Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 967 What?Don't you know?If I give you a chance, you don't admit it, and you still

Chapter 967 What?Don't you know?If I give you a chance, you don't admit it, and you still scold me?
Although Rong Yong's strength is good, he basically has no chance of winning against Xu Gu. This also caught him by surprise, and he ran away. When he was about to admit defeat, Xu Gu directly picked up Rong Yong's collar and swung it to the ground.

Half of his face brushed the ground hotly.


The voice that should have admitted defeat was stuck in his throat.


Xu Gu didn't seem to hear it, so he swung it hard.

This time, he landed directly on his face.

Especially when the nose was bumped and hurt, and there were two nosebleeds, which dragged all over the floor.


Xu Gu was in a much better mood. Of course, the strength of his attack did not decrease at all. After several swings, it could be said that his face was completely changed, and his face was covered with blood. It was as miserable as it could be.

There is no arrogance like before.

The elder of Yun Dao Sect couldn't sit still anymore, this Rong Yong is the genius disciple of the main peak, the closed disciple of the peak master, if something happened, he would go back and explain.

Elder Mo grasped the handrail, his eyes were stern, and even his voice carried a hint of warning: "Xu Gu, Rong Yong has surrendered, you still don't want to let him go!"

Rong Yong was forced to raise his head, Xu Gu frowned and looked at his unrecognizable face, with a trace of disgust in his eyes, he heard a stern voice from a high place, Xu Gu's voice did not change: "

Elder, did you hear it wrong? I didn't hear him admit defeat. Did any of you hear it? "

The moment the voice fell, someone immediately shouted: "No! I am the closest to the ring, and I didn't hear Rong Yong admit defeat!"

"Did the elder hear it wrong? It should be that the wind is too loud, and it's normal to hear it wrong."

"Does the competition end only after admitting defeat? Then this Rong Yong is really tough. After being beaten like that, he can still persist. He is indeed a tough guy!"


Most of the people who spoke were disciples of the Academy.

Listening to the discussion, Elder Mo on the high platform had an ugly expression on his face. He was still insisting on something, and he didn't admit defeat. It was clearly provoked by Xu Gu on purpose. Elder Mo said sharply: "Xu Gu, don't push yourself too hard."

Xu Gu was still holding Rong Yong, hesitated for a moment, and smashed him to the ground, and the voice came out: "

Elder, outsiders cannot stop the competition between disciples. This is a rule. Elders should be aware of this rule, right? "

Elder Mo's eyes became more and more cold, and he snorted coldly. Just before his powerful aura could flow out, he was interrupted by a sharp wind in vain. Bai Liu squinted at him: "

Elder Mo, it's against the rules to meddle in the competition between juniors. "

Elder Mo's face was ugly, he stared at Xu Gu on the ring, with a killing intent in his eyes.

"Elder Mo," Pavilion Master Liang seemed not to notice Elder Mo's ugly expression, and stroked his beard, unable to tell the truth from the false, "

If you intervene this time, don't mind letting me intervene a few times too. My hands are itchy recently, don't worry, I'm still an alchemist, and I won't let them die. "

this will.

Elder Mo suppressed his anger, and said with a smirk: "Where is it, I don't care about a junior. After all, it's a competition between peers, and I won't intervene."

He understood what it meant.

Enough to give him a headache.

This capacity must be preserved forever, but it is not appropriate for him to step forward.

What's more, he was the one who set the rules for this round of competition. To end the competition, unless he was kicked out of the ring, he had to take the initiative to admit defeat. This time, Elder Mo understood what it meant to shoot himself in the foot.

Ha ha.

Bai Liu smiled and said nothing more.


Rong Yong raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and shouted angrily: "Xu Gu! You are fucking crazy, I'll fuck you..."


With a sneer, Xu Gu carried him again and swung him to the ground, but this time, he squatted down and pressed his head tighter and tighter.

So tight that Rong Yong even had the illusion that Xu Gu would blow his head off.

But the next moment, I heard Xu Gu's voice: "I'll give you a chance to admit defeat, do you admit it?"

Rong Yong opened his mouth excitedly, trembling: "I..."

Elder Mo on the high platform couldn't help but feel tense, and when he mentioned the tension in his throat, he seemed relieved, almost wishing to admit defeat for Rong Yong himself.

But before Rong Yong finished speaking, Xu Gu suddenly said in disappointment: "What? You don't recognize it? You don't recognize it if you give you a chance, and you still scold me?"

"..." Elder Mo was so angry that his temple twitched.

Damn it, why didn't he know that Xu Gu could play tricks!
Facing Shang Bailiu's gaze, Elder Mo smiled with a half-hearted smile again, his heart became cold, and he kept reminding himself that killing that person is today's task, and that important things should not be affected by other things.

The academy disciples are excited, Senior Brother Xu Gu deserves to be the ninth on the Tian Rank List, what a job!Really uplifted our academy, and relieved it fiercely!

In the high position, the Heavenly Demon Saintess rarely cast her eyes on the ring, raised her eyebrows thoughtfully, and moved her lips: "How strong is this Xu Gu? Is he really stronger than me..."

The maid beside her said in a low voice: "The formations cultivated by the saintesses are stronger than Xu Gu's."

"..." The Heavenly Demon Saintess smiled instead of anger, "Interesting, but she is a cultivator, not a magician."

The maid hurriedly lowered her head: "I know I was wrong, please punish the saint."

The Heavenly Demon Saintess squeezed the center of her brows with a headache, and waved her hand: "Okay, let's watch the competition carefully, and be quiet."


The maid took a step back respectfully.

Rong Yong wanted to admit defeat several times but was interrupted, stuck in his throat, even if he wanted to speak, he couldn't speak, there was no way out, Rong Yong wanted to climb out of the ring, but was dragged back by Xu Gu.

This scene is a bit familiar.

Oh yes, that's how Chen Tong treated Song Xuan before.

Xu Gu was using his own way to deal with his own body. It's a pity that this person is not Chen Tong.

In front of everyone, Xu Gu personally abolished Rong Yong's cultivation, the method was cruel, his body was covered in blood, his face was terrible, beyond recognition, even his nose was collapsed.

Xu Gu kicked Rong Yong off the ring without blinking.

By the way, he looked up at the high position, he couldn't see the people above, but he knew that the high level of Xuan Dao Sect was in front, and it was disgusting.

Elder Mo's face was cold, his face was ruined forever!

Pavilion Master Liang coughed a few times and said, "Then what, hurry up and take it over for treatment."

Although it is hopeless, it is still necessary to pretend.

Soon, someone carried Rong Yong away.

Xu Gu stepped down.

Continue to the next match.

somewhere at the same time.

The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and looked at Xuan Daozong standing in the mountains, with a faint smile on his face: "I haven't been here for a long time, I almost couldn't find a place."

His figure appeared at the gate of Xuan Dao Sect.

"Who! How dare you trespass on Xuan Dao Sect!"

Let the patrolling disciples immediately notice that something is wrong, and quickly alert!
The middle-aged man looked at the dozen or so gatekeeper disciples who drew their weapons, shook his head, and said calmly, "This is the master of Changtian Academy, where is your suzerain?"

(End of this chapter)

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