Chapter 944
Shao Xia stood there for a while, and when Dongfang Feng was beside him, his face was pale, but he still smiled, half-jokingly said: "

Dude, what is your identity with him?The two of you are not so talented. "

Dongfangfeng took a step and was still panting. Hearing Shao Xia's voice, he glanced at him helplessly: "I'm just an ordinary person. The Dongfang family is just a small family. I'm just a small person in a branch of a small family."

Shao Xia was really thinking about the Dongfang family mentioned by Dongfangfengkou. After thinking about it for a while, he really remembered that there was such a surname in the star field. , don’t think about it, he is very strong.”

Dongfangfeng told Shao Xia how strong his boss was more than once, but Shao Xia just thought it was Dongfangfeng's personal worship of him, and he really didn't take it to heart, but this time, with such a big stimulus, he Only then did I realize that the boss in Dongfangfengkou is really strong.

Not generally strong.

Take this talent as an example, even Tang Feng is not as strong as him. As far as he knows, except for the person named Jiang Ye, there is no one who can reach the ninth level. One hundred steps, even Tang Feng, who ranks first in the Tianzi list, can't do it.


This background is probably also very strong.

It's just that I don't know which star field it is from.

During this period.

Wei Cang climbed up to [-] steps, and finally couldn't bear the coercion brought by the ladder. He spat out a mouthful of blood in a muffled voice, and couldn't take another step.

Eight hundred steps.

It's already his limit.

If it wasn't for that person, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to reach the [-]th step at all.


I am still 99 steps away from that person.

At this moment, his talent was also exposed.

Innate spirit body!

A once-in-a-millennium physique!
Cultivators with this physique basically have no problem breaking through the bottleneck. It may take five or ten years for others to break through, while those with innate spiritual bodies only need one or two years at most.

Everyone was shocked a lot.

Of course, if the young man is ignored, Wei Cang is indeed the well-deserved number one in this year's class, but there is an accident, that young man is even stronger than Wei Cang!So far, no physique or blood has been revealed!It shows that this is not his real strength!Not his limit!
Hao Feng, who is ranked third, has the blood of a python dragon!
It can be regarded as the strongest one among the bloodlines, after all, it is crowned with a word of dragon.

Yin Miaoyin!
It surprised others the most, because her physique was not that of a fire phoenix, but that of an ancient phoenix!Even stronger than Wei Cang's physique!

Since the fall of ancient times, there has never been a phoenix body!But now, Yin Miaoyin's physique turned out to be that of a pure phoenix!

This is enough to shock anyone!

If this matter is leaked out, it will be enough to shock the entire lower world and cause an uproar!
Yin Miaoyin is a genius!

true genius!
If it wasn't for Wei Cang's cultivation level being higher than Yin Miaoyin's, Yin Miaoyin might be the second freshman in this class!

Shao Xia has an innate Yuanling physique.

A physique similar to that of Wei Cang!Also very strong!
As for the oriental wind, it is hard to see through.

Because Dongfangfeng didn't show his physique, even his blood, but he still stepped up to the second level of 740!

He still retains his strength?
But why is his face pale and bloodless?
Spit blood three times in the middle?

It doesn't look like it has retained its strength at all.

If he didn't have any talent, how did he reach the [-]th level?
Everyone couldn't figure it out at all, but no matter what method he used to reach the [-]th step, it was all his ability.

Except for these people, the rest of the people are all below the six hundredth rank.

Fortunately, although Starfield can see the ladder in the direction of the academy, it can only vaguely see a vague figure. As for the exposed physique and blood, only the academy's own people can see it!

Wei Cang withdrew from the ladder, returned to the ground and quickly began to recuperate his injuries, stopping at the eight hundredth step.

Hao Feng withdrew and stopped at the fifth step of 790.

Shao Xia withdrew and stopped at the eighth step of 740.

After a while.

Yin Miaoyin closed her eyes to hide the disappointment in her eyes. She finally stopped at the [-]th step, which was the same step as Wei Cang, but she still couldn't catch up with that person.

Dongfang Feng still wanted to persevere, but his body couldn't bear the pain caused by the coercion for a long time, and it was entirely his own will to be able to advance to the [-]th step.


His vision blurred for a moment, and he almost staggered.

Dongfang Feng pursed his lips tightly, looked up at the figure dozens of steps away from him, his legs were still trembling, he knew that he had reached his limit, and if he took another step, he would be sent to die.

He tried his best.

But he will not lose.

"Boss, I'm leaving."

Dongfang Feng murmured to himself.

In an instant.

On the ladder, only Ye Yuye was left.

The assessment disciples who came down from the ladder looked at the top of the ladder, with countless words stuck in their throats that they wanted to spit out, but at this moment, they admired them.

Even if it was really a provocation, they accepted it.

Who made this man so powerful.

The strong are born to be respected.

And this person deserves their respect.

Ye Yuye got up, like a sigh mixed with the wind, she carried the wine and continued to walk up the steps.

Nine hundred steps.

This person has really stepped up to the [-]th step!

In the academy, in the town.

Everyone was shocked.

What was shocking was not that she had stepped up to the nine hundred steps, but that he was still walking!

Nine hundred and two steps.

Nine hundred and three steps.


Until the 910th step, it is still moving forward without stagnation.

The elders swallowed their saliva, and stared at it tightly with their heads up, for fear of missing it.

Layers of clouds and mist have covered his figure.

In the blur, everyone could still see him moving, silently counting and counting.

Her blue hair danced wildly.

Rolling in white clothes.

Ye Yuye didn't drink anymore, but hugged Fat Mao'er in his arms, and rubbed its head to make it feel at ease.


Fat Cat has an idea now.

So scared.

He tightly grasped Ye Yuye's collar and refused to let go.

The wind-blown cat hair stood on end.

The glare of the sun made its head cling to Ye Yuye's arms, wishing to bury it inside.

After half a stick of incense.

In the academy, someone stared wide-eyed in shock, with a look of incredulity on his face, and shouted: "Damn it, he's already reached level 980!"

Look at it, isn't it.

People have already reached the first level of 980.

And the pace is very steady, still going up.

This he still human?

Everyone rolled their throats, and their eyes were a little dull.

This, if this really reaches a thousand steps...

Isn't it comparable to that senior brother Jiang Ye?
Is their academy going to produce a genius at the evildoer level?

Or... a genius who is expected to enter the superior world?

Seeing the figures approaching more than 900 steps, the elders were so excited that they were speechless, and they only had pride in their hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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