Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 930 Peerless, the only one in the world

Chapter 930 Peerless, the only one in the world
Fortunately, nothing happened to the two of them, otherwise the three elders who supervised the team would inevitably make a fuss, and this would be the most troublesome thing.

The friends who had a good relationship with Nie Xiu were a little surprised. If it was someone else, the second prince of Dongzhou would definitely do it without saying a word.

They looked at the blue horse, and it was true, this horse was a horse that could kick a strong man to death in one go, so they had to be afraid.

Everyone can't figure it out.

Why does this horse want to pester this young man so shamelessly.

Who is he?
It seemed that layer after layer of secrets had been wrapped around the young man.

Layer after layer.

Can't see through.

I don't understand.

It's approaching evening.

They finally arrived.

But this is not a real academy yet.

It's just a corner of the academy, within the scope.

Before becoming an official disciple, he is not eligible to enter the academy.

And this is also the rule of the academy.

In addition to their team, other teams came one after another.

The number of people is about a hundred or so.

There are also injured people in the team, who closed their eyes to recuperate their injuries.

It was clear at a glance that others had also been attacked along the way.

The three elders were already busy leaving for the docking.

In front of everyone, there are two iconic and thick pillars, standing on both sides, looking up, straight into the sky, with no end in sight.

The surface of the pillars is densely textured.

Presented in gray state.

Around, there are still clouds and mist, occasionally hazy.

Dongfangfeng looked at the other people in the team around him, and found that they were all very strong, and most of them were far above him. However, this did not affect Dongfangfeng. He firmly believed that he would surpass them one day .

"Brother, where are you from?"

"I'm from the north!"

"There are really enough people for the assessment. Not long ago, I escaped death and almost couldn't survive. Let us assess now? The academy shouldn't kill us."

"My fellow, I finally met my fellow!"

"What, bro, you took part in the assessment last year, what's the content, heck, why don't you tell the brothers quietly, no third person will know."


The voices are mixed together.


The baby ginseng, who hadn't been out much for a long time, saw the soft soil, muffled into the soil, and shuttled back and forth to play around.

Shi Shi held Fat Mao'er in his arms, pinching its ears from time to time, Fat Mao'er would feel itchy occasionally, so he shook his ears, and let him go.

"Brother," a young man moved his position and looked at the two with a smile. To be precise, he was looking at the handsome young man. "My name is Shao Xia, and I'm from Nanzhou. call?"

Dongfangfeng looked at Shao Xia suspiciously, and after confirming that this person had no hostility towards them, he said, "Dongfangfeng, he came from a foreign star field. This is my boss, Ye Yuye."

Shao Xia looked at Ye Yuye's handsome face with a bit of laziness, and said with a smile: "

Your boss is also from a foreign star field?No wonder I haven't seen him in the Changxuan Sky Starfield. I've seen Yun Wushuang before. Compared with you, he is far behind. If I hadn't seen what Yun Wushuang looks like, I would have almost mistaken you for him. "

Dongfang Feng's heart moved: "Yun Wushuang? That young master Wushuang?"

"Isn't it him?" Shao Xia patted his knees, "Yun Wushuang, although that guy is not very strong, but he has always been recognized by Changxuan Tianyu as a beautiful man, with countless admirers, from Nanzhou to Xizhou went."

Shao Xia looked up at Ye Yuye for a while, and said with a smile: "I think you are known as Wushuang, but at most he has the title of the Yun family, the name of Wushuang."

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows slightly, the corners of his lips curled up, with a bit of laziness: "That's a good name."

She remembered that she used to have such a name.


Seeing Shao Xia staring at his boss, feeling a little uncomfortable for some reason, Dongfang Feng cleared his throat, grabbed Shao Xia's shoulder and pulled him back: "That's right, my boss is peerless and unique in the world. "

Shao Xia was stunned for a moment, and caught off guard, his eyes fell on Dongfang Feng, meeting those probing eyes, he smiled awkwardly.

this kid...

Dongfang Feng groaned in his heart, and if he came up with any other tricks, he had no good intentions.

Shao Xia rubbed his nose, and asked Dongfang Feng casually, "Where are you going? The monastery area? Or the other four areas?"

Dongfang Feng thought for a while: "Cultural area, I don't have any other talents, where are you going?"

"Fu Zhuan area!"

Listening to Shao Xia's resolute voice, Dongfang Feng was a little surprised: "Are you a talisman master?"

"Yes," Shao Xia glanced at Ye Yuye and asked, "Where's your boss, is he going to the monastery area like you?"

To be honest, Dongfangfeng really doesn't know which district the boss is going to, but as long as he is still in the academy, he thinks about seeing him again in the future, and he is in a good mood. He patted Shao Xia on the shoulder and smiled: " Can my boss compare with us? He is very strong."

Even if he became the head of the academy, he was not surprised.

Shao Xia smiled and said nothing.

After a while.

Other teams came one after another.

Ji Lanshan and the others have already left the team and went to assemble.


All the elders for the assessment are here.

It was an old man dressed in a gray robe, standing in front of the elders with a straight face, making people afraid to approach, with a certain majesty.

The elders of the academy gathered together to discuss the attack on the road. Everyone's face was very serious, and they expressed their suspicions.

The old man had a serious face and frowned: "I know your doubts, so keep this secret in advance, and discuss the results after the assessment is over."

All the elders nodded in acquiescence.

This matter is indeed unspeakable.

In an instant.

Among the crowd, another person suddenly appeared.

With his temperament, even if he is stuck in the crowd, it is difficult not to notice it. Of course, the only ones who can be noticed are the elders in the academy.

Seeing the middle-aged man appearing in vain, all the elders were amazed. They seemed to be unbelievable that he would appear here, and even felt incredible.

Venerable Xiuran.

The most powerful existence in the academy.

He is also the head of the academy, the head of the academy.

For an assessment like this, even if it is the day of formal admission to the academy, the head of the school will not appear easily.

The elders wanted to bow down to him, but Venerable Xiuran frowned and waved his sleeves casually. The elders looked at each other and immediately understood what he meant. They stopped their original intention of saluting and pretended nothing happened. Looked away from his direction.

It seems that the master is here to investigate.

Someone saw him.

Thinking that he should be an elder of the academy, he ignored it.

(End of this chapter)

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