Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 933 Master Uncle, The Child Who Followed You...

Chapter 933 Master Uncle, The Child Who Followed You...

"1000 years ago," Venerable Xiuran said with complex eyes, "was surrounded by other forces and died."

He didn't seem to want to mention this matter, he just briefly talked about other things with Ye Yuye, such as the situation of the academy in recent years.

Ye Yuye was thinking about something for some reason, but those lazy eyes were full of vicissitudes at the moment, and he looked away lightly: "My current name is Ye Yuye, not Jiang Ye."

Jiang Ye, that peerless genius who was once feared in Changxuan Tianyu.

But in just one year, he quietly disappeared, like a flash in the pan, disappearing his life.

The two had already arrived at the back mountain of the academy, where only Venerable Xiuran, who is the head of the academy, could enter, but now, one more person appeared.

"Uncle, the place where you used to live is still there."

With a faint smile on his face, Venerable Xiuran led Ye Yuye towards a familiar direction. Ye Yuye had no impression of everything here at first, but after staying for a long time, he found that the structure and appearance of this place gradually changed. familiar.

Did not expect to come back.

Venerable Xiuran actually wanted to tell Ye Yuye his former friends, but Ye Yuye didn't ask, so he didn't talk about it, and talked about some light things.

around the two of them.

It is a dense bamboo forest with thick and tall columns.

The moonlight poured down, and traces of purple could be vaguely seen.

Purple bamboo forest.

"Uncle, this bamboo forest was planted by you once, and it has grown very tall now. After you leave, father will help you manage the bamboo forest.
Until later, he found that without him, this bamboo forest could still thrive, so he didn't take care of it anymore, and would come to visit here occasionally. "

Venerable Xiuran smiled. He didn't have the majesty of being the head of the courtyard at all. On the contrary, he looked a bit like a child, quite asymmetrical with his appearance.

Ye Yuye looked at Venerable Xiuran, who was different from the child in her memory, but still vaguely had the outline of a child, she said: "You were so young back then, but now you have grown up."

Venerable Xiuran nodded and smiled: "When I grow up, I still remember that my uncle is always accompanied by a child who is about my age. That child is very cute.
Every time I want to play with him, he often turns around you, with a master on the left and a master on the right, and always talks to me coldly... Although the time at that time was very short, it was very beautiful. "

After Ye Yuye was silent for a long time, he said: "That person, his name is Jiang Yi?"

"Yes, his name is Jiang Yi," Venerable Xiu Ran said, stunned for a moment, feeling a little strange about his question, "Don't you remember Master?"

Ye Yuye remained silent and did not speak.


millennia ago.

When she was Jiang Ye, she took in an apprentice.

And this apprentice is also surnamed Jiang.

Could it be that she gave Jiang Yi the name?

Ye Yuye's eyes darkened for a while, and he asked again, "Is it more than 2000 years ago?"

Venerable Xiu Ran nodded: "It's been more than 2000 years since you left. That child left with you, uncle, that child..."

Venerable Xiuran paused for a moment, hesitating a little, because he was not sure whether the child who stuck to his uncle all day was still there, and whether the uncle still remembered it, and asking such a question would not cause trouble for the uncle.

"He's grown up."

Hearing Ye Yuye's voice, Venerable Xiu Ran was startled, and then heard him say, "I just got hurt a little, and I'm recuperating."

No wonder.

Venerable Xiuran suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't see that child again, it turned out that he was injured, but the time has passed, the child has grown up, and he is about the same age as him.

The two walked through the dense bamboo forest.

He heard the sound of the waterfall flowing.

Ye Yuye's ink eyes flickered a few times, thinking that when he would enter the space, he would create another waterfall, which should be enough.

The waterfall in the yard is not far away.

Find the waterfall, turn a corner and you will see a yard.

This is indeed where she used to live.

For no reason, everything here fits where she lives.

Venerable Xiuran stopped, and said solemnly: "I know the uncle doesn't care about his status, but I will still inform everyone in the academy that the uncle of the academy is back."

If you want to be anyone, the first thing that comes to your mind is the appearance of the school master and uncle, which will cause earth-shaking changes in the entire academy and stir up the entire Changxuan Tianyu.

However, as the master of the academy, Venerable Xiuran didn’t think so. He just wanted to tell everyone in the world that Ye Yuye was the uncle of the academy, and anyone who disrespected him was disrespecting the academy. His disrespect.

Seeing Venerable Xiuran's firm appearance, Ye Yuye was a little helpless: "It's up to you."

It doesn't matter whether you say it or not.

It will be exposed sooner or later.

Venerable Xiuran breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that his uncle would disagree, so he cupped his hands with a smile and said, "Then uncle, let's rest, nephew and nephew will not bother you, no one will come in to disturb uncle .”

"Let's go back."

Ye Yuye waved his hand and walked towards the yard.

Venerable Xiuran stayed silently, watching the boy enter the yard, and then a horse also slipped in, but it was the child who surprised Venerable Xiuran.

A bald, pudgy-looking kid.

Venerable Xiuran was a little puzzled, there was another child beside the uncle.

Is this child also Master Uncle's apprentice?

It was just a doubt in his mind, until the boy's figure completely disappeared from his sight, he slowly looked away, turned around and disappeared into the bamboo forest.

The stone was still in the yard. He found his room and was about to go to sleep. He yawned a few times because of sleepiness. After playing in the soil, the baby ginseng fumbled into bed. His chubby white paws pinched Shi Shi's underwear and babbled. I fell asleep after a few mouthfuls.

Qingma didn't have a place to sleep, so he had no choice but to make do in the yard, the two things above his head had already fallen asleep.

After a while, Ye Yuye came out of the room, and walked towards the waterfall without hesitation, his slender fingers picked up the straps on his clothes.

The white dress became baggy.

With a tall and thin figure, the white dress became loose on her body. She took off her clothes and stepped into the pool under the waterfall.

Ye Yuye slightly squinted his eyes.


I haven't felt this comfortable in a long time.

She grabbed the void with her hand and took out a jar of wine. She leaned against the pool in a lazy posture. The beautiful lines of the neck are raised.

in a certain space.

Jiang Yi was curious about the waterfall that appeared in vain. He walked out of the yard, and the next moment, he appeared directly under the waterfall. He suddenly wondered where Ye Yuye was and what he was doing now.

As a result, what suddenly appeared in front of his eyes was this glamorous scene, which made his throat roll uncontrollably, the blood in his body was hot and hot, and the roots of his ears were quietly red.

(End of this chapter)

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