Chapter 936
"It's been a year and a half." Someone was in a daze for a while, thinking for a while, "Speaking of which, this should be the day when the academy recruits new students, right?"

"Don't say it, it seems to be true."

Someone was a little depressed, and sighed: "It's been another year, and I feel that I have gone to the practice to make no progress, but I have become a year older."

The man who came out at the end looked embarrassed, but he didn't change his bright eyes. He walked over with a smile, and directly embraced the man in front of him by the shoulder: "Boss, what task do we have next?"

Yin Ding glanced at him sideways, and slapped his hand away: "We won't accept the task recently, let's talk about it while you heal your own injuries."

Unexpectedly, with just such a light pat, Qi Xi took a step back in fright, covered his arm with his teeth bared, and stared at him with resentful eyes like a bully: "Boss, my arm is injured, you Hit me again!"


Yin Ding glanced at him, and looked away from him.

Qi Xi was overjoyed, and hurriedly followed: "Boss, I heard that you have a younger sister before. Is your younger sister still in Xizhou now? Does she have the same cold face as you?"

"She's not like me."

Yin Ding was silent for a while, "She won't come to Nanzhou, you just give up."

When Qi Xi heard this, the smile on the corners of his lips froze, and he hurriedly said: "Don't, boss, why don't you introduce me? I'm already old!"

Yin Ding's footsteps stopped in vain, he turned to look at Qi Xi, his voice was the same as usual, but now he added a little more serious: "

My sister is very good, although Xizhou is not as good as Nanzhou, but that place is very suitable for her, she can do whatever she wants, there will be no danger, so there is no need for her to come here. "

For Xizhou, that is his home.

But it's different for Nanzhou. Everywhere here is very different from Xizhou. The strong are like clouds, and if you are not careful, you will be killed.

As an older brother, he can protect his younger sister for a while, but he can't protect her forever. He would rather let her stay in Xizhou, obediently stay there and not go there, away from these right and wrong disputes.

Qi Xi was dumbfounded, looked at Yin Ding's serious appearance, and said depressedly: "Boss, what you said, can I still lead her into trouble?"

Yin Ding glanced at him and ignored him.

In short, it is absolutely impossible for his sister to come here.

There are several elders from Jiege in the academy who are secretly observing the situation in Lilin. It is undeniable that there are many good seedlings in this freshman class.

For example, Wei Cang, the genius of the Wei family.

At a young age of only 17 years old, he has already entered the fourth heaven of the mysterious rank. As long as he is cultivated, he will definitely be able to break through the seventh heaven of the profound rank before the age of 20.

There is also that Shao Xia, who is also very talented. He has already broken through the sixth level of the mysterious level. Because, but his swordsmanship is very strong!A cultivator who can surpass the peak of the fifth heaven!
A genius who can leapfrog battles!

That is a rare treasure!
Looking at the constantly moving scene in the screen, an elder squeezed his beard, feeling a little regretful: "Why isn't there a little girl among these seedlings?"

Someone hadn't understood what he meant, so he casually said, "Many, the younger one is 13 years old, and the older one is [-] years old. Aren't these all female disciples who came to sign up for the assessment."

However, an elder understood what he meant, and when he was about to speak, he said, "There is a girl Miao Zi, this is not so."

The screen turns.

A petite figure appeared in Li Linli. She was so fast that she quickly disappeared from the screen in the blink of an eye. The elders immediately became interested and quickly switched to other screens to look for that figure.

Take another turn.

A girl dressed in white appeared, and there were two other people in front of her, but these two were not the girl's opponents, and they won almost with only two and a half moves, and took away the tokens from them. Crumble it.

The two of them disappeared from the forest immediately.

It means being eliminated from the first assessment.

An elder was stunned for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Who is this little girl? She is quite strong."

Someone found her information from the registration form, raised her eyebrows, a little surprised: "She is the little princess from Xizhou, Yin Miaoyin."

"Why did the little princess of Xizhou come here? I heard that this little princess is a genius in Xizhou. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have come here."

"Who knows, but his brother is in the academy, it should be for this reason."

"Surnamed Yin?" Elder Xi's mind flashed, and a person's name came to mind, "Is it Yin Ding?"

Elder Xiao squeezed his beard: "That's him, these two brothers and sisters are geniuses, one has the physique of ice, the other has the physique of fire and phoenix, tsk tsk, I didn't expect that they both came to our academy."

As the voice fell, someone changed his face and looked at the girl in the picture more solemnly. Elder Xi squinted his eyes slightly: "The physique of the fire phoenix is ​​rare. No wonder she is a genius in Xizhou. She should be following her brother." here."

In front, an old man sneered and said, "It's only been a few days, and there are a lot of seedlings mixed in, each of them pretending to be a cat with hidden strength, let's release some monsters and force them to come out."

All the elders acquiesced in his decision.

News of the return of the master and uncle of the academy spread quickly.

The faces of many people from all major forces changed.

The people sent out came back to report the news one by one.

I thought it would not be a good omen to have a Venerable Xiuran in the academy, but in the end, some kind of uncle came, the brother of the former master?
How is this person's strength?
How far has it reached?
That's right.

All major forces panicked.

Having a Venerable Xiuran was enough to give them a headache, and now there is another one, so unspeakably flustered that they tried everything possible to get news about the uncle of the academy.

"Have you found the news yet?"

"No, Venerable Xiuran's uncle did not show up."

"Didn't show up?" The man's face changed, "How is it possible that there are no other people around Venerable Xiu Ran? Is there no strange face in the academy?"

"The Venerable Xiuran is still the same as before. There is no one around him, and his whereabouts are uncertain, and his whereabouts cannot be found."

"Go and check again, I must know the strength of that person."


"I remember that all the brothers and sisters of the former master of the academy are dead, right? Why did a senior uncle show up? I think it's fake news from the academy."

"Who is the senior brother of the former courtyard master?"

"It's too much, but the relationship is close enough. I remember that there is such a person."


"Do you still remember Jiang Ye who appeared thousands of years ago? That person had an unusual relationship with the former courtyard master at that time. If it is to be counted, it is really a relationship between seniors and brothers."

(End of this chapter)

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