Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 986 I came to find your master uncle, Jiang Ye

Chapter 986 I came to find your master uncle, Jiang Ye
This is also the reason why Holy Land is really powerful.

A strong man from ancient times sits in town!
In addition to the few strong men in the Holy Land, in this star field, there are actually many strong men who have survived from ancient times. inside the door.

Or, before the ancient times fell, they had already entered the superior world.

Few people know that the strength of those people is beyond the estimated range of the inferior world, and may have broken through the heaven ranks and entered another realm.

In the town at this time.

There was an old man with gray hair, he got up from the ground tremblingly, looked down at the clothes he was wearing, and frowned as if he was looking at something.

Not long after.

He walked out of a shop and changed himself from head to toe. Even his messy hair was tidied up and his face changed. He was not like the messy old beggar at all, but rather a calm and taciturn old man.

Before going to the Holy Land, Venerable Xiuran told Ye Yuye the news of the investigation. Apart from the three of Ye Yuye, Venerable Xiuran gave the rest of the places to the young elders of the academy, the youngest being 35 years old , the largest is about 100 years old.

Among them, Bai Liu, the pavilion master of the cultivator area, was also inside.

In fact, Venerable Xiuran originally intended to accompany his uncle, but even he left at this juncture. If there is trouble, I don't know if the academy can resist it.

Although he knew that his uncle was very strong, he sent Bai Liu there so that someone could help him on the way.

In the back mountain, there is another way to leave the academy.

"Hey hiss—"

The green horse shook its head a few times excitedly, looking energetic, like a majestic steed, with a black carriage behind it.

The baby ginseng emerged from the soil, and burrowed into the bosom of the stone with lightning speed, so fast that even Venerable Xiuran standing next to him didn't notice the strangeness.

Jiang Yi lifted the curtain of the car with his fingers, and only after Ye Yuye entered, he stepped up. The stone jumped clumsily and climbed up, and the fat cat landed lightly on the roof of the car. It didn't go in, but Climb on the back of the green horse.

Seen from behind, there is a mass of black on the horse's back.

Bai Liu bid farewell to Venerable Xiuran, glanced at the steed several times from the corner of the eye, feeling very itchy in his heart, Venerable Xiuran seemed to see the meaning in his eyes, and smiled: "This horse is not to be messed with, you Just take a look."

Bai Liu looked away, coughed a few times in embarrassment, and looked at the horse's hooves: "This is a good horse. Master uncle is lucky to find this horse."

Venerable Xiu Ran asked in a low voice: "Can you tell what kind of horse this is?"

Bai Liu looked at him sideways, seeing Venerable Xiuran's serious expression, he hesitated a little, then shook his head: "

I can't tell, this horse is strange here, it looks a bit similar to the divine horse, but no, it is not similar to other breeds of horses. "

Venerable Xiu Ran frowned slightly: "Hybrid?"

Bai Liu paused for a moment, then shook his head: "No, if you are a hybrid, you will feel that the aura is impure, mixed with other auras,
But it is different, I can feel that the breed of this horse is very pure, but I don't have the breed of this horse in my memory, that's the fault. "

As he said that, Bai Liu frowned in confusion, it doesn't matter if other people didn't know, why didn't even he know?

Could it be that there is no such horse in the star field he is in?

How did Master Uncle find this horse?

Bai Liu came back to his senses, they were all packed and ready, and he was the only one left. He patted Venerable Xiuran on the shoulder, with a hint of meaning: "Also, this cat feels very unusual to me."

Bai Liu quickly jumped into the carriage.

The six people who set out all sat in the same carriage.

And this carriage is not Ye Yuye's original one, but a carriage that is more capable of traveling, and it is a carriage specially prepared by Venerable Xiu Ran for them.

Its capacity is double that of the previous carriage, and it is like another space of its own, even more luxurious than a mansion owned by a certain powerful force.

And the horse is the same as before.

It will not feel clumsy, and it will increase the speed of the carriage.

Venerable Xiuran has thought about this.

In the Holy Land, everyone has treasures to carry and bless them. Whether it is body skills or mounts, they are all top-notch in the star field, and some of them even make him feel itchy for a long time.

This time the uncle and the others are going to the Holy Land, not to mention the academy's face, just because the uncle wants to go, he has to make proper preparations, and he must not let those people in the Holy Land look down upon him.

Qing Ma snorted.

With the route instructed by Venerable Xiuran earlier, it found its direction accurately, and the carriage turned a corner accordingly, and drove away under the watchful eyes of Venerable Xiuran.

The next moment, seeing that the carriage was nowhere to be seen, Venerable Xiuran muttered to himself: "

The speed of this horse is really fast. Could it be that there are horses of other races in the world... However, with this horse, even the Holy Lord of the Holy Land will not take the slightest bit of face, that's right. "

Venerable Xiuran seemed to be fine, and left the back mountain with a smile.

Outside the academy gate.

An old man appeared in front of the pillars of the academy.

After a while.

He looked up at the plaque of the academy, his cloudy eyes seemed complicated, but more of nostalgia.

The figure of Venerable Xiuran appeared in vain. Standing in front of the old man, he stared at the old man and frowned full of doubts. He didn't notice any hostility on this person, nor could he sense his cultivation level.

"I don't know who you are?"

Venerable Xiu Ran frowned and looked at him.

The old man restrained the complexities in his eyes, and when his eyes fell on Venerable Xiu Ran, he smiled lightly and said, "I'm here to find your master uncle, Jiang Ye."

At first, there was no change on Venerable Xiuran's face, until the last two words, Venerable Xiuran stared at the old man, a little solemn, a little vigilant: "Who are you?"

Everyone knew that there was a master uncle coming to the academy, but no one knew that the master uncle was the genius Jiang Ye who stirred up the star field back then.

"It seems that it is really him..."

The old man was actually not sure if the person inside was Jiang Ye, but he was sure after seeing the changes in Venerable Xiuran.

Jiang Ye is back.

More than 2000 years.

This is long enough.

The old man walked over with steady and strong steps, just listening to the voice, it is impossible to tell that he is an old man with gray temples: "

Don't worry, I won't say anything, I just want to meet an old friend. I used to be in the academy, and I was also a member of the academy, the master of Han. "

Venerable Xiuran felt a little relieved, but he still said without changing his face: "Dare to ask who is Your Excellency."

Know the name of the master uncle.

Venerable Xiuran probably guessed that this person was a strong man thousands of years ago, even much older than him, and there was a little more respect in his voice.

Since he used to be a member of the academy, as long as he speaks his name, as the head of the academy, he will definitely know.

(End of this chapter)

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