Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 970 You owe a beating?you really deserve a beating

Chapter 970 You owe a beating?you really deserve a beating

And on the other side.

The second round of the competition finally started.

The disciples of the Holy Sword Sect will enter the field first and choose their opponents from among 50 people.

They all understand their mission, so that they are extra careful and careful when choosing, and those who don't know think that they are choosing a partner who will be entrusted to them for life.

On the contrary, the more than 50 people were very active and kept shouting for me to choose me. The freshmen of this class were squeezed in there with a dazed expression. After being dazed for a while, they began to echo a few times.

This is the result of their careful consideration, because they feel that if they don't shout a few times, they appear insincere and out of group.

Shao Xia was still shouting. Dongfang Feng beside him was a little embarrassed. He looked around, hesitated for a while and lowered his voice and asked, "Do you think there is something wrong with these people?"

"What's wrong?" Shao Xia still had some excitement on his face. When he heard Dongfang Feng's question, he was stunned a few times, and he still didn't understand, "

What's wrong?It's normal, we can't let other forces see us clearly, we have to let them pay attention, we must know that we are also very strong. "

Unexpectedly, Dongfang Feng's brain circuit was different from his, he hesitated and whispered: "These people don't seem to be with us."

After saying this, Shao Xia's complexion immediately changed, and the two of them looked at each other for a while, Shao Xia's brain was in a daze, after Dongfang Feng's reminder, if he didn't understand something, his brain would really flood and become a paste .

Shao Xia understood.

Dare they be two cats that ran into the tiger's den?Bah bah, it's human!
Shao Xia shuddered.

The people around him seemed to be aware of it, and turned their heads and smiled at the two of them with sincerity.



They have entered the tiger's den!
Dongfang Feng smiled awkwardly, dragged Shao Xia back, and said in a low voice, "I looked, and it seems that there are only four freshmen in our class."


In other words, you and I, plus two other people who don't know each other, if you can compare it, this place was originally a cat's nest, but a large number of tigers wearing cat skins poured in.

Shao Xia's complexion became complicated.

On the contrary, Dongfang Feng was a little excited. These people were all senior brothers and sisters, and they were definitely very strong, and the academy had its own plans. He could almost imagine that the senior brothers and sisters would pretend to be freshmen and beat up freshmen from other forces.

I don't think there is anything wrong.

It is the excitement brought by the faint blood.

It's a little irritating.

I'm looking forward to it again.

Dongfang Feng leaned over, as if biting his ear: "Shhh, just pretend you don't know."

Shao Xia nodded, feeling like her heart was about to jump out, she was terrified, but people from other forces must not know about this matter.


You have to put on a show.

At that moment, the 50-odd people were very enthusiastic as a whole. Apart from enthusiasm, there was also a trace of anger.

People from other forces always find it a little strange, but they are ignored in a fleeting moment, and there is no doubt at all.

At last.

The disciple of the Holy Sword Sect picked out an opponent from among the disciples of the academy. His name was a bit strange, Wu Qianzou.

Screaming and screaming, wouldn't it be that I owe a beating.

How did this father and mother come up with such a name?

As a result, everyone later found out that these are all normal names.

Wu Qianzou came out and accepted his challenge.

Standing on the ring, that is called a gallant.

The young man cast a contemptuous glance at the figure standing opposite, and raised his eyebrows proudly: "Ma Jiang, an inner disciple of the Holy Saber Sect."

The disciples accepted every year, unless they are true geniuses, will be made an exception to become inner disciples.

It seems that this disciple named Ma Jiang has a good talent.

Of course, it is not ruled out that other forces pretend to be new disciples in order to win.

"Wu Qianzhou?" Ma Jiang glanced at him again, but this time he sized him up from head to toe, with an unconcealable mockery in his eyes, "Your talent is too bad."

But people's brain circuit seems to be not on the same line, Wu Qianzou nodded seriously, and said with a serious smile: "You deserve a beating? You really need a beating."

Ma Jiang's haughty expression froze.

What a bad name!

As the competition began, Ma Jiang angrily rushed towards Wu Qian and Zou, as if in order to solve it quickly, he directly used his own weapon.

As a member of the Holy Sword Sect, the weapon he uses is a knife.

Wu Qianzou is an array mage, the most fatal weakness of an array mage is that he can't keep up with his speed. Because of this shortcoming, every array mage has been cultivating speed since he was a child.

The speed of formation.

And there is also the agility of self-cultivation.

It is necessary to master a few agility, just in case.

When Ma Jiang attacked, Wu Qian and Zou had already dodged, and his speed was astonishingly fast, not like a freshman disciple at all. The moment the formation was successfully arranged, Wu Qian and Zou quickly stepped back and jumped into the air .


Ma Jiang backed away anxiously, the breath of the second-rank formation oppressed him and he couldn't breathe. The so-called hallucinations, Ma Jiang saw something that frightened him, staggered a few times, rolled and fell from the ring, how many times did he fall? How embarrassing is as embarrassing as it is.

The atmosphere was silent for a while.

The members of the Holy Sword Sect had a well-thought-out plan, thinking that they would win the opening ceremony of the first round, but who would have thought that their disciples would lose after only half a fight?


Who would have thought that the members of the Holy Sword Sect would lose.

Elder Lu of the Holy Sword Sect is uncertain.

Wu Qian and Zou Qian bowed to Ma Jiang, who fell out of the ring, and said apologetically, "I offended you a lot before, so I'll accept it."

Ma Jiang didn't suffer much injuries, but when he fell off the ring, all the hallucinations disappeared, and his complexion was so ugly that it was fatal, livid and livid.


He actually lost.

Ma Jiang glared fiercely at Wu Qianzou who walked out of the ring, Wu Qianzou glanced at him and smiled.

The Holy Sword Sect lost miserably this time, and it also made others realize that the academy is not easy to mess with. This year's freshmen disciples seem to be very strong, so they are on guard.

The second match.

Xuan Daozong challenged.

More than 50 people are still very enthusiastic.

I can't wait to choose them for the second game.

The middle-aged man stood in front of the gate of the Holy Sword Sect with his hands behind his back, looked indifferently at the vigilant group of people, and said, "Master of Changtian Academy, come and see us."

Head of the Academy!

Venerable Xiuran!
Everyone's complexion changed quickly, and they hurried to inform the suzerain.

In fact, as early as when Venerable Xiuran appeared within the range of the Holy Sword Sect, the suzerain of the Holy Sword Sect had already sensed it, and he had arrived without notification.

"Han Yuefeng, what are you doing here?"

There was no emotion in the voice, but the figure's complexion seemed cold and ugly.

Venerable Xiuran looked at him and said, "I want to compete with you."

"Compare with me?" Di Hao sneered dryly, "I dare not compare with you, who are you, you are the famous Venerable Xiuran,
And I am just the sect master, how dare I compete with you, and I am not your opponent, since I have no hope, why should I compete with you. "

(End of this chapter)

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