xiu gritted his teeth and stared at Ye Yuye, his back molars were about to crack, who is he, he is the prince!Noble prince!In the end, he was sprayed with saliva all over his face by a beast!

Dongfangfeng smiled, but it wasn't obvious, and he kindly greeted: "Prince of Dongzhou? Prince, your face is covered with saliva, do you need to wipe it with a handkerchief?"


Nie Xiuhan grimaced, and took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe off the drool on his face, without even looking at it, he threw the handkerchief on the ground disgustingly.

The green horse on one side thought about what it had done wrong, looked at the dark-faced human, and then at the boy's unchanged side face, it called out to Nie Xiu a few times.

I'm sorry, Master Ma didn't do it on purpose, but he just couldn't help it.

Shouldn't it be time to apologize now?

But in Nie Xiu's eyes, the horse was just laughing at him. That kind of ridicule made him clench his fists and hit the horse's face hard.

Nie Xiu turned to look at Ye Yuye, sneered and said, "Did you do it?"

You let the horse do it!

I don't want to sell the horse, so let this horse insult me, right?

"Hey hiss—"

Qing Ma is in a hurry, Master Ma has already apologized to you, what else do you want to do, can't you just can't help it, even you humans have three anxiety, what happened to Master Ma sneezed, it's not that he didn't apologize, as for being so narrow-minded what.

Ye Yuye looked at him for a while, with a strange expression on his face, and said, "Its saliva is very valuable."

As the only blue dragon horse in the world, this saliva has the miraculous effect of alchemy, and it is also a kind of herbal medicine, but it is very rare and precious.

Once upon a time before ancient times.

How many people want to get the saliva of the blue dragon horse.

Just one drop, doubled the growth of Lingshi.

Nie Xiu's eyes almost went dark, and with a dark face, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "You did it on purpose! You told me that the saliva of a beast is worth money? Even if it can kill a strong man, it is still a beast! Sprayed this The prince's face is full, and he still laughs at the prince! It's intentional! It's definitely intentional! If you don't want to sell it, forget it!"

The green horse froze, and the horse's hooves on the ground shook unbearably.

Ma Ye apologized to you, you said Ma Ye was laughing at you?

on purpose!
Frame Master Ma!

One word after another came out of Qing Ma's mind, and he looked nervously at Ye Yuye, his eyes were filled with aggrieved eyes, but he no longer looked like a thief.

The fat cat nestled on the green horse's head, looking down at Nie Xiu, wagging its long tail, with a bit of disdain in its eyes.

it has started.

to start.

The atmosphere became tense.

Everyone watched curiously, expecting what this person would do to the noble prince of Shangdongzhou, would he let the horse kick him to death, or would he not die forever?

To their astonishment, Ye Yuye's words never occurred to them.

"Apologize to him again."

Everyone looked a little weird.

It's hard to believe that this young man is so cowardly.

The green horse shook its ears, and barked a few times at Nie Xiu.


If it wasn't for not wanting to cause trouble for this person, Master Ma would have slapped him, turned around and ran away.

Everyone is weird.

The three-character scripture that I wanted to spit out was stuck in my throat, and Nie Xiu's molars were rattling. He apologized, and he couldn't do anything to him, but this problem was completely settled!

Nie Xiu glared at Ye Yuye angrily, seeing that his expression didn't fluctuate, he was even more angry, and shivered: "You wait for my prince!"

Not afraid.

But angry.

There is no way, he really can't do anything to this person, the people around him are not here, and this weird horse, he absolutely believes that this horse can kick him to death.

Everyone watching the play looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is this over?

Isn't he the prince of the dynasty?

Why is it different from what they expected?
 I'm back.However, the homework has not been completed and cried.I have class tomorrow, good night
(End of this chapter)

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