Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 987 Meeting the Academy and the Holy Land

Chapter 987 Meeting the Academy and the Holy Land

The old man raised his eyebrows halfway. He looked at Venerable Xiuran for a long time, restrained the faint smile on his lips, and bowed to him earnestly, performing the etiquette of the academy, the salute to the head of the school.

"Yunhe, once served as the master of the Fulu district of the academy, meet the master."

Hearing this name, Venerable Xiuran changed his expression in an instant, and stared straight at the old man, Yunhe!He was a genius of his generation!Talisman genius!
The strongest talisman teacher in the academy!
He is still alive!

Considering his age, he should be almost three thousand years old.

It is said that his uncle brought him to the academy back then.

Since the uncle left, Pavilion Master Yunhe also left the academy, and his whereabouts are unknown.

After a long silence, Venerable Xiu Ran raised his eyes and bowed his hands to show respect: "Pavilion Master Yunhe."

Yunhe looked in the direction of the entrance of the academy, and when he heard Venerable Xiuran's voice, he shook his head and said, "I'm no longer the pavilion master, this trip is just to meet him."

"Since you left, the Academy no longer has the position of the Master of the Talisman Pavilion. After all, you are still the Master of the Academy."

Venerable Xiuran said again, with the intention of changing the subject, "Uncle Master is not here now, why not wait for a few more days in the academy?"

Seeing that Yunhe was silent, Venerable Xiuran continued: "I know Pavilion Master Yunhe wants to see Master Uncle, and the Academy will notify you as soon as Master Uncle returns, but I can't guarantee that Master Uncle will leave that day. "

"it is good,"

Venerable Xiuran's voice stopped abruptly, Yunhe nodded, "Then please trouble the master to take me in for a few days, and I will leave when I see him."

"No hurry, the pavilion master will treat it as a visit to the academy for a few days," Venerable Xiuran smiled, "If the pavilion master still wants to come back, the academy will welcome him very much."

Yunhe looked at him, shook his head and said nothing.

Finding that Yunhe didn't seem very interested in the position of Pavilion Master, Venerable Xiuran let out a long sigh, followed the old man's footsteps, and entered the academy.

Venerable Xiuran's original intention was to let him stay, but he couldn't figure out what Yunhe was thinking, and he also knew that if it wasn't because of his uncle, he probably wouldn't have stayed in the academy at all.

He paused for a moment, staring at the old man's back and squinting his eyes, maybe he could change his mind before the uncle came back.


above the mundane.

Standing on the fairy peak.

The holy place is inside.

Since they used the quota of Xizhou Holy Land for this trip, they should rush to Xizhou to find those people from the Holy Land for a round.

Using the advanced teleportation array, it may not be impossible to arrive within a day.

this day.

Among the places to go to the Sword Tomb, there are several powerful elders of the Holy Land, as well as disciples of the Holy Land. They are all sword cultivators, and the elders are there to protect the disciples of the Holy Land.

It is said that going to Jianzhong this time is more grand than before.

It is even heard that even the Holy Lord will visit in person.

of course.

There was gossip that there was a vision in Jianzhong, which was said to be related to the Emperor Xiaoyao in ancient times. They thought it was true, otherwise how could they alarm the Holy Lord.

We also need to cooperate with the people in the academy.

This is something that has never happened before.

They probably thought that the people from the academy would use the teleportation array, but they didn't expect to see them coming in a carriage.

Incredibly fast.

Even the elders of the Holy Land had to be surprised and found it incredible.

What breed of horse is this?
Nanzhou and Xizhou are far away from each other.

No teleportation array was used, and the carriage was still used.

Some people even wondered if there were no senior formation masters in the academy.

Did they leave early in the morning?
But the horse is fast enough.

It took less than two breaths between when they saw the carriage and when it landed on the ground. If they could do this, it meant that the horse was of a very high level.

The holy land is the most sacred and mysterious place in the entire star field.

Just stepping into this place, you can feel the thick aura pouring into your body, the clouds and mist are layered around, looking down, there is only the abyss.

There are more than 30 holy land disciples sent out, all of whom are sword-wielding practitioners, some are geniuses from all over the world, and some are geniuses born in the holy land.

Geniuses from all star fields have heard a lot of news about Changtian Academy, and there is curiosity about the Academy in their eyes.

It's just that the geniuses who grew up in the local area are different. They treat the academy as a servant from a small power, and always despise them with a superior attitude.

"Is this a worldly carriage? It doesn't look very good."

"I heard people say that this carriage is unique and has a lot of space."

"How big can it be? Can it be as big as our Shenzhou? I don't think they even have a teleportation array, otherwise they wouldn't come here in a carriage."

"Not even a teleportation array?" Someone whispered, "That's too pitiful."

Someone in the carriage was still admiring the speed of the horse, but after hearing this, the corners of their mouths twitched a few times.

They are so poor that they don't even have a teleportation array.

Since when have academies been regarded as poor kilns?
How long has it been since these people in the Holy Land were born?

Listening to the discussions around the outside of the academy, the elders of the Holy Land did not say anything. Someone locked his eyes on the carriage and said loudly: "

Dare I ask if there are people from the academy?The Holy Land has always stipulated that idlers are not allowed to enter the Holy Land area! "

Isn't this asking knowingly?

In the carriage, someone cleared his throat a few times and replied, "Dare to ask, is this the Holy Land of Xizhou?"

The face of a certain elder who was questioned froze. The voice from the carriage was a woman. Elder Xi was sent out by the academy. Although he was around forty years old, his appearance was well maintained and he was a beautiful person. woman.

She lifted the curtain, took a look at the surroundings, then stared at the middle-aged man who had spoken before, and said with a calm smile, "I'm asking you, is this the Holy Land of Xizhou?"

The faces of the other elders leading the team were also a little ugly.

It seems that I can't understand that people who are in the academy on other people's territory can be so presumptuous?Aren't you afraid that the Holy Master will be angry and kill them all?
The elder's face was ashen, and he squeezed two words out of his mouth: "Exactly."

"That's right," Elder Xi seemed relieved, and turned to look at the other people in the carriage, "We're right, this is Xizhou."

Holy land elder: "..."

The voice in the carriage fell, and all the elders in the Holy Land looked very unhappy, but this person did not say anything wrong, even if he was angry, he had to bear it, and it was their most aggrieved place.

The surrounding Holy Land disciples looked at each other in dismay, the original discussion disappeared without a sound, and the people from the academy seemed a little arrogant.

In the carriage, Bai Liu looked at the woman in front of him for a while, feeling a little helpless, still in such a fiery temper, he raised his hand and opened the curtain, and asked, "How soon will the holy land be ready to go, do you want us to go down?"

(End of this chapter)

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