Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 931 Venerable Xiuran Appears, The Master’s Uncle

Chapter 931 Venerable Xiuran Appears, The Master’s Uncle

No one noticed the sweat clenched in their master's hands. It was nervous. Although his face was expressionless, the eagerness in his eyes betrayed him.

Where is that person?


He is among these people.

came back.

Finally home.

He didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to try easily, even if he found him, it would be disrespectful to that person, so he could only look carefully one by one.

He went through one after another.

In an instant, his eyes fell entirely on one person.

The footsteps stopped in vain.

It was a teenager.

Dressed in white.

Leaning against a tree.

The facial features are handsome and delicate.

It's just this one glance, and I can't move it away.

Venerable Xiuran's heart trembled, and it was the same as his childhood memory, like the same person, dressed in white clothes that hadn't changed for thousands of years, with a handsome face like a boy's.

Really nothing has changed.

...Is it him?

Venerable Xiuran trembled and felt uneasy.

Maybe not like.

but the same person.

Venerable Xiuran's face was a little tense, and there was a hint of joy, but it was only fleeting, and he clenched his fists and walked slowly towards him.

He is back.

It is said that there are more than 2000 years.

His appearance remained unchanged.

But he has changed too much.

All the elders looked at each other.

Master, what is he going to do?

Why do you feel that the host is a little strange today.

Venerable Xiu Ran didn't know how much courage he mustered to stand in front of Ye Yuye, and the people beside her also noticed this majestic middle-aged man.

None of them had seen the man.

But they all regarded him as an elder of the academy.

Venerable Xiuran looked at him, cupped his hands and said, "Dare to ask...Dare to ask Your Excellency, what is the sky, and who created the chaos of heaven and earth."

The people around were stunned.

The elder who accidentally heard it was also stunned.

It doesn't matter if other people don't know, but the problem is that all the elders here know who he is, why does the headmaster ask this question?He didn't go to anyone else, why did he ask this person?
Is it a coincidence, or something else?
What is heaven?
Who caused the chaos in the world?

What is heaven?
And what is chaos?
How to explain this thing?
Why would the host raise such a question.

The fat cat in Shi Shi's arms opened his eyes, thinking that this matter should have something to do with Ye Yuye.

Ye Yuye looked at him silently, looked at this person's appearance, manner and conversation, and searched for memories related to him. In his memory, someone had asked this question.

After a long time, Ye Yuye said, "I opened because of me."

Everyone was stunned.

What kind of answer is this?
The chaos of heaven and earth opened because of you?

who are you?
Even if it's a fool, it's too perfunctory.

For a moment, many people fixed their eyes on Ye Yuye, frowned, and felt more and more displeased, especially some men, all of them looked unhappy.

No one knows, when he heard those words, Venerable Xiuran breathed a sigh of relief, his tense body had never relaxed before, but this time, in front of everyone's eyes, respectfully facing The boy saluted.

"Uncle, I'm here to pick you up."

You're back.

It's good to see you in my lifetime.

But this time, Ye Yuye began to look at him again, squinting his eyes.

I can call him uncle in the academy.

Who is his master?
Cold sword?

Ye Yuye remembered, the child who used to be by Han Jian's side, that child used to call her Shishu back then.

It was him.

Everyone was slightly surprised, especially the elders of the academy, the conversation between the headmaster and him should not have been heard, but they were too strong to help, so they heard it.

So much so that when they heard the call of uncle, they were almost taken aback and almost fell to the ground from where they were. Oh, my dear, this guy is the master's uncle? !
Still so small?

Look, it doesn't look like Yi Rong at all.

A master stronger than the master?
But this is too young!

Is it the younger brother of the former headmaster?

Or brother?

The elders were in a mess. If they hadn't heard it, they would almost think that there was something wrong with their ears.

The person who was most shocked was Elder Xu, because he was the one who received Ye Yuye, he was the one who was disappointed in him, and he was the one who had opinions on him.

In the end, he was told that this person was actually the master's uncle? !
You say it's fine as an apprentice, or as a junior, but why is it an uncle? !This status is even higher than that of the master!What the hell is going on!
Also, he was actually disappointed with the master's uncle?

Elder Xu's eyes went dark, and he felt that his sky was about to collapse.

It gave him more than just shock.

This is simply unbelievable and greatly stimulated.

I want to fan my heart.

Ji Lanshan, how did he bring back such an ancestor, did he already know?
Elder Xu's eyes were once again dark.

Those who had contact with Ye Yuye, besides Elder Xu, were Elder Li and Elder Xi, both of them looked at him with suspicion at the same time.

Elder Xu looked at the two sadly: "Don't look at me, I'm just like you, I just found out."

The two looked at him suspiciously for a while, and Elder Li couldn't help it anymore: "You really don't know? That's the master's uncle of our dean."

"I really do not know."

Elder Xu had a bitter face, "If I knew, I wouldn't treat him like this, right?"

Even the head of the hospital wants to respectfully call him uncle, how dare he be disrespectful?

The status of the boy in his heart gradually rose.

Elder Xi was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "Tell me, our former courtyard master has passed away for so many years, how come a uncle pops up all of a sudden?"

After the shock, Elder Xu's expression was a little depressed: "How do I know, what the headmaster is thinking, we people can't figure it out at all."

Elder Li calmed down and pondered: "Master Uncle Master is too young, how old is he?"

"Ten 78?"

"You're so confused, the master's uncle, you tell me seventeen or eighteen? You think it's impossible if you think about it. He is the master's uncle, so he should be about the same age as the former master."

Elder Xu popped out a few words abruptly: "... have you lived for a thousand years?"

The three of them remained silent and did not speak any more. They stared at the white-clothed boy in unison. It was unbelievable that this person had lived for a thousand years, and he was still so young. Moreover, he was once comparable to the former master. Is the headmaster even more powerful?

The seniors of the former master, although they are the elders of the academy, they haven't joined the academy for a long time, and they really don't know much about the former master.

However, if the headmaster can respectfully call him Master Uncle, then most likely it is true.

After the middle-aged man said that to him, Dongfangfeng knew that his boss was leaving.

Therefore, Dongfang Feng solemnly said: "Boss, I will be admitted to the academy!"

 There are many, many, many identities of the heroine, and this is just the tip of the iceberg

(End of this chapter)

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