Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 937 The 2rd Examination

Chapter 937 The Second Assessment
"Jiang Ye? Impossible, isn't he dead?"

"That's right, such a good genius died just like that. He was only a teenager at the time, and his swordsmanship in that competition was really stunning, a rare swordsmanship genius."

"I remember that he is still an array mage, and with the array he has set up, I am afraid that he is not even a match for the strong ones of the earth level."


Recently, people in the academy noticed that there were more unfamiliar faces wandering around the academy, the security was more stringent, and spies from several forces were arrested.

"These people are in a hurry when our master uncle comes back."

"Those forces are afraid that our master and uncle will come back and destroy their lair!"

"Our master uncle has lived for so long, so he should be stronger than the head of the school, right? In other words, there are two heaven-ranked experts in our academy, which is enough to make those people panic!"

"Speaking of which, where is our master uncle? Is it in the academy? We haven't even seen each other these days. He is even more mysterious than the head of the academy."


In the past few days, Jiang Yi has been recuperating his body in the space. As his body recovers little by little, he can also see the scenes outside the space. He can see him when Ye Yuye is around and when Ye Yuye is not. What are you doing, even if the time is short.

If given a choice, he hopes to keep watching.

Jiang Yi narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand to take out a white chess piece from the chess jar, and slowly landed it on the board, then picked up another black chess piece, looked up at the picture that appeared, a little absent-minded.

The scene in the picture, every scene appeared in his mind, and he felt so familiar.

Mountain peaks stand above the clouds.

A majestic building appears in the picture.

Through the layers of clouds and mists, he saw a lush bamboo forest that was not much different from here, like a purple sea.

It's where he used to live.

The figure sat on a branch and drank wine.

He laughed and played another chess game.

With no outsiders around, the baby ginseng had a great time playing these few days, and the green horse followed the baby ginseng, eager to get up and suck a few more mouthfuls.

"Hey hiss."

The green horse ran over and sniffed the hole dug by the baby ginseng, and when it looked up, it saw the shaking three-beard, and then its head popped out, and instantly poked out from the soil, let go of its feet and ran away.

The green horse followed immediately.

This day was as leisurely as Ye Yuye imagined.

She fell from the branch to the ground, and Fat Cat jumped onto her shoulders, gently rubbed her cheek, and then found a place to lie on her shoulders.

"Let's go."


Fat Cat narrowed his eyes lazily.

Ye Yuye wanted to leave, so the stone naturally didn't want to be left behind, so he tightly grabbed Ye Yuye's sleeve.

The wind blows.

It is the unique fragrance of bamboo.

Li Lin's assessment is over.

The elders gathered together again.

Someone held the booklet in his hand, ticked the names of the returnees, and reported the rankings one after another.

The oriental wind is also among them.

But he is neither in the front nor in the back, at most he ranks a little above the middle.

The elder of Jiege came out, his sharp eyes swept over everyone who came out of Li Lin: "The first assessment, there are 57 people left! Let's go to the second assessment!"

Everyone was curious and hurriedly looked at the other people around them.

"The second test will be even more difficult than the first test! If you want to quit, leave as soon as possible! Once an elder should have told you that before you pass the test, you are not disciples of the academy! Even if you die,

The Academy will not be responsible for you alone!Even if you are in an aristocratic family, in an imperial dynasty, the rules are the rules, and when you die, you die. You can't blame anyone, you can only admit that you are unlucky!So, any of you who want to leave, hurry up! "

Hearing the words of an elder, some people felt a chill in their hearts.

Doesn't it mean that there will be no elders to protect them during the assessment?
But let them be eliminated, or die?

Not long after, some people really left the team and chose to give up, and these people almost died in Lilin. They recognized their abilities, so naturally they didn't dare to risk their lives.

The team walked six.

There are 51 people left.

The elder stared at each of them sharply, then withdrew his eyes lightly, and said coldly: "Since you are ready, the second assessment task, climb the ladder!"

Climb the ladder?
Everyone who didn't know what a ladder was was caused an uproar.

Shao Xia patted Dongfang Feng on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Brother, the Ladder is the unique talent appraisal treasure of the Academy, and there is only one in the world."

"Appraisal talent?" Dongfang Feng was startled, "Climbing the ladder?"

Shao Xia smiled and took his hand back: "That's right, it's climbing the ladder!"


That elder really carefully explained the origin of the academy's ladder, as long as you climb the ladder, you can judge your future achievements!In the past, as long as one climbed five hundred stairs, one could judge that the person's future achievements would definitely be no less than that of a ground-level cultivator.

The task of opening the door to heaven every year is the work of Jiege elders, and this time, Venerable Xiuran personally presided over it.

Looking at the appearance of the middle-aged man, many people felt familiar, but couldn't remember where they had seen him before, but soon their emotions were filled with excitement.

The Venerable Xiuran on the strong list.

The head of the academy.

They actually saw it!
According to their understanding, they didn't see Venerable Xiuran at all during the assessments in previous years. This time, they are simply too lucky!It was actually presided over by the host himself!
They suddenly took pleasure in the misfortune of those who were leaving.

No chance to meet Venerable Xiuran.

Venerable Xiuran stood in front of the crowd, condensed by his own powerful profound energy, the waves of air rolled layer by layer, all converging towards a certain place.

Everyone present witnessed the appearance of the ladder.

The displayed sky ladder is translucent, soaring straight up into the sky. Even if you look up, you can’t see the end of the ladder. The distance between each floor is only about [-] millimeters.

Someone swallowed silently.

If you have a fear of heights, I'm afraid it will be over.

Among them, a woman asked suspiciously: "Elder, can I ask, if you want to give up halfway, how do you get down?"

go on?
Or jump off?
Thinking about it, someone shivered suddenly.

Neither one is the result they want.

What if you fall to your death?
How to go down?
Someone followed, what would happen if you stepped on the empty space and fell down to make way?
I feel flustered just thinking about it.

One of the elders was quite amiable. Hearing their whispered discussions, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will come down safe and sound."

Unexpectedly, after listening to the elder's words, instead of feeling relieved, he became more and more nervous. Thinking of falling from such a high place, the scene...

Someone murmured, "It's bloody."

 There is still class tomorrow.well
(End of this chapter)

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