Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 943 Can He Really Advance to Level 9?

Chapter 943 Can He Really Advance to the Nine Hundredth Step?
Everyone looked up at the same time.


The figure that was still sitting moved.

While walking and drinking.

Eight hundred steps.

Eight hundred and one steps.

Zero second order.

Zero three.

In a short trance, he has already stepped up to the 810th step, and he is still walking forward, just like taking a walk, feeling relaxed.


I don't know who swallowed silently.

For a while, no one spoke.

This guy actually went up.

Up to [-] steps.

So, the academy has recruited a quasi-heaven-level cultivator? !

Once they reached the [-]th level, even making an exception to recruit them would be fine!

From a long distance, they couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, but they could tell that the person was very young, and they thought to themselves: "Who is this guy?"

Basically, all they think about is who he is.

After a six-finger silence, the atmosphere suddenly returned, and someone laughed loudly: "Haha, I didn't expect a big reversal! Eight points are multiplied by twice! Give it back to me!"

When the man heard this, he reluctantly returned the points and added another eight points.


This guy has really stepped up to the [-]th step.

"Do you want to bet again? I bet this guy can reach the 890th step!"

"Level 890? Why don't you bet that person can reach the [-]th step?"

"Then I'll bet this person can reach the nine hundredth step!"

"I press, 910 steps!"


Someone asked curiously: "Why don't you press a thousand steps? Make up an integer?"

"A thousand ranks?" Someone laughed, "How is it possible, who can enter a thousand ranks? It's been 2000 years, who can? Who can be better than our senior brother Jiang Ye."

There was pride in someone's eyes, and he was radiant: "Yes, Brother Jiang Ye is the legend of our academy, and he has passed a thousand steps!"

"One thousand steps?"

Someone shook his head, "I heard that he has gone far beyond a thousand steps."

Someone took a sharp breath, and suddenly thought of something: "Eight hundred ranks are quasi-heaven ranks, so one thousand ranks..."

Above one thousand ranks, their Senior Brother Jiang Ye is extremely talented. If he hadn't fallen, he would have already entered the world of superiority.

Someone sighed.

In the lower world.

The highest is nothing but the peak of the heaven rank.

But they know that the cultivation base of the heavenly rank in the superior world is far from qualified, and they have just entered the gate of the superior world, and there are other realms above the heavenly rank.

Ye Yuye stopped at the ninth step of 890, he could touch the clouds and mists with his hand, and his whole body was like a god, his figure was hazy, giving people a sense of mystery.

"This guy……"

The corners of Wei Cang's lips twitched when he finally stepped up to the fifth step of 790. There were 1 idiots in his heart who didn't know what to say. This guy definitely did it on purpose, absolutely!
Isn't this inviting people to hate?

Obviously able to step up to the 890th step, but stopped at the [-]th step, what else can this be if it is not intentional, it is simply enviable!

Hao Feng was silent for a long time before he uttered a few words: "This man is stronger than Wei Cang."

Look now.

They are about to reach the [-]th level.

Wei Cang was just about to step up to the 100th step, a difference of more than [-] steps.

Wei Cang's already tired legs were shaking.

Look at the people again, sitting and enjoying the scenery, still drinking.

This gap is incomparable.

Jealousy again, and... admiration again.

In the future, this person will definitely become a heavenly powerhouse.

Yin Miaoyin put her head down and continued to move forward. It turned out that this person is so powerful. Sure enough, there are people beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky. No one should be underestimated.

Fat Maoer opened his eyes leisurely, looked down, meowed a few times, and subconsciously grabbed Ye Yuye by the collar.


It just woke up.

The little heart almost jumped out.

Too high.

Fat Mao'er held Ye Yuye firmly, and at this moment, no matter what he said, he would not let go of his claws.

Ye Yuye put away the glass cup, raised his hand and patted Fat Mao'er's head, that faint calm mixed with the howling wind: "With me here, you can't die."


Fat Mao'er nodded obediently, but his paws still grabbed Ye Yuye's collar and refused to let go.

Ye Yuye looked at the scenery.

In the space, someone was watching her.

No matter how you look at it, you can't get tired of it.

He stroked the strings, and the long and profound sound overflowed from his fingertips. Every sound and every rhythm was very clear and exceptionally proficient.

He is playing Fengqiuhuang.


The man could not hear.

In the academy, someone looked at the blurry figure and murmured to himself: "My dear... Maybe this guy can really reach the [-]th step."

This talent is almost catching up with Senior Brother Jiang Ye.

Except for that senior brother Jiang Ye, no one has ever reached the [-]th step.

And now, that person is going to succeed.

The pressure of gambling, some people are frustrated, some people are embarrassed.

in town.

Many people looked up at that place, feeling incredible.

It became.

It's almost done.

The academy has found a genius!
In an instant.

Many powerful families are paying attention.

They have to pay attention.

Because the academy will produce a quasi-heaven-level strong man in the future!
For some forces, it is a big trouble.

"Go and find out who this person is!"

"What's the situation in Changtian Academy? Is it going to come back to life?"

"Sometimes it's that grand uncle, and another moment it's this person. What happened to the academy these days! What the hell is going on! Check! We must find out! Send someone to kill him! The academy can't be brought back to life!"

"Changtian Academy must never be revived!!"

If it revives, they are the ones who will be in trouble!

So, absolutely not!

it's here.

Only the elders and the head of the academy knew Ye Yuye's identity, not as a disciple, but as the master and uncle of the academy. Even if they reached the nine hundredth step, they were shocked and relieved.

It seems that the master uncle of the academy should be so against the sky.

feel shocked.

But not surprised.

That's what they think.

Elder Xi couldn't help but secretly rejoiced: "Master Uncle's move is really powerful, and the remaining 39 have passed the academy's assessment, which is rare in previous years. It would be great if the assessment is like this every year."

Looking at the figure covered by the clouds, they couldn't help but think of the genius Jiang Ye who was once a world-class monster. Now, this person is about to reach the [-]th step and become the leader of Changxuan Tianyu. genius.

An elder couldn't help but murmured, "Will the academy come back to life?"


Someone gave him an affirmative answer, "Of course, our academy master uncle is back! I have a strong feeling that with him around, our academy will rise soon!"

The eyes of the elder Jiegesu of the Academy flickered, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes that only existed in his youth: "How many years, I have waited for too long, can the Academy really go back to the past..."

Back to the past, that glory.

Dongfangfeng finally reached the [-]th step with his own willpower, even Shao Xia was surprised, it seemed beyond his expectation, but he was happy for him!

(End of this chapter)

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