Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 971 Take out your weapon, lest people misunderstand that I bully you

Chapter 971 Take out your weapon, lest people misunderstand that I bully you

Venerable Xiuran turned cold: "Di Haoqian, you should have known the price of being an enemy of the academy and this seat. I didn't trouble you with the Holy Sword Sect before, but I gave you another choice. But Now this seat has given you a chance."

Realizing that Venerable Xiuran was coming for real, Di Haogan's complexion changed immediately, his figure turned into a flash of light and flashed away, he wanted to escape, and in a fight with Han Yuefeng, he was no match at all.

Venerable Xiu Ran glanced around indifferently. These people were all members of the Holy Sword Sect, but now Di Haogan, who is the suzerain master, has escaped, which is ironic beyond words.

He really wasn't afraid that he would destroy the Holy Sword Sect.

However, Venerable Xiuran is not easy to do it.

Because apart from the suzerain, the Holy Sword Sect also has a group of elders, so it will inevitably take time to tidy it up.

But this man still has to clean up.

Venerable Xiuran narrowed his eyes for a while, and his figure disappeared.

Everyone in the Holy Sword Sect was so frightened that their backs were sweating, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know if the suzerain can win."

"Although I expect the suzerain to win, it's not like you don't know the identity of Venerable Xiuran. The existence ranked fourth in the strong list, our suzerain is not an opponent."

"I don't understand why our sect wants to be an enemy of the academy."


At this time, the second game is in progress.

The person Xuan Daozong wanted to challenge was a disciple named Jiang You. Unfortunately, Jiang You was this year's freshman disciple, and his strength was not weak among the freshman disciples, and he had already ranked among the top [-] freshman list not long ago.

Being able to decide to participate in the challenge competition, Jiang You's strength itself will not be weak.

But the people of Xuan Dao Sect came prepared.

In the end, Jiang You lost, and he lost badly. If he hadn't admitted defeat in advance, he might have been directly abolished as his dantian.

This scene somewhat made the people of Xuan Dao Sect regain face.

It also made other forces breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, these freshmen in the academy are not very strong. The first round just now was purely from the Holy Sword Sect. People are too weak.


Thinking about it this way made me feel a lot more relaxed.

It didn't take long.

The third match begins.

Ye Yuye sips the tea brewed by the stone, and leans on the back of the chair leisurely, with the fat cat nestled on her lap, and the movement on the ring will make it move its ears.

And on the other end.

Under the tree, the leaves blow off.

Standing with a figure.

With him as the center, a powerful aura spread out.

With a bang.

Calm was restored in an instant.

Jiang Yi opened his eyes, and he moved his lips a few times.

next moment.

In the space, that figure completely disappeared.

Among the noisy crowd, a tall figure dressed in black and embroidered with gold appeared. His eyes fell on the figure accurately, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He can come out now.

Ye Yuye frowned slightly, and handed the tea cup in Shi Shi's hand. After a while, she entered the space and found Jiang Yi standing in the pavilion, looking at the waterfall not far away.

The splashed water droplets glistened.

It looks crystal clear.

Ye Yuye opened his eyes suspiciously, was it an illusion?

But she didn't know that the moment she opened her eyes, the man in the pavilion turned his head and glanced in her original direction, his long and narrow eyes narrowed, showing a trace of unknown meaning.

Venerable Xiuran stood with his hands behind his back, looked indifferently at Di Haogan who was vomiting blood on the ground, and said: "Although the academy is not as powerful as before, it will not be slaughtered by others. I hope you can take care of yourself."

Di Hao wiped off the blood, and asked sullenly, "Feng Daoyi also lost?"

Venerable Xiu Ran brushed off his sleeves, tidied up the messy corners of his clothes, and when he heard Di Haogan's voice, he glanced at him indifferently: "Do you think he is my opponent?"

Di Haogan staggered up from the ground, and when he looked up, Han Yuefeng had already left.

Ha ha.

Is the Academy revived?

Di Haoqian's face became serious.


The master uncle who came back from the academy.

At the end of the third round, the Academy lost.

Everyone from the three major forces laughed.

Bai Liu, who was in the high position, frowned for a while, and the brows seemed to be very distressed. This scene fell in the eyes of the three elders, and they felt happy.

The other three pavilion masters glanced at each other and sighed.

Among them, the one who can pretend the most is the White Willow Pavilion Master, not to mention, the pretending is quite similar.

Dongfang Feng and Shao Xia looked at each other.

There are only two words in my heart.

Is it a coincidence that the only two companions have left, and now there are only two real freshmen disciples left?Or is it a coincidence?

Fourth game.

A disciple of Xuan Dao Sect came out.

I happened to see the young man in the crowd who was grinning at him. He was deeply provoked, and he pointed his finger at him: "Xuan Dao Sect, Yu Nan, a disciple of Feng Luo Feng's inner sect, is challenging!"

on high.

Elder Mo straightened up suddenly, his face became more serious.

Yu Nan was an apprentice he just accepted last year.

Talent is not weak.

At such a young age, he is now in the realm of the seventh heaven.

That's right.

Among these freshmen disciples, he mixed in a few old students, all of whom were not weak, and they came prepared to prevent accidents from happening.

Thinking about it now, it is indeed a wise choice.

The young man came out, still grinning heartlessly at Yu Nan, "Zhang Er, accept the challenge."

"..." Yu Nan snorted coldly, turned around and flew to the ring.

Zhang Er glanced back at Dongfang Feng and Shao Xia, blinked, and then stepped onto the ring unhurriedly. Before the competition started, the two reported their names to each other.

"You are not my opponent." Yu Nan glanced at Zhang Er, who was empty-handed, and frowned slightly, "Take out your weapon, lest people misunderstand that I bullied you."

Zhang Er thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't use a weapon, you will lose."

"..." Yu Nan's face froze, what do you mean?Is he being despised by a freshman disciple?

"You are not my opponent."

Zhang Er said it again very seriously, "You can admit defeat and compete with me, and you will lose ugly."


Yu Nan shouted angrily, what he said should have been the courage of this person!
Yu Nan didn't use a weapon, and neither did Zhang Er.

It wasn't until later that Yu Nan found out that Zhang Er was a talisman seal master, and Zhang Zhang's valuable talismans were thrown out without moving his eyebrows, and he was even refining talismans on the spot.

After this match, Yu Nan was the one who suffered the most. He was forced to retreat, and was forced to suffer again and again. There was no possibility of getting close to him.

On the contrary, the second picture looked a little weird, because this person was too strong, so strong that the elders of the three major forces paid attention to it, and wondered whether this person was the person they were looking for.

Seeing Yu Nan struggling to kneel down and the one-time talisman floating on the ground, Zhang Er raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I told you that you are not my opponent."

(End of this chapter)

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