Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 938 Is He Master's Apprentice?

Chapter 938 Is He Master's Apprentice?
Just standing there, Venerable Xiuran possessed a powerful aura. If it wasn't for his appearance, even the elders would not be able to hold on to the scene.

The elder with the register in his hand raised his head, his cold voice didn't fluctuate much: "Whoever wants to register, first report his name."

Who wants to go?
The examiners looked at each other.


At this moment, someone asked aloud: "Elder, how many times do you qualify?"

The leading old man spat out two words: "Five hundred!"


five hundred.

Everyone looked at the sky ladder rushing into the sky again, and suddenly felt that the pressure was huge and unbearable. The five hundred steps had already entered the clouds, and if they fell down...

But this is another great opportunity.

Who doesn't want to prove how strong their future achievements are.

Vanity is still there.

There is also a desire for self-confidence.

Inside, a majestic young man raised his head, his brow revealed firmness, and he stepped forward vigorously: "Elder, Wei Cang wants to challenge!"

Wei Cang?

This name was no stranger to the elders present. In Li Lin, this man named Wei Cang performed well and had to be said to be a genius.

Wei Cang?

That genius from the Wei family?
Someone was curious to see the boy.

Finding that the young man is not bad looking, at the first glance, I had an idea in my heart, this young man is really the genius of the Wei family, and he is here too!

The elder made a stroke in the register, waved his hand without raising his head, and let Wei Cang pass.

No one noticed that, on the top not far from them, sat a young man in white, holding a fat cat in his arms, as if looking down at everything below, but seemed careless.

She has actually been here for a long time.

He just didn't make a sound, just watched silently.

Wei Cang stepped up the translucent ladder that pierced into the sky step by step.

Wherever you step on it, there will be water ripples, which disappear in a blink of an eye.

Like stepping on the surface of the water, there is a trace of waves.

Every step they take, they can't help but look up.

I don't know whether it was Wei Cang who gave them motivation, or whether they couldn't suppress their eagerness to move, and many people signed up to challenge the ladder one after another.

Every once in a while, someone will step up the ladder.

If you look up, you will see someone climbing the ladder in the sky above.

In the academy, someone looked up in a certain direction, froze for a moment, and pointed to it: "Look there, the second assessment is about to begin."

Someone looked over.

Sure enough, I saw people walking up in the sky. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a translucent ladder under their feet. Everyone in the academy is not surprised. How can I say that I was also a member of the ladder.

This is not.

This year, the younger brothers and younger sisters also started.

Except for the academy.

Other forces not too far away from the academy also saw it.

A small town under the academy mountain.

See most clearly.

"It's so fast, the one-year recruitment is about to start again."

"Speaking of which, I also participated in the assessment of the academy two years ago, but unfortunately I passed the first assessment, but I got stuck on the ladder and only took [-] steps! It's only halfway to [-] steps. distance!"

"Half a distance? Save yourself, you are half a distance away."

"I don't know anyone who can break the record."

"Break the record? Impossible, no one can break that record."


"Let's go, let's go together."

Shao Xia called Dongfang Feng to go with him.

Dongfang Feng looked up at the sky, squinted his eyes for a while, he didn't know whether it was an illusion or a trance, he saw the figure of his boss,
When he looked over again, the figure of his boss was still there. He realized that this was not an illusion, and calmly looked away, but his heart became more nervous. He nodded and said, "Let's go."

Shi Shi obediently sat next to Ye Yuye, and followed those people looking at the translucent ladder, his bright eyes were somewhat curious.

Dongfang Feng and Shao Xia walked towards the ladder.

Wei Cang has reached the eighth level of 220 at this moment.

Followed closely by Hao Feng who is no weaker than Wei Cang, with a difference of 65 ranks.

Shao Xia took 31 steps.

Dongfang Feng took 25 steps.

Step up step by step.

Strange to say, even if they were not walking next to the steps, they were safe and sound, as if there was a force supporting their feet, like water ripples dotted circles, disappearing as they stepped forward.

Ever since they climbed the ladder, they found that they had no way out, only to rush up, step up, and always only see the road ahead.

Keep pushing your limits.

The limit of the body.

The limit of mental power.

The physical strength is not enough, and I can't take a step. I can only expose my strength and talent, and then take another step.


They discovered the strangeness of this ladder.

It seems that in front of this ladder, they can't hide their natural strength. As long as they move forward, their physique, their own cultivation, and their hidden blood will be exposed.

So much so that one after another, the elders discovered everyone's hidden talents, such as their own physique.

"I didn't expect these brats to hide so many hands. If it weren't for the ladder to stimulate their talent, I'm afraid they would have kept it from us."

"This year's seedlings are good, if you persist for a while, maybe you can stimulate something."

"Tsk tsk, these new students actually have the blood of a python dragon, who is he?"

As he spoke, the elder pointed to the person behind Wei Cang.

Elder Xi followed his gaze and suddenly understood: "Hao Feng from the Hao family, he is pretty good."

"It turned out to be from the Hao family. I didn't expect him to awaken the blood of the python dragon."


Ye Yuye looked at the sky, raised his hand and rubbed Shi Shi's head: "Do you want to climb?"

Shitou shook his head, hesitated for a while, and said seriously, "I'm different from them. I know that ladders can't stimulate my talent, and I don't want to hurt them."

Humans may feel pressured in front of Tian Lai, thus exposing their own strength to reduce the coercion that Lai Lai exerts on them, but he is different.

He himself is a very hard rock.

Although he doesn't have profound strength, he is very powerful, and the ladder doesn't have any coercion on him at all, and it's purely like playing when he goes there.

Ye Yuye's hand touching his head paused for a moment, then rubbed it lightly, and smiled: "Smart."

Although this child is still young, he knows a lot.

It's just that if other people listen to these words, they probably won't be able to bear the pressure.

Shi Shi, who was used to being rubbed on the head by Ye Yuye, squinted his eyes, feeling as comfortable as a cat, and asked, "Master, is that person awake?"

Ye Yuye supported his back with both hands, his posture was a bit slack, he looked at Dongfang Feng among the people who climbed the stairs, and said, "I'm awake, but I'm still recovering from my injuries."

Stone tilted his head, blinking his eyes curiously: "Is he master's apprentice?"

"Well, yes."

(End of this chapter)

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