Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 988 How Can Their Academy Compare With Our Holy Land

Chapter 988 How Can Their Academy Compare With Our Holy Land

One of the elders said yes, let's go now, and asked in a calm voice: "May I ask you?"

Bai Liu responded with a smile: "The master of the academy, Bai Liu."

It turned out to be the pavilion master.

The complexions of the elders in the Holy Land improved a lot. As far as they knew, the Pavilion Master was equivalent to the Peak Master of their Holy Land. It seemed that the academy took it seriously.

The people sent by the Holy Land to the Sword Tomb were all gathered outside the Holy Land Gate. It can be said that their current location has only stepped into the Holy Land.

Wait here for the people from the academy to come.

Obviously, they didn't want the people from the academy to enter the Holy Land, but it didn't matter, they didn't actually intend to enter the Holy Land.

According to the arrangement of the Holy Land, they had to get out of the carriage.

Elder Xi was the first to walk down, followed by Bai Liu. The two of them standing there looked like men and women, but they didn't know that Pavilion Master Bai Liu was much younger than this Elder Xi.

In the carriage, Ye Yuye woke up.

The position of her pillow happened to be Jiang Yi's leg.

After being in a trance for a while, she got up and raised her hand to press her temple. She seemed to feel a little bit of pain, and then dreamed again, a dream related to Jiang Yi.

Maybe not a dream.

It was her lost memory.

She had a hunch that she might be getting closer to the truth.

Seeing Ye Yuye pressing the center of his eyebrows, Jiang Yi wanted to go over to help her. At the same moment, Ye Yuye turned to look at him, stared at his face for a while, and unconsciously raised a finger to seduce him. Rao Jiang Yi himself was taken aback, especially when he felt his body stiffen.

Because Ye Yuye bent down, Jiang Yi's breathing stagnated, Ye Yuye's eyes fell on the area next to his ear, and she saw a very faint mole, she raised her eyebrows lightly, and sure enough That dream is not a dream.

It's the same person.

I may have known Jiang Yi a long time ago.

Maybe he doesn't know yet.

The young man looked lazy, maybe he was thinking about something, she didn't look at Jiang Yi again, rubbed Shitou's head, and got out of the carriage.

The appearance of the boy made them withdraw their attention, but they stared at the handsome face of the boy, and they were stunned.

Why is this person sent by the academy so young?

Only in the next moment, their expressions changed again.

Because a child got out of the carriage!
A child who looks very young, only five or six years old, is he going to Jianzhong?Just wasting the quota to a child like this, what is the academy thinking?

The quota itself is not enough, even in their Holy Land, the places given out are some disciples who have geniuses in swordsmanship, and teenagers are nothing more than that, what is the use of a child in the past?

Can it resonate with the sword?
Some people even wondered if the Holy Master would regret allocating the places to the academy after seeing it?
In the carriage, Jiang Yi gently curled his thin lips and smiled.

He got out of the carriage, his eyes fell on the slender figure, and he felt an itch in his heart.

Six people are here.

The elders in the Holy Land obviously regarded Bai Liu as the backbone of the academy, and one of the elders said to him: "

The Sword Tomb is an important place guarded by the holy places of the four directions. It can only be opened when the energy storage is sufficient. Only one hundred people can enter one of the holy places.

It's just that this time is different from the previous ones. Due to some accidents, the number of places is tight and limited. There are only fifty places in one holy place. "

As he said that, the elder glanced at the people behind Bai Liu, and said, "You are lucky, outsiders are not allowed to enter the sword mound.
This is the first time you have been recruited here by the Holy Master. When we open the Sword Tomb, you will follow us. After entering, you will see other holy places in the three continents. "

In the academy, Elder Ji asked, "Is your Holy Master going too?"

"Want to see our Holy Master?" Someone in the team spoke with disdain, "

Is our Holy Master someone you can see whenever you want? Even your pavilion master is not qualified to see the Holy Lord, let alone you are just an elder. "

After a while, an elder suddenly stopped and shouted, "Ke Ziang, shut up!"

The person who was reprimanded was a disciple in the team, he was a little unwilling, his face was exposed in the crowd, and he said angrily: "

Elder Mo, I am telling the truth, our Holy Master is a heavenly powerhouse, what about them!How could their academy be compared to our holy land! "

Bai Liu didn't speak.

Although Elder Xi has a fiery temper, it's hard to hold back his temper. He took a deep breath and didn't take it seriously. He just complained in his heart. People in Holy Land have really escaped the world for too long. Don't you know that there are many heavenly classes outside of Holy Land? Other strong?
"Ke Ziang, if you don't want to go to Jianzhong, you can give your place to someone else."

Elder Mo's face was sullen, and he wanted to kill this kid. Although he didn't like the Academy very much, he knew the strength of the Academy and really made the people in the Academy anxious. In the end, it was definitely their Holy Land that regretted it.

What's more, they still don't know who the master uncle of the academy is.

As soon as he heard that he was going to give the quota to other people, Ke Ziang became honest. With this precedent, other people who were still discussing in the team also became honest.

It was not easy for them to get a place to go to Jianzhong. If they lost their places because of a dispute with the academy, they would definitely regret it to the point where their guts would turn green.

As a result, no one really dared to publicly say that the academy was not good. Some people strode forward, and some people turned their attention to Ye Yuye and the others.

Not to mention the relationship between the academy.

It was this young man, and the man next to him. The faces of these two people were perfect. No matter who they were, they were not inferior to each other, and even each had its own merits.

If you really want to compare.

It is nothing more than that the man is much taller than the boy, and the boy looks younger than the man, as if he is only about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Except for these two, the others are actually not bad.

They are both handsome men and beautiful women, but compared with the two of them, they seem a little neglected, as if looking up at the night, the first thing they see is the vast stars.

of course.

Elder Xu, as the elder who looks older here, is not in this range.

Seeing that no one was making a fuss anymore, the man named Elder Mo's expression softened a lot, and he chatted with Elder Xu who seemed to be about the same age.

At first, they asked questions and answered questions, and later they also asked about the recent situation of the academy. Elder Xu would basically answer, after all, there was nothing to hide, and everyone in Star Field knew about it.

The road to Jianzhong is very close.

The mighty people stopped.

This is a large teleportation array.

About ten meters long and wide.

All can be brought in.

The green horse looked curiously, and the fat cat on top of its head was extraordinarily energetic, staring straight at it with a pair of dark pupils with a hint of blood.

Because of the short steps, the stone rode on the back of the green horse, and his shiny head looked extraordinarily smooth under the sunlight.

(End of this chapter)

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