Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 992 Let's not mention this matter, have you sensed it?

Chapter 992 Let's not mention this matter, have you sensed it?

The Holy Master of Dongzhou gritted his teeth secretly, and stared at the area of ​​Xizhou uncertainly: "It seems that the people sent by Venerable Xiuran are all geniuses."

Follow the gaze of the Holy Master Xizhou.

It is impossible for them not to know which one is from the Academy.

After all, there is still a gap between the costumes worn by the Holy Land and the Academy.

Beizhou Shengzhu's eyes looked a bit disappointed: "

Only the person named Bai Liu drew more than 3000 swords, but if you look at the other people in the academy, there are hundreds or dozens, and there are two who have not resonated with the sword at all..."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the two of them, and he frowned deeply.

No matter how he looked at these two people, he felt strange.

At first, he just thought that these two people couldn't resonate with the sword weapon, and they didn't have the talent of sword repair, but when he saw the second and third eyes, he felt something wrong in his heart.


These two are so unusual.

If it was someone else who didn't resonate with the sword weapon, it would be full of disappointment, and even doubt about life, but he didn't feel it at all in these two people.

It seems to be completely isolated from here.

What other people are doing, they don't move.

In addition, there is the child.

Whether it is the Holy Master of Beizhou or the other three continents, they all have the same doubt.

There are only six places, why would the academy stuff a child in?Or a kid who has absolutely no talent for kendo?What do you think?

Venerable Xiuran?
Although they don't have much relationship with Venerable Xiuran, and they can even be said to be hostile, they don't believe that this is what Venerable Xiuran did.

A little abnormal.

The frowned eyebrows of the Holy Master Nanzhou deepened a lot, and the eyes looking at the Holy Master Xizhou became more dignified, and his voice lowered a little: "Holy Master Ji, don't forget that they are an academy."

"I haven't forgotten."

The face of Holy Master Xizhou also changed.

Compared with other forces in the star field, their holy land does not want the academy to come back to life, neither do they want to have any enemies in the past, or themselves.

The Lord Dongzhou raised his head, gestured to the three of them, and expressed his guess: "Is it possible that Bai Liu is the master uncle of the academy?"

Hearing this, Holy Master Xizhou frowned: "Impossible, he is too young."

It was impossible because he was too young.

If the master uncle of the academy is real, then he should be a disciple of the former master's generation. The age difference will not be too big, but it is absolutely impossible to be so young.

Like Bai Liu, it's only about thirty at most.

For practitioners, this is still very young.

It was quite possibly another person.

Their eyes subconsciously cast their eyes on the elder Xu of the academy. If it is the uncle of the academy master, they are very similar in age.
It is very possible that the cultivation level stays at the second level of the earth, and it is possible to hide the cultivation level. After all, it is a person of that generation, and has the ability and strength to prevent them from prying out.

The Holy Master Beizhou stroked his chins thoughtfully, with an indescribable emotion in his voice: "The 28 swords resonate, the [-] swords are mysterious, and the rest are ground-level swords, which is suspicious."

The Holy Master Dongzhou asked in a deep voice: "Would you like to test a few times later?"

The Holy Master Xizhou hesitated for a while: "Try it, let's say goodbye, it would be bad if you fall into their ways, not to mention it's hard to say whether it's him or not."


Is it hard to say.

But among the six people, the most likely one is the old man.

The Holy Master of Nanzhou stared in the direction of Xizhou, and lowered his voice: "The Venerable Xiuran did not show up. There is probably something wrong with these six. It is still necessary to test."

After all, before anyone else could speak, he stretched out his hand to stop him, his expression solemn: "Let's not mention this for now, did you feel it?"

"They haven't finished yet, and they haven't noticed any abnormalities around them for the time being. Maybe they are not strong enough to force Jiuxiaodao out."

The Holy Master Dongzhou took a few steps forward, and the abyss happened to be under his feet. This was a place they had never been to, and it was also the most difficult place to explore.

I have been to all the places in Jianzhong, and I have looked for it.

But only this ten thousand zhang abyss has never been visited by anyone, maybe there have been, but no one has been able to come up, it is said that even the strongest of the sky will be buried in it.

Although they wanted to find Jiu Xiao Dao, they would not sacrifice their lives for a possibility.

The Lord Beizhou frowned: "Is there really the Jiuxiaodao of Emperor Xiaoyao in the sword mound? Maybe that vision doesn't mean anything."

"That vision is an ancient vision," the Holy Lord of Nanzhou stared deeply at the Holy Lord of Beizhou, speaking seriously and decisively, "

If the fairy artifacts from the ancient times were born, they would definitely show that kind of vision, not man-made, but definitely a vision of the resonance of heaven and earth, the weapon of Emperor Xiaoyao is in the sword mound, or..."

The Lord of Nanzhou glanced at the abyss at his feet, but did not speak again.

The Nine Heavens Knife is most likely below.

Shitou shook his small head a few times, the light flashed by the sword passing in front of his eyes was extremely dazzling, and it hurt a little, he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes,
Maybe he knew that he was not a piece of sword cultivator, he looked around, found Ye Yuye's position, hid from the densely packed sword weapons, and trotted to Ye Yuye's side before stopping.

So that the fat cat was carried from the ground into the arms of the stone.

The long tail is dragging, and the long tail is lifted up a little bit reluctantly to prevent it from rubbing against the dust.

At this moment, Bai Liu opened his eyes, and with the idea of ​​not taking it for nothing, he chose a heavenly-ranked sword weapon that looked pretty good.

He has a heavenly sword, and he does not lack it.

But it doesn't mean there is no shortage of other people in the academy.

Bai Liu held a sword that was still trembling in his hand, and let the other swords that were still reluctant to part with him go back.

Among the more than 3000 swords, there are quite a few heavenly swords. I don't know how long these swords have been in the sword mound, waiting for the sword master to take them back.

After finally finding the sword master he wanted, he could only watch as the man found other sword weapons and stayed by Bai Liu's side for a while before they left.

After Bai Liu had an idea, he said to the sword in his hand: "Thank you for choosing me, but I am not a good sword master. I will take you to find your real master when I go back. Are you willing? If not Wish, I won't force you."

The sword trembled.

It seems to be hesitating.

after awhile.

The sword in Bai Liu's hand gradually became quiet.

It, agreed.

Bai Liu smiled, and the sword disappeared from his hand in an instant.

And the other people in the academy also chose their weapons.

Except for Bai Liu himself, the swords in the hands of others are only earth-level swords, but the power is the strongest among the upper and lower ranks of the earth-level.

of course.

The one in Elder Xu's hand is no exception.


There are far fewer swords coming from the sky.

It looked less crowded.

But there are still thousands of swords.

(End of this chapter)

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