Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 968 You are taking me to the knife

Chapter 968 You are taking me to the knife
"Changtian Academy!"

The faces of the dozen or so disciples holding weapons turned pale instantly, and they backed away unknowingly, even the hands holding the weapons were trembling.

It was no one else who came.

It's the master of the academy!

Venerable Xiuran!Ranked fourth on the strong list!

Even their suzerain is not sure that they can win this person.

Venerable Xiuran stepped forward, and the dozen or so people in front stepped back in fear. He squinted his eyes and said, "Feng Daoyi, if you don't come out, you can only go in yourself."

"you dare."

In the sky, a figure of a middle-aged man suddenly appeared. Even though his complexion was not good, he was still majestic and majestic.


Seeing Feng Daoyi's appearance, the other people around were obviously relieved, bowed their hands respectfully to him, and ran away without looking back.

The Academy and Xuandao Sect have always been at odds, which is obvious to all, even if they see other people in the Academy, they can't help raising their airs.

Now this kind of scene, even if they think about it with their toes, they feel that there will be no good things.

The master of the academy is here to ask for trouble!

Feng Daoyi stood on the height of the building, looked down at the middle-aged man below, and shouted sharply: "Han Yuefeng, what are you doing here?"

Cold Yuefeng.

It is the real name of Venerable Xiuran.

After a long time, I almost forgot about myself.

Venerable Xiuran narrowed his eyes, raised his head and smiled at him: "What else can I do, I heard that you have made a breakthrough, and I want to fight with you."

Feng Daoyi's complexion changed.

He turned around and was about to leave.

Venerable Xiuran restrained his smile, suddenly his figure was erratic, and the next moment, he appeared directly in front of Feng Daoyi: "Why are you running?"

Feng Daoyi had a gloomy face: "Han Yuefeng, do you really think you can beat me?"

"You think you are strong?"

Venerable Xiuran stood in mid-air, even if he restrained the aura that spread out, his strength should not be underestimated, and the most trustworthy thing was his self-confidence.

Like a born king.

Feng Daoyi gritted his teeth, and at the next moment, two figures suddenly flashed, and there was a booming sound from another place, and the two invisible figures collided, and the impact caused huge waves.

"Han Yuefeng! Why are you so fucking crazy!"

Feng Daoyi yelled angrily, and his complexion turned pale, as if he was injured.

"Crazy?" Venerable Xiuran thought for a while, and it was a bit ridiculous, "For some reason, the outside world is rumoring that the high-level officials of my academy are cowardly, and they don't fight back when they are bullied. It's what you do."

"Are you taking me for a knife?"

Feng Daoyi's face turned pale and then blue, and he couldn't tell whether he was angry or injured and trying to calm down.

"It's not just you, but you are the first."

The figure of Venerable Xiuran suddenly appeared behind Feng Daoyi, Feng Daoyi's body froze, his veins bulged out of anger, he turned around and punched him!

But the next second.

The figure of Venerable Xiuran was blown away, but appeared in another place. It seemed that nothing happened, but Feng Daoyi's face was so ugly.

One down.

It's the last match.

Yin Ding came on stage.

Yin Miaoyin among the crowd cheered for her brother.

As for the person next to her, she didn't even look at her at all. Qi Xi was very distressed. He didn't understand how he offended Yin Ding, his sister, or was this girl always treating others so indifferently?

Qi Xi cleared his throat, and said, "Sister Yin, the boss's opponent is Tao Qi from the Shuiyun Sword Sect. I heard that Tao Qi has broken through the peak of the sixth heaven a few years ago, and now he may have broken through the seventh heaven. Not to be underestimated."

In fact, Qi Xi's original intention was to attract her attention, but Yin Miaoyin suddenly turned around and gave him a hard look, and said with a sneer, "My brother won't lose."

"..." Qi Xi's face was a little stiff, and he choked. For some reason, this topic seemed to be out of the question, and he couldn't talk about it. He could only pray that the boss would come back soon.

"Tao Qi, an inner disciple of the Shuiyun Sword Sect."

"Yin Ding, an inner disciple of the academy."

The two exchanged their identities.

Yin Ding's status in the academy is not bad, and the cultivators are at the top of the list, and his strength is not weaker than Tao Qi of the Shuiyun Sword Sect, and he is evenly matched.

No matter it was the person named Tao Qi or Yin Ding, they were all ruthless in their moves, and everyone was no stranger to it. They had seen more ruthless before.

Dongfang Feng was about to speak, but Shao Xia next to him had already said it, with an excited expression on his face: "Elder Ye, who will win between these two?"

"The two are in similar realms, and Yin Ding will win."

Ye Yuye lowered her eyes and skillfully unwrapped the wrapped sugar paper. Her hands were slender and fair, with well-defined joints. They looked very beautiful under the pouring sunlight, and Shao Xia couldn't help but be a little distracted.

So lovely……

Shao Xia came back to her senses and almost slapped herself, bah, Shao Xia, Shao Xia, he is a man, pinch your thoughts, stop thinking about it!
With Ye Yuye's words, Dongfang Feng also relaxed, as long as their academy wins this game.

Shao Xia had never seen what Ye Yuye ate, but it was Dongfangfeng. He had been with Ye Yuye for a long time before and had seen it several times, so he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Shao Xia was curious for a while, perhaps because he thought of which star field it was a specialty, so he didn't say anything, but what puzzled him most was that a cat was also eating it.

What is this?
Even a cat is eating it?
The fat cat lazily closed its eyes with its cheeks puffed out, ignoring the scorching eyes staring at it, there was nothing to make a fuss about, isn't it just eating candy.

It didn't take long.

Yin Ding won.

Although he was slightly injured, it was not as serious as Tao Qi's.

In the first round of the battle with the cultivators, the Academy lost [-] times and won [-] times. Relatively speaking, the Academy won, but if you compare the various forces, Xuan Daozong won.

There are not only people from the academy in the healing house, but also disciples from the three major forces. Those who entered were all seriously injured without exception.

It's too awful.

It is said to be a competition between peers, but in fact no one stopped it at all. As long as you don't die, even if your dantian is abolished, you basically turn a blind eye and close one eye. Although your heart is already full of anger, you have to endure it.

Yin Ding did not go to the healing house, but returned to his sister. Yin Miaoyin looked at him worriedly, until she saw Yin Ding take the elixir with her own eyes. Although she was not so nervous, she felt a little bored.

Since she can remember, this is the most serious injury she has seen her brother. She knows that Nanzhou is very dangerous, and also knows that this injury is not serious for her brother.

How did my brother get here this year?

Yin Miaoyin frowned.

On the high platform, the silent atmosphere was broken.

Bai Liu moved her fingers a few times, raised her eyebrows and said, "The first round is over, have you discussed the second round?"

what to consider.

I have already considered it.

(End of this chapter)

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