Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 934 Master, I'm getting sicker

Chapter 934 Master, I'm getting sicker

He didn't know how he saw it.

But he just saw it.

He was most familiar with that face.

That's his master...

Looking at him from this angle, the water in the pool has taken away his lower body, like ink-colored blue threads hanging down into the pool, and a few strands of blue threads naturally hang down on his chest, which happen to cover the two half-covered red spots,

He raised his head slightly, the elongated neck looked very sexy at the moment, a well-defined and handsome delicate side face, the young man's black eyes were slightly squinted, and the direction he was looking at was probably looking at that round of bright and clean eyes. bright moon.

His elbow was resting on the edge of the pool, while his other hand was half-holding a jar of wine, holding it casually, with slender fingers, which made it look slightly pale as the moonlight poured down.

His thin lips parted slightly, and the wine in his hand was already on her lips, and she took a sip lazily, then he reached out and wiped off a little of the wine from the corner of his lips with his thumb.


It was the sound of throat rolling.

Jiang Yi suddenly felt that his fingertips were so hot.

That finger touched his lips.

A little bit……

Jiang Yi twirled his fingers and rubbed lightly.

The bottom of the eyes darkened and darkened.

He felt himself getting sicker and sicker.

What should he do with Master.

I really want to...

I really want to...

The corners of Jiang Yi's eyes twitched, and his long and narrow eyes were slightly red. He forced himself not to look at him again, and jumped into the pool without taking off his clothes.

A waterfall rolls down and splashes water in the pool.


Inconspicuous bubbles will appear on the surface of the pool.

Gradually calm was restored.

After a while, he exposed his upper body from the water, and the blue hair was sticking wetly behind him, and there were also a few strands of blue hair sticking to his cheeks. He trembled his slender and slightly curled eyelashes. Sliding down with fluctuations.

Down the throat, rolling.

He leaned against the edge of the pool with his eyes closed, panting slightly rough.

But he still couldn't help opening his eyes to see the half-covered figure in the picture, still there, still in that posture, which made him a little... overwhelmed.

Master, master, are you tempting me?

Pour cold into the body.

But vaguely feel uncomfortable.

After a while, Ye Yuye came out of the water, took out a new white dress and put it on loosely on his body, the wet blue hair was dried, flowing freely with the wind.

Take a step, looming legs.

Jiang Yi didn't dare to look too much, his ears were so red that he could bleed, he looked away from the figure in the picture, the pool water wrapped his body, only his head was exposed on the water.

I thought it would be enough to let him slow down a bit, but when he opened his eyes again, Ye Yuye's figure appeared in front of him, the same as what he saw in the picture.

The blue silk is elegant.

The white clothes were loosely worn on his body, and the straps were loosened at will, which caused a piece of neckline to be opened, revealing a sexy collarbone. It was a different feeling, and he looked more lazy than before.

Jiang Yi moved his throat a few times, seeming to avoid his sight, and his clear and gentle voice became a little hoarse: "...Why are you here?"

Ye Yuye didn't answer him, but looked under him and frowned: "Why do you take a bath with your clothes on?"


Jiang Yi pursed his lips in a muffled voice, unable to tell him that he was actually just trying to vent his anger.

"come out."

Ye Yuye put the wine beside him, and looked at his handsome and cold face under the moonlight, "Take off your clothes before washing, don't catch a cold."

Jiang Yi looked up at him, and was stunned for a moment, then there was a slight smile on the corner of his lips: "Okay."

No one knew, and his heart warmed.

In fact, Jiang Yi didn't feel cold in the water, but felt hot. It wasn't until he came out of the pool that the cold wind pierced his bones, but his ears were still red.

Fortunately, it was night, otherwise Jiang Yi would not have the courage to stand in front of him.

Ye Yuye frowned and looked at him: "Give me your hand."

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, his long and narrow eyes narrowed without leaving a trace, he reached out and Ye Yuye grabbed his hand, the cold touch warmed his heart.

Ye Yuye approached.

He didn't move.

The warmth from her body gathered in her hands, poured in along the hands they held together, Jiang Yi pursed his lips, and said slightly: "Cold..."

Ye Yuye frowned.

"hug me."

Jiang Yi held his hand and didn't let it go, but approached him, hugging that thin figure to him in his arms, smelling the scent that made him feel at ease.

Still succeeded.

He smiled when Ye Yuye didn't see it.

Ye Yuye sighed, and the warmth from her body dried the clothes on him little by little. Speaking of which, this is not the first time she has done this, she has become much more proficient.

Seeing that it was almost done, Jiang Yi couldn't bear to let go of him. Ye Yuye took a step back sideways, picked up the wine jar beside him, found a place to sit down, looked at Jiang Yi and raised his eyebrows and said: "Take off your clothes before washing."


The corners of Jiang Yi's eyes twitched a few times, but he didn't say anything. He really started to take off his clothes in front of Ye Yuye. His slender fingers picked up the slightly loose straps. From the outer robe to the inner fir, a piece of clothing pieces faded.

From picking apart, to undressing.

His demeanor reveals innate elegance and dignity, as well as that rare carelessness.

Look at his delicate collarbone exposed.

The skin is as delicate as jade.

The figure is not very strong, but it is very well-proportioned, with beautiful abdominal muscles, completely showing that it looks thin when dressed, and has flesh when undressed.

Ye Yuye took a sip of wine on her own, she pursed her lips, her eyes darkened a little, she sighed in her heart, her little apprentice has grown up.

After taking off his underwear, Jiang Yi put his fingers on the hem of his trousers, looked up at Ye Yuye with raised eyebrows, met his gaze, and asked seriously, "Do you want to take off your trousers?"

Under the moonlight, Ye Yuye took a serious look at him, from his face to his straight and slender legs wrapped in black pants, he narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's okay, take it off if you want, It's not like I haven't seen it before."

Jiang Yi's fingers froze for a moment, and he sighed in his heart. As a master, he was a bit thick-skinned.

I saw it when I was a child.

But growing up is still different.

After all, he didn't take it off, and returned to the pool, listening to the sound of the waterfall, looking at the figure sitting beside him in a lazy posture.

"Are you drinking?"

Ye Yuye asked.

Jiang Yi shook his head: "Don't drink."

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Ye Yuye directly threw an altar over, Jiang Yi had already caught the wine before he had time to react, listening to Ye Yuye lazily said: "Isn't it a little bit of a drink if you don't drink so much?" You're wasting your talent."

He really doesn't like drinking.

But since Ye Yuye appeared, he seems to be able to drink basically.

Jiang Yi weighed the wine, but it was still unopened. The wine was the same as the one he drank before.

It should be called, red spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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