Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 991 You said you were afraid that I would get hurt, and you would feel distressed, so you se

Chapter 991 You said you were afraid that I would get hurt, and you would feel distressed, so you sent me to save my life

The purpose of their coming to Sword Tomb, apart from Jiuxiao Dao, is to be interested in the Sword Tomb in charge of the Holy Land, otherwise they would not stand here.

Stones won't make swords, but go too.

Ye Yuye has had her own natal weapon ever since she became conscious, and she is not interested in the swords in the sword mound, so she turned her head to look at Jiang Yi next to her: "What about you?"

Jiang Yi lowered his eyes to look at her, his slender and thick eyelashes drooped down, and the bottom of his eyes was dark and unclear, mixed with a bit of complexity: "You forgot that I have spirit."

His voice paused for a moment, and he said for a moment, "You sent it."

"The sword?"

Ye Yuye was stunned, and suddenly remembered the scene of returning the sword weapon at that time, everything could be explained in that instant,

No wonder the sword would go with her. The sword has self-awareness and knows her, so the sword thinks that she can lead it to find its owner?
Shen Yi.

Shen Yi.

It started with Jiang Yi's fame.

It turned out she was the one who started it.

Ye Yuye was stunned for a moment, she had some indistinct emotions, and suddenly she smiled and asked him, "What did I say then?"

Jiang Yi lowered his eyes to look at the hands that were clasped together, his long and narrow eyes were slightly deep, he raised his eyes and chuckled lightly, his voice was clear and deep: "You said you were afraid of getting hurt, and you would feel sorry for yourself, that's why you sent me to save my life."

Ye Yuye squinted his eyes: "Since this is the case, why is the sword in the nine-storied tower?"

The smile on Jiang Yi's lips gradually disappeared: "Because I lost it."

Lost by him.


At that time, he wondered whether it was because of the sword that the master left him, or whether it was because of the sword that the master no longer protected him.

So, he threw it away.

The contact with Shenyi was severed.

There used to be a little bit of confusion, hoping that Master could come back.

Come back and continue to protect him.

But he didn't wait.

Later, he regretted it.

He regretted throwing it away, because that sword had the memory of him and his master, and the master lost it, so he didn't want to lose the only few things.

He hoped that he would remember that person until he died.

rather than forgetting.

Can't remember what he looked like.

How could he tell him all this.

Jiang Yi closed his eyes, Ye Yuye seemed to know that he didn't want to say more, looked down at his hands, and smiled: "Then sit with me."

Brushing the sleeves, the ground where it was located became clean.

It's the kind that doesn't even stick to the dust.

Ye Yuye sat on the ground, Jiang Yi didn't want to let go and sat on the ground with her, no one knew the complexity in his heart, but more of it was the warmth, the warmth seemed to be healing in his heart.

In fact, he had never experienced anything when he was a child. He had done all the dirty, bitter, painful, and tiring things. He really wanted to tell him that he was not afraid of being dirty, but his illness...was only later on.

All are releasing.

Find your favorite sword.


Traces of swords and swords rushed towards the distance!

one hundred!
two hundred!

three hundred!

A thousand swords are coming at a gallop!

They all go in opposite directions.

The sword is fast and fast.

Densely packed.

Some people were overjoyed when they saw this scene, and in an instant, the voices of discussion came frantically, as fierce as thousands of swords, envious, envious, and proud.

"Hahaha, damn it! 63 swords! It resonates with me! There is also a high-grade sword of the mysterious rank!"

"Only sixty or so? Look at me, I have 88! This number is definitely auspicious! And I still have a lot of mysterious swords!"

"88? Cut, look at them, the one next door to us has more than 200 swords! It's impressive! Some of them are complete swords!"


Comparison between a holy place.

The most ferocious ones from the holy land will compete with other holy lands, to see who has more resonating swords, and the level of the swords.


A genius disciple who resonated more than 2000 times appeared in the Holy Land of Nanzhou!Immediately, there was a lot of commotion, densely packed swords surrounded a person, it was very spectacular!Gives a lot of touch!

More than 2000 handles!

About to surpass Jianzhong's record!

Nanzhou, the leader of the Quartet.


That is recognized.

Not only the strong in the Holy Land, but also quite a lot of geniuses.

Following closely behind was a genius disciple from Beizhou.

It also resonates with more than 2000 swords!
It vaguely looks like surpassing the disciple in Nanzhou.

The appearance of thousands of swords made the surrounding area much darker.

The densely packed area will inevitably give people a subconscious sense of creepiness when viewed from a distance.

It's just that no one expected that someone in the Xizhou Holy Land would resonate more than 2000 swords like the Nanbeizhou Holy Land!And it's not over yet!
There are countless swords coming towards Xizhou!
Dongzhou people's complexion cracked.

Someone was shocked.

"Fuck, who is this person? Xizhou still has geniuses?"

"Really, is Xizhou so powerful this time? It can resonate with three thousand swords, I dare you! This is almost beyond the record! Who is this? This is it?"

"Unexpectedly, Xizhou is stronger than Dongzhou this time, tsk tsk, look at Dongzhou, everyone with stinky faces can scare people to death!"


The Xizhou Holy Land was also shocked.

When they went to see who it was, they realized that it was not from Xizhou, but from the academy, a young man with good looks and temperament.

They remembered, this is the pavilion master of the academy, Bai Liu.

Each complexion became a little complicated.

Different from the complicated hearts from other holy places, I feel that Xizhou Holy Land has become the focus because of the academy. Without the academy, are they the same as before, the kind of unknown?And then ridiculed?

But just now.

They seem to have a bad attitude towards the academy.

At the same time.

Elder Xi and the others also successfully resonated with the sword weapon.

Although not as many as Bailiu's, there are still more than a few hundred swords.

Among them, Elder Xu is the weakest.

Probably he is not a sword cultivator, and only resonates with more than 20 sword weapons.

And Shitou has never practiced from the beginning to the end, he seems to have no talent in swordsmanship, so that he didn't even attract a sword.

Tens of thousands of swords hovered around.

In the sound of the wind, the sound of the sword's cry was louder than the other.

Probably there is also a contest between swords.

The Holy Master Nanzhou squinted his eyes for a while, and looked in the direction of Xizhou. To be precise, he stared at a person and asked aloud, "When did Holy Master Ji recruit this genius?"

Perhaps they were all waiting for his answer, and they were quiet for a while.

The Holy Master Xizhou felt a little bitter in his heart, and shook his head and said: "Wrong, I hope he is, but no, this person is not a disciple of the Holy Land, but a member of the academy, and the pavilion master of the cultivator area, Bai Liu."

"From the academy?"

Now, the three Holy Masters were surprised.

Apart from Venerable Xiuran, there are other geniuses like this in the academy?

Being able to resonate with more than 3000 swords is not something everyone can do, and even they can only resonate with more than 2000 swords at most.

(End of this chapter)

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